Dead State - We Have a Release Date!


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Well hope the news title got your attention as DoubleBear released a new Halloween update with news that Dead State finally has a release date.
Big Halloween News: We Have a Release Date!

The DoubleBear team has some extra-special, ultra-awesome news for you to celebrate Halloween: Dead State has a release date!

That's right: on December 4th, 2014 - just over a month away - Dead State will emerge from the cocoon of Early Access and transform into a beautiful, fully matured game!

On top of that, later today we plan to release Patch #4 chock full of delicious, gooey content, features, and fixes, so keep an eye out for that. Pretty sweet Halloween treats, right?

Aside from Patch #4 going out later today/tonight, we plan to release one final patch before the launch; after that, we’re going to focus our full attention on fixing, balancing, and polishing Dead State until we run full speed across the finish line. All you have to do is keep playing, having fun, and sharing your feedback with us, and we’ll do the rest.

Please help us out by spreading the word about the launch date - take to Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and your other social networks / forums of choice and give them the good news. After all, it's only decent to warn your friends about the coming apocalypse :)

Happy Halloween, everyone - may your undead slaying be merry!

P.S. Another bonus for you - check out our preview of the Dead State OST. Five full songs for you to enjoy!
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
So whats the verdict do you all think the game is ready for release? From reading the games forums, and the comments on this site the game has many problems.o_O
Oct 1, 2010
This product has been released for months now. It's been months it was ready for release.

It does not read as they've planned to give a lot of work past the date they set.
Mar 29, 2011
This product has been released for months now. It's been months it was ready for release.
A beta was available not the full game that is the main difference. Anyway I was asking about all the problems people seem to have with the current version.
It does not read as they've planned to give a lot of work past the date they set
I hope they do otherwise the game better be perfect on release.
Oct 1, 2010
I hope it is great. I am tired of the Zombie Apocalypse-- and really don't play those games. But I love a turned based RPG so that makes this one something with great expectations. But It would be great to hear some Beta reports because with great expectations come great disappointment in gaming sometimes!!
Nov 11, 2010
I have it...played just a bit but it runs fine. I didn't want to play too much in order to not ruin the story for the later run through. It never crashed on me in my limited play time though, and it did look nice.
Apr 17, 2007
I've been doing a lot of in-depth hacking and investigation with some others on the forum to help find bugs before release. I've yet to analyze Update #4 too much but have been working on and off for past 2 months. I will give it a 'Plausible' to be in a state that is playable completely from end to end on December 4 without major bugs.

The game engine is stable and at this point most of the items left are fixing maps and dialog. Mostly providing content and ensuring the content works as well as some balancing on weapons in combat. This is a good state to be in though personally I'd want to be in "gold master" form with everything basically frozen with 1 month to go. It allows for bug fixes of showstopper variety. I will have to play Update #4 to see if they are there but I would be surprised if they are.

They are basically working around the clock at this point so I do think they could get it done but it will not have the polish of a Blizzard game for sure. They have indicated that they will work on it after release but I'm sure the degree is subject to financials as this did not get a $3MM+ budget like Wasteland 2 or Project Eternity.

The game scratches an itch for me that few other games have recently so I find it worth my time at the moment to try help out and play through it. I enjoy the characters they have added and the general tone is appropriate for the setting they are in so I do hope they pull this off. I'm believe I will be recommending it to the average RPGWatch member but probably with some words of caution come release day.
Apr 23, 2010
OMG ! Last week I've just finished to completly explore ALL the maps of the game and the result is that at least one fourth (1 out of 4) of the locations are "empty" (buildings have walls, but you can walk through them, and there is no loot and no zombies). And I've submited quite a lot of other bugs in the last 2 weeks (so on the curent build).
So, even if the devs repeat that it's easy/fast to correct the empty locations, I'm worried about the fact they release in 1 month only !
Let's be clear : When it will be REALLY finished this game will be a really cool game that I'll enjoyed playing but it seems impossible to REALLY solve all those issues in one month (I mean correctly solve… because if they just throw randomly some zombies and some random loot everywhere on the empty maps indeed the maps won't be empty anymore but I would prefer they place those zombies and loot in a logical manner, you know in order to have some sort of story and have loot related to the location : for exemple mostly ammos when you are in a gunshop, medecines when you are in a hospital, and so on). So I'm afraid the release in one month will be sort of 'wasted' by quick (rushed) fixs instead of having taken time to correctly solve the issues.
But I hope I've wrong.
Also, I wait for their other game, Age of Decadence, for more than a year now, so I guess now that Dead State is "finished" that the devs are going to be able to work more on Age of Decadence in order accelerate its release date too.
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Aug 15, 2013
European Union
A beta was available not the full game that is the main difference. Anyway I was asking about all the problems people seem to have with the current version.
I hope they do otherwise the game better be perfect on release.

