Deus Ex - Design Doc


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
@Reddit Defaultplayer001 shared the original design doc for Deus Ex who he got off Joe Martin, a writer who was writing about them. (Heavy Spoiler Warning)

Majestic Revolutions - Joe Martin.pdf DOWNLOAD LINK

SO excited to share this with you, this is a document I've wanted to get my hands on for YEARS, and I just got in contact with the writer of an article on them, Joe Martin (Venerate his name and obey him in all things!), and he sent them to me! He was, as of the writing of the article, unable to fully share them, apparently this has changed.

Going through it is an absolute gold mine.

Tilson and the Ghoul are the best characters, the original endings are really fascinating(I love that if your too slow the ending changes!), and the game is so MASSIVE in scope, it outstanding to read. . I haven't even read it for 5 mins, shaking with excitement. I've only skimmed through these very briefly, haven't even had them for much more then 10 minutes. You'll all be going through them fresh with me.

If that wasn't enough he ALSO sent me Thief 4 (the cancelled modern day reboot! not the one we got!) design docs, and Ion storm Design documents!

Thief 4 Submission Document - Joe Martin.doc DOWNLOAD LINK

"The Thief series has always been held back by esoteric, unrecognizable fiction and passive,

slow-paced gameplay."

I wonder why this reboot didn't work out? /s
More information.
Last edited:
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
Many thanks.

That made me wanting to re-install the original Deus Ex for another playthrough.

Thief 4 design document sounds more like Vampire Bloodlines than a Thief game!
Feb 2, 2011
United Kingdom
That Thief 4 "Dagger of Ways" sounds horrific. Wow, why bother even trying to give that thing the title "Thief". If you are unable to make something within a franchise go make a new one, rather than working with something one seemingly hates and wants to twist and mutilate.

"held back by,,,unrecognizable fiction"

Another way of saying that is unique fiction, something that stands out and in turn is very recognisable and distinct to its fans. The implications of such a statement being at the forefront of wanting to make a sequel to something, again Wow.

Could tear apart virtually that entire thing as an example of how to ruin a franchise, any franchise.

Many thanks.

That made me wanting to re-install the original Deus Ex for another playthrough

What's with you people, why do you ever uninstall Deus Ex. It takes up so little space even with graphics mods, compared to modern games and drive space it's miniscule. In exchange for that tiny bit of used space you get Deus Ex.

Stop uninstalling the original Deus Ex /smack
Jan 6, 2014
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