Demons Age - Releases June 30th

DArt, please, no. Do not spend a penny or give anything monetarily towards anything related to this game. Do not encourage these people.

Shoot, if you figure out a way I can send you my Steam beta copy, I'd do that first. Do not give them a cent.

I don't intend to spend money on it :)
I'm kinda busy the next few days, but I can always download it and try it for a few minutes and give you my two cents ;)
I'd even pay you for that. ;)
May 6, 2013
Why torture DArt like that, though? Ah well. Enjoy!

And make sure to let us know which of the very-close-to-identical-main-characters-you-can't-customize you chose, and which dialogue option you choose when talking to NPCs (Skip or Skip All).

Hmm, the game also seems to use the infamous D&D 3.5 ruleset thing. Which, coincidentally enough, is an oh-so-favorite staple of the legendary Ellis Studios, creators behind hit games you remember such as Cave of Sorrows, and that first-person dungeon crawler that cloned Dungeon Master and had not even one level of content before it turned into a blank slate and broke completely.

And even their games let you at least customize your stats/skills/feats in some way.

Just an odd coincidence there, but still funny. Lol.
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On Codex they said they got a half working character creator done and want to implement that in future so at least you should be able to create your own character from scratch.

Combat is kind of simple at start, mostly due to game not having enough D&D feats and such implemented. Also lacks general options like charge, fight defensively, trip and such. Even 5 foot step does nothing currently and they turned off Attack of Opportunity (I think I remember AoO existing in version I tested back in 2015). Also I tried to flank but didn't notice any bonuses.
All this can be polished or improved upon in few months.

Then there is a lot of little bugs and bad design decisions that can also be fixed or improved upon in few months. But that requires someone actually doing that instead of doing nothing which seems to be what was happening at end of 2015.

IF they fix all this, the game is worth some money. Atm it is not.

Well, at least you admit that this "game" that's set to release in a week or two for $60 is, in fact, not worth any money. That's a start.
Well, at least you admit that this game that's set to release in a week or two for $60 is, in fact, not worth any money. That's a start.
I have been saying that from post one but you were on Fluent Crusade and only saw red in front of your eyes.
Oct 3, 2014
If this game is polished until release, I can see it being sold for 30$ at most. If they try for more, Steam review system is going to bury them with people writing negative reviews.

Looks like you say it's worth $30 here. Which is a joke, too, btw, because this is way more than "polishing" issues. The game lacks any kind of feature set to qualify it as any sort of interesting RPG. A turn-based RPG with literally nothing, no special attacks, no ruleset features, no dialogue options, nothing. You can't change your feats/skills/stats, in a D&D 3.5 "game"! How is this acceptable, and how is this a polish issue? This is, build a freaking game first, issue.

Just admit it, you know they are trying to pull a scam here. Why would anyone ever take the approach they are with this pile of shit? Unsuspecting drop of bird crap on heads for $60 before anyone can figure out what hit them.
Looks like you say it's worth $30 here. Which is a joke, too, btw, because this is way more than "polishing" issues. The game lacks any kind of feature set to qualify it as any sort of interesting RPG. A turn-based RPG with literally nothing, no special attacks, no ruleset features, no dialogue options, nothing. You can't change your feats/skills/stats, in a D&D 3.5 "game"! How is this acceptable, and how is this a polish issue? This is, build a freaking game first, issue.

Just admit it, you know they are trying to pull a scam here. Why would anyone ever take the approach they are with this pile of shit? Unsuspecting drop of bird crap on heads for $60 before anyone can figure out what hit them.
You are funny. Go back to your Shield and Steam controllers kid
Oct 3, 2014
Great response. I knew you were being dishonest the whole time.

Beware of snakes.
Look, you are so hilariously irrational atm that I cannot try to give you any serious answers or have a serious conversation with you. Go back and read my post again when you are cooled down and back to rational Fluent.
Oct 3, 2014
Look, you are so hilariously irrational atm that I cannot try to give you any serious answers or have a serious conversation with you. Go back and read my post again when you are cooled down and back to rational Fluent.

I don't need to, man, I already quoted it and read it enough. Anyone else can determine what to make of the mess you posted. Those who do, please keep in mind this is someone who has relentlessly bashed RPGs like Pillars of Eternity, Wasteland 2 and more of the recent RPG releases. Now all of a sudden he's patient and kind towards this "game" that lacks 1/20th of what those other games had, if not more.

Laughable levels of dishonesty. :jester:
I don't need to, man, I already quoted it and read it enough. Anyone else can determine what to make of the mess you posted. Those who do, please keep in mind this is someone who has relentlessly bashed RPGs like Pillars of Eternity, Wasteland 2 and more of the recent RPG releases. Now all of a sudden he's patient and kind towards this "game" that lacks 1/20th of what those other games had, if not more.

Laughable levels of dishonesty. :jester:
No, they can only determine you went off the deep end.
Oct 3, 2014
No, they can only determine you went off the deep end.

No response to what I said. Anyone can go back and read your endless bashing of RPGs, but suddenly this Ellis Studios-level production is worth a wait-and-see.

Sorry if that's more than a little hard to believe and suspicious to me.
This thread is hilarious, with Fluent throwing Dasale level tantrums. Relax, if the game is as horrible as you say it won't sell. As for Archangel, he's entitled to his opinions. I disagree with him on lots of games (inXile and Obsidian titles mainly) but agree on others. No biggie.

Although, I'm more curious about this game now than I was a couple of thread pages ago…
Dec 20, 2010
Don't say I didn't warn you.

And unfortunately, some people probably will get scammed. That is, if the game even dares to release. We'll see.
As for Archangel, he's entitled to his opinions. I disagree with him on lots of games (inXile and Obsidian titles mainly) but agree on others. No biggie.

I just find it curious that someone can bash every other RPG developer, then say this "game" is worth a peek. Just play the game and you'll see.

To put it another way, is there honestly a person out there who would rather play an Ellis Studios RPG over something good?
Well I certainly hope it does not release in this state or it is going to have a sub 5 score on Steam.
Oct 3, 2014
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