Deathfire - The Final Title


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
Guido Henkel has updated his blog with information on how they reached the final title of the game they are developing, which is Deathfire: Ruins of Nethermore. Those who were on the focus groups aided in reaching a decision on what the best title would be for the game.

Guido also explains why they wanted a two part title:

We decided to use a two-part name for a number of reasons. For one, it gives the game a more epic scope, indicating that it may be part of a series. While we do not have exact plans for future sequels of the game, there certainly is the possibility, depending on the game's overall success.

The other reason we decided to use this two-part name was that it allows us to reflect the different aspects of the game. "Deathfire" is the part of the title that suggests a dynamic game, filled with combat and dark powers, while "Ruins of Nethermore" clearly plays up the traditional aspects of the game with a title that conjures up associations with classic computer and pen&paper role playing games.
And he was friendly enough to provide us with an updated logo as well.

We decided to use a two-part name for a number of reasons. For one, it gives the game a more epic scope, indicating that it may be part of a series. While we do not have exact plans for future sequels of the game, there certainly is the possibility, depending on the game’s overall success.

The other reason we decided to use this two-part name was that it allows us to reflect the different aspects of the game. “Deathfire” is the part of the title that suggests a dynamic game, filled with combat and dark powers, while “Ruins of Nethermore” clearly plays up the traditional aspects of the game with a title that conjures up associations with classic computer and pen&paper role playing games.
More information.
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Aug 30, 2006
At least they don't have the word zombie or the letter Z worked in there. I expected it to be something like deathfire: mages of Z appocalypse or something terrible like that. Well, something more terrible.

Man, if he had made a decent kickstarter and not pandered to the publishers things could be so much different. I don't get how you go from ROA to this.
Apr 10, 2011
I suspect that this may be part of his lessons learned from his failed kickstarter: encourage audience interest through updates and early participation in the process. There's nothing wrong with that approach really, apart from the extra time it takes.

It seems fine as a fantasy title.
Mar 22, 2012
Hrm, while it's a lot of work I am pretty sure that actually most of the companies put a lot of work in their titles. You just don't get informed about it. I mean, yeah, from time to time you see stories like "War Z has to change it's name".
And of course it's not like they spend several months just working on the title.

Also I don't see what ManWhoJaped is complaining about. The new games actually sounds pretty cool. If you havent heared it yet, I recommend the podcast mentioned here:
Jun 2, 2012
Examining the graphical fidelity of the logo:
I think this quality level will be enough for Deathfire.

I hope they will be as successful with the Unity 3D prototype / game demo as with the name: Deathfire: Ruins of Nethermore

Nice name. Fiery death, ruins = treasure, Nether = Twilight Zone-ish vibe, more = and lot's more.. like in press release texts for publisher-owned games.
Mar 21, 2013
This is Guido Henkel of the Planescape: Torment box-art fame, right? (He was producer or something, I seem to remember.) In that case, colour me interested despite the super-genro-fantasy name.
Oct 18, 2006
Yub, that's exactly the Deathfire Guido Henkel ^^
He also did the Realms of Arkania Trilogy, worked on Fallout 2 I think and afaik did the Jagged Alliance Deadly Games title Soundtrack.
Programmer (especially in the early games), Musician (Shadows over Riva OST is his work) and Producer (Planescape Torment). Jack of all trades with lots of experience.
Jun 2, 2012
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