Diablo III

To me, that's not humorous at all, but instead very serious. And yes,

Well, its written as humor, though I agree that the subject matter is distrubing
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
Why would you do that with a game you're not even that interested in? I don't see price as an excuse for piracy.

I'm no fan of piracy due to price, but if I paid for it, I'd download a cracked version in a heartbeat to get away from the DRM.
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
I usually buy my games when they're cheap. I only buy games that I love: Thief 1-3, Hitman up to Contracts. Of course, I have to pirate these games first. I have Deus Ex, but I doubt it runs under Win 7 anyways. I've bought a few titles during my lifetime. If I could, I'd buy Assassin's Creed games. I can live without them, though.
Mar 28, 2012
I don't think you will be finding a cracked version of D3 for a long time. It is more like an MMO, in which a lot of the stuff happens in the server, with the client just more of a 'renderer'. So basically the game that comes in the disc (or the download), if cracked, would only show the world, but no NPCs, no monsters, etc. Until someone creates a mockup server (which takes a long time to make it run properly), I don't see a cracked version of D3 happening any time soon.
Sep 23, 2008
Ouch! So really you just download a client that connects to their game server. That's really a turn off... It's like playing a browser game using their browser. Yuck.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
@The nerd rant article: How can they get away with it? It's called a EULA. Look it up. Your "they'd go to f*ing jail!" argument is stupid. Grow up.

@the crackers: there is no excuse for piracy. it's stealing, period. again, grow up. and you can't crack D3 anyway. the whole "on-line, all the time" thing was put in to stop a-holes like you. now get off our boards. thanks.
Oct 18, 2006
@the crackers: there is no excuse for piracy. it's stealing, period. again, grow up. and you can't crack D3 anyway. the whole "on-line, all the time" thing was put in to stop a-holes like you. now get off our boards. thanks.

And, I suppose, there are plenty of excuses why somebody can't play SPG because there is a problem with their internet connection or with game servers?
You can play Skyrim in offline mode but there is no such option with Diabolo 3 is there?
Jan 10, 2008
You can play Skyrim in offline mode but there is no such option with Diabolo 3 is there?
Then buy Skyrim and don't buy Diablo 3. No one is forcing you to buy Diablo 3, and Blizzard did not hide the fact that D3 was going to require you to be connected to their servers the whole time which has inherent risks. If you buy D3, you agree to the risks involved. That's in the EULA. If you can't stomach the risks, don't buy the product. Don't get me wrong. I'm annoyed I couldn't play release day. That sucked. But I knew the risks going in. Some folks have decided to wait for things to settle before they make the choice to buy or not in order to reduce their risk. That's the mature way to deal with it. To buy the game knowing full well there was a decent chance the servers would go down often within the first week, or that, *gasp*, internet connections are not 100% reliable 100% of the time and then nerd-rage about it or make empty threats to pirate the game is just childish.
Oct 18, 2006
I thought story wasn't too bad in Chapter 1 (I was following story watching my hubby playing) and it seems to getting better at Chapter 2. There was one really big WTF moment for me and my hubby... but reading wikipedia gave us bit more info and thus its no longer a WTF moment :p

Mind you, I really hate voice acting... female sorcerers sound like a real wank.
Ended up buying it, against my better judgment. Wishing there was indeed a pirated version available - then I'd be able to get away from the latency while playing by myself.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
I really don't want to judge until I've played it myself. I've just heard that a group of Koreans finished the game in 6 hours. Is that a good indicator of the game's length?

It took me around 8 hours to get through act 1 on normal difficulty (according to battlenet's own stats). And thats with exploring every map and dungeon I could find.

Don't know if thats a better indicator.
Aug 30, 2007
Copenhagen, Denmark
@the crackers: there is no excuse for piracy. it's stealing, period. again, grow up. and you can't crack D3 anyway. the whole "on-line, all the time" thing was put in to stop a-holes like you. now get off our boards. thanks.

Really? The idea of someone pirating a game gets you so steamed that you need to break out the pseudo swears?

Humanity must be a constant disappointment to you.
May 29, 2010
Really? The idea of someone pirating a game gets you so steamed that you need to break out the pseudo swears?

Humanity must be a constant disappointment to you.

Um... if a "pseudo swear" indicates to you a disappointment with humanity, you must be shocked quite often.

But, yes, stealing someone else's creative work they poured their blood, sweat and tears into is pretty low. It's even worse when the thief attempts to whitewash their theft with self-serving rationalizations. If this isn't obvious to you, perhaps some introspection is in order.
Oct 18, 2006
@Chamr: Then please remember the video game crash of the 80s when the market was saturated with crappy games. If it wasn't for Nintendo, the whole thing would have sunk.

I don't want to spend $60 blindly. The reason I've bought the games that I've bought is because I've played and enjoyed them, and I like having the original.

But I wouldn't buy Diablo 3 when I know jack squat about it. I wanna see the skills, the leveling system etc. If I don't like it, I am not going to buy it. That simple.

EDIT: Back then, there was no internet, no reviewers etc. You bought games and didn't know what they were like until you've brought them home and tried them.

Today, it's a lot easier to expose bad games.
Mar 28, 2012
Today, it's a lot easier to expose bad games.

I completely agree, which is why your excuse for pirating is so lame.

With the internet, YouTube, etc.. it's easy to get a solid idea of whether or not you would like a certain game without having to steal it first.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I completely agree, which is why your excuse for pirating is so lame.

With the internet, YouTube, etc.. it's easy to get a solid idea of whether or not you would like a certain game without having to steal it first.

There are still cases when pirating is my only option:

1) vintage movies

2) games that aren't sold anymore

3) books that I can't buy anywhere

I live in a crappy country where getting anything is appreciated. We have no PayPal. Wages here are abysmal. Not many of us can afford luxuries. But a lot of people squander their money - that's for sure. Maybe improving living standards is a better way to combat piracy. But that won't happen anytime soon.

EDIT: I'm not going to buy Diablo III, but I'm not going to pirate it either.
Last edited:
Mar 28, 2012
Problem is, that so called 'DRM' actually hurts the ones who buy the game. I'm not interested in D3, but a similar though not so harsh DRM goes in a game I do like... Might and Magic Heroes 6. In retrospect, it's a much better system than Diablo's, but I hated it (still do). Basically, if you play offline you can't use character traits, and can't use weapons, so it's like gimping yourself. I started playing online, but it seemed like out of 5 times I wanted to play, 1 or 2 times I couldn't (servers were down, or I just wanted to play in my laptop