Diablo 3 - Why So Many People Hated It

I'm actually going back to it now and then. really good game if you don't expect a proper "diablo" game.
and the latest patches, I don't know, it is more fun.
tali ho
Jan 14, 2011
Actually, some of the latest/newest legendary item properties are unique and interesting and enable very powerful builds, so it makes it entertaining, until you get to the point where you need a certain combination of rare lengendaries, and they don't drop after a week of play, so then you get bored with the lack of progression, and shelve it…
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
While it has this disdainful always online policy and is not up to par with its predecessors for highest level gaming, it is still a competent ACRPG that was vastly improved by the expansion (Crusader, yay!) and various patches.

All haters who shelved it should give it another whirl, IMHO.
Feb 20, 2009
So now they've added a new level of items above Legendary called "Ancient", and really, I don't know, it seems like they are creating an endless treadmill for grinding. This is just lazy game design, not to mention boring unless (very doubtful) these new items have some wildly new and different properties to enable new forms of gameplay.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
I never bought diablo 3.

Only reason for that is free respec. There is simply no point of building or developping character if everything can be changed on a whim. If respecing was made available, it should the rarest thing or atleast player should have to pay a heavy price for it.

Diablo 3 devs obviously wanted more easy going experience which is why they made such a fundamental design decision. It just isn't my cup of tea. For me respecing character cheapens the entire experience. It nullifies every choise I make.

I don't blame anyone for enjoying D3, but it just isn't my kind of game :)
Oct 19, 2006
So now they've added a new level of items above Legendary called "Ancient", and really, I don't know, it seems like they are creating an endless treadmill for grinding. This is just lazy game design, not to mention boring unless (very doubtful) these new items have some wildly new and different properties to enable new forms of gameplay.

Yep, Bliz loves us to do endless grinding :) I don't mind it as much, perhaps because I was WoW played for a long time.... I'm actually going for M6 due to new turret ability and having a blast :) Shame I had to switch out rapid fire though... loved that build, but it just isn't efficient enough. Also loving the double gobbo bonus at the moment. Finally got to visit vault!
While it has this disdainful always online policy and is not up to par with its predecessors for highest level gaming, it is still a competent ACRPG that was vastly improved by the expansion (Crusader, yay!) and various patches.

All haters who shelved it should give it another whirl, IMHO.

I did but without a expansion and it is still as bad. And if you are suggesting I should burn more money for expansion so I can feel even worse later.. go away.
I would rather buy another copy of Grim Dawn and gift it to someone.
Oct 3, 2014
Looks like ancient items are just increased numbers, nothing enabling new gameplay. Blizzard will have to do something a lot more innovative than this to lure me back.

Diablo 3 Legendary Ancient Items: Mega-Analysis + Screens

Greater rifts were fun for a while, as were new seasonal characters. Something more along those lines would be preferred to mediocre item upgrades.
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Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
I would rather buy another copy of Grim Dawn and gift it to someone.

So, when was Grim Dawn finished so that I could buy it in a shop?

Won't be spending money for unfinished products.

D3 is finished (well, not story wise) and polished. That makes a difference for me.
Feb 20, 2009
So, when was Grim Dawn finished so that I could buy it in a shop?

Won't be spending money for unfinished products.

D3 is finished (well, not story wise) and polished. That makes a difference for me.

Even the early access version is better than D3.
Oct 3, 2014
So now they've added a new level of items above Legendary called "Ancient", and really, I don't know, it seems like they are creating an endless treadmill for grinding. This is just lazy game design, not to mention boring unless (very doubtful) these new items have some wildly new and different properties to enable new forms of gameplay.

I have to agree with this. It's typical of modern Blizzard design - which is so predictable and safe. Not for me at all.

Oh, they always played it safe - but they used to have the occasional spark of brilliance. Not so much anymore :(
I have to agree with this. It's typical of modern Blizzard design - which is so predictable and safe. Not for me at all.

Oh, they always played it safe - but they used to have the occasional spark of brilliance. Not so much anymore :(

oh absolutely so. not being cynic. this is very accurate. I just happen to like the occasional grinding. if the pacing is right, and the difficulty is right, there is a sense of over powering something that is fun.
ok that's enough of me.
Jan 14, 2011
a bunch of freakin psychobabble nonsense of an article from a non-gamer. It's real simple, sweetheart: people resented the always-online feature, the loot was a disappointment, and the auction house was the biggest act of game suicide ever perpetrated by a major title.

And the launch was mostly shit, tainting people's initial feelings toward the product. I was there, I was pissed along with everyone else. Those were hard times

Sorry, my dear - Professor Sammy gives your thesis a big fat "F"

Stay after class for your spanking
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Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
I disliked it for the same reason I didn't like the first 2 or any Diablo clones, the combat. Can't stand it.

Why the hell would I buy them and play them then, you ask?

My son likes them and it's mandatory that I play co-op with him. The things we endure for our kids.:)
I enjoyed both the first 2 Diablo games. Haven't had a chance to check out Diablo 3, but I can't imagine it's as bad as the vocal minority is saying it is. :)

I, for one, thought the real money auction house was a great idea. It would certainly be cool to stumble upon some rare item and sell it for a few bucks. :)
I enjoyed both the first 2 Diablo games. Haven't had a chance to check out Diablo 3, but I can't imagine it's as bad as the vocal minority is saying it is. :)

I, for one, thought the real money auction house was a great idea. It would certainly be cool to stumble upon some rare item and sell it for a few bucks. :)

Finally, someone agrees with me about the RMAH ;)
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