Deus Ex: Human Revolution - The Missing Link DLC Announced

agreed, but when they don't manage to create a detailed and complex enough game without water, you can imagine that adding another exploration zone will dilute even more the content.
Aug 7, 2008
Your choices do definitely have consequences in DEHR, and often far reaching ones. However they aren't necesarily dramatic consequences. It's more like a lot of little things that can happen differently depending on what you do. But nothing that is going to dramatically effect the main plot.

I generally assume that most DLC will be far worse then original game, be interesting to see if that holds up here. I actually much prefer when expansions reset your systems are generally only balanced around your character gaining a certain number of "levels" and frequenltly have already started to break down by the end game. You can see this in DEHR by the way in which there is a ton of choice about how to design your character in the beginning, but by the end everyone looks almost exactly the same. As a result it's generally far better to reset then to tack a bunch of new character levels and powers onto a system that was never designed to handle them.
Apr 14, 2011
By the way, a bit off-topic, but here's how contemporary cloaking technology is like ;),2933,306678,00.html

I'd say that if both public and private agencies channeled resources into researching such technology, it will definitely be possible to cloak dynamically moving bodies, like humans, 20 years from now.
Jan 9, 2011
Has any game been able to really break this thresh hold?

Cloaking/Invisibility is more due to limitations of funding, AI, programming and hardware. Firstly they are trying to design a game AI that works for Run/Gun and Stealth, but the AI technology is very limited when trying to do it.

Secondly it would cost much more and take much longer to build a game design with Hide In Shadows type of technology but then add Run/Gun. The main issue being the limitation of the hardware in the console, since it was the lead platform. This also covers the increase funding and man hours as well.

I'm not even sure there is a engine/AI system that can do it. E.g. Unreal has an advance AI but it cheats just as much as any other AI. If you have ever played UT then you probably have experience AI sniping you from across the map, with Fog (which has no effect on AI) and No LoS. A second way AI cheats on a Run/Gun game is that if you put your Mouse Cursor/Targeting Reticle on the AI, they Auto Target you so you can't get the drop on them i.e. no stealth.
Oct 18, 2006
well they sure as hell better have a light and shadow system figured out by thief 4. all good "stealth" games really do need to have some for of gradient "hide in shadows" function.

if foxnews says it then it must be true;)
i'm sure that may rally support for investments in the technology as it would truly give a scary edge/power to those who wielded the technology, but thankfully i think that is one idea that will stay in science fiction. now i'm sure they may come up with a level of cloaking that make work at larger distances but there's no way any of us in our lifetimes will see the kind where someone can walk right in front of you without being seen in any kind of lighting environment.
Oct 26, 2006
I hope this dlc is better than it sounds, just the premise sounds like it doesn't fit in the game.

AP is a RPG, DE3 isn't. I'm not saying DE3 isn't a good game, just hard to see it as a more than a Action game, with some RPG elements. Granted Eidos Montreal pulled off a minor miracle just managing not to piss everyone off. ;)

I really haven't found any choice and consequences here in DE3, yet in AP almost every conversation can and often does have an effect on the game. Of course there is no comparison to the budgets and production value. If AP had this this much funding, would have been a much better game than how it was forced out unfinished.

At the very beginning of the game, while you are inside the corporate offices as an augmented Jensen, before your first mission. If you stick around to long in those offices, the hostages will die in the very first mission. I would call that choice and consequence. If that was at the very beginning of the game, just imagine what other kind of stuff there is in the rest of the game that has not been realized yet.
Nov 25, 2006
well they sure as hell better have a light and shadow system figured out by thief 4. all good "stealth" games really do need to have some for of gradient "hide in shadows" function.

if foxnews says it then it must be true;)
i'm sure that may rally support for investments in the technology as it would truly give a scary edge/power to those who wielded the technology, but thankfully i think that is one idea that will stay in science fiction. now i'm sure they may come up with a level of cloaking that make work at larger distances but there's no way any of us in our lifetimes will see the kind where someone can walk right in front of you without being seen in any kind of lighting environment.

Read the stuff mate; Fox News just happened to be the first site I picked off of Google. It's as real as you and I are (I swear I'm not a cleverly programmed AI designed to influence and distort ideas, as cool as that may sound). Of course it's not even refraction of light at all, but simply using cameras to project images to create the illusion of invisibility.

It's certainly not as advanced as what we see described in DX3, but I'm just saying that the research is moving along as we speak.
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Jan 9, 2011
It's hard to predict what technology will be like 20 years from now, we only know that it will be much different then it is now. Keep in mind that 20 years ago we didn't even have the web.
Apr 14, 2011
well they sure as hell better have a light and shadow system figured out by thief 4. all good "stealth" games really do need to have some for of gradient "hide in shadows" function.
Haha, no kidding. Actually there are good Stealth or Run/Gun games but none I've seen at least that really combine the two. I doubt there will be any running and gunning in Thief 4. ;)
At the very beginning of the game, while you are inside the corporate offices as an augmented Jensen, before your first mission. If you stick around to long in those offices, the hostages will die in the very first mission. I would call that choice and consequence. If that was at the very beginning of the game, just imagine what other kind of stuff there is in the rest of the game that has not been realized yet.
Gtk, thanks. I usually always play games strait good side, so never would have known. There was no reason to stay and every reason to go. Ooc is Jensen told there are hostages, I can't recall atm?
Oct 18, 2006

Also, early on, if you let Zeke Sanders go, he will come back once to help you, and turn against you at the end. You'll also learn that he is Sandoval's brother. I have no idea what happens if you do kill him at the start of the game, but I'm sure it will have a noticeable effect on the outcome when you reach the later parts.

The game isn't as dynamic as, say, Fallout when it comes to C&C, but then neither is Deus Ex 1, so it's hard for me to gripe about this. HR has a lot of subtle C&C and I have to say I'm very satisfied with what it offers.
Jan 9, 2011
no, actually thats about it :))
trust us, we've played through it, you only feel it at first, than it blurs out.
I was really impressed when i played the demo, and pritchett told me to stay out of the ladies room :))
that was nice, but really there not much besides it.
its a nice game, the lore is ok, but too much at times. There's mostly no funny moments, and no actual drama. Its cool the part of conflict, when you silver tongue your way out or in.
It's like everyone has the same state of mind, everybody feels burdened, except for the senile old lady
Aug 7, 2008
In the game worth buying ?

I am having a small budget for games ( ~150€ ) and i am considering a couple of titles, how about replayability and does it have many keys for controlls ? ( i always want one hand at least partly free for smoking/vodka).
Jun 22, 2009
Athens (the original one)
No you can certainly do that. Adam Jensen agrees too.

I'd say it's a very replayable game, but others may disagree. Personally, I'd play through the game again with different starting augs just to try for a different gameplay experience, as well as to test out other choices and consequences that I missed on my first playthrough.
Jan 9, 2011
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