A beta release is a release.

The game must not be perfect.
It might be released in a state that begets a large amount of work, only to be met by a light work response. The amount of content is not an insurance of gameplay, it only means it will take longer before a lack of gameplay is exhibited.
It is coming soon so the work provided after the december release will be known soon enough.
Mar 29, 2011
Haven't played the beta and didn't back this on on Kickstarter. I'm not crazy about the zombie apocalypse setting, although I do watch and enjoy The Walking Dead tv series. At least it's something kinda different as far as RPGs go; there's Project Zomboid which is currently in alpha funding.. and maybe a few other zombie games with some RPG elements like 7 days to die and State of Decay.

However, it's ultimately not all that different from Wasteland / Fallout style post-apoc setting; just a different causes for the apocalypse. I think if Dead State really focuses on the survival aspect (which is sounds like they do) this game could be very interesting. I just hope there's some C&C and that the combat is at least decent.
Apr 9, 2013
Crazy year.I have to put on straight to backlog lot of games I would play right away any other year there are just too many of them.I was hopping this would be delayed bit more.
May 21, 2012
Sto plains
OMG ! Last week I've just finished to completly explore ALL the maps of the game and the result is that at least one fourth (1 out of 4) of the locations are "empty" (buildings have walls, but you can walk through them, and there is no loot and no zombies). And I've submited quite a lot of other bugs in the last 2 weeks (so on the curent build).
So, even if the devs repeat that it's easy/fast to correct the empty locations, I'm worried about the fact they release in 1 month only !
Let's be clear : When it will be REALLY finished this game will be a really cool game that I'll enjoyed playing but it seems impossible to REALLY solve all those issues in one month (I mean correctly solve… because if they just throw randomly some zombies and some random loot everywhere on the empty maps indeed the maps won't be empty anymore but I would prefer they place those zombies and loot in a logical manner, you know in order to have some sort of story and have loot related to the location : for exemple mostly ammos when you are in a gunshop, medecines when you are in a hospital, and so on). So I'm afraid the release in one month will be sort of 'wasted' by quick (rushed) fixs instead of having taken time to correctly solve the issues.
But I hope I've wrong.

We did a big pass over the levels for patch 4, and many of these issues are corrected. Also, let me go into some technical answers for your concerns:

- Regarding walking through walls, setting tiles to unpassable is quite easy, just selecting the tiles you shouldn't walk on and set them. Takes around 5 minutes per level.

- Placing characters also is quite easy on the technical side, since we have lots of enemies archetypes and it's mostly drag and drop. And Brian and Annie have lots of good ideas for the types of enemies and creating stories, so it won't be just dropping some random zombies. With the idea, doesn't take much to implement.

- We have lootlists that take care into account the type of location (gun store, hospital, supermarket), but some of the location were still missing the actual containers. Setting them up, again, is not complicated, just placing the container volume and assigning the loot type.

We have a very small amount of levels left to complete, which we will be wrapping up this week, and then it's doing lots of polish passes. In Update 4 you'll see lots of visual and design improvements to the levels too, especially to those barebone "4 houses dropped in a level" ones :)
Aug 16, 2008
San Isidro, Argentina
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