Death Stranding Coming to PC

Golden powerlegs! He can haul an extra 100kg or so with that thing on.

I've been enjoying it a ton. I've got over 100 hours in the game now, but I think it's about to wind down. First it was fun just exploring the landscape. Then it was fun building the highways. Now it's fun building a zip line network!

It has some issues, naturally. Getting Sam to make tight turns isn't very easy - this is one of those games where you seem to be steering the character like a vehicle. (You can get around that by hitting G to get into compass mode and changing your facing.) The reactions of the NPCs to your deliveries get disgusting after a while, too. "Wow Sam, you're incredible. How did you ever carry such a huge load!?" Well gee, maybe it has something to do with that truck sitting behind me?

Then fun has easily dwarfed the bad stuff, though.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Wow. I just finished the main game. That was one HUGE pile of exposition! I would say you should have some popcorn ready but, seriously, that's far too much popcorn for one person to eat in a week, never mind an afternoon.

Anyway, aside from some Director's Cut clean-up and a last run around the world to fix up some deteriorating zip lines that I want to leave in a good state, I've gotten through the game. I enjoyed it a lot. Even the expo-dump at the end was fun because I was so interested in why the frak all of this was happening.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
It's a tough one to anticipate. It's got building stuff, though it's infrastructure instead of a base, and your work can help other players. It's got similarities to the Metal Gear Solid games, but this one has very little violence and just about no "fan service" (looking at you, Quiet... for a little bit longer than I should). There's some exploration going on, too. Oh, and there are a few shout-outs to other games, like that hologram I posted earlier.

Hideo Kojima's story style seems to be one of throwing a lot of weird stuff at you right away. You'll get some of the weirdness explained in the game proper, but not much. You'll get a lot more explained in text letters of some sort and you'll get a bunch in some sort of exposition dump, like the infamous jeep ride in MGS5;PP. Some won't be explained at all, but most of it will be covered.

You'll spend most of your time doing deliveries. Most of the "required to move the story" deliveries are to places you've never been before. I expect you can just stick to those alone and get through the whole game. At least on normal difficulty, the boss fights weren't very hard at all.

There are MANY more deliveries available, though. Doing them can award you with useful (but not required) gear like bigger blood bags, stronger ladders, guns with more ammo, and stuff like that. I did them when new things became available, like trucks and zip line networks, so I wasn't just trudging along the same path again. Adding the floating carriers added a twist, too - those things can carry a lot, but they can't use steep ladders or ropes, so your normal route might not work so well.

P.S. Fragile is actually something of Quiet's opposite. Fragile always keeps everything but her face covered and has no qualms against talking. She helps you do fast travel but doesn't help at all in any battles like Quiet does. Also, she never tries to friggin' KILL YOU.
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Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
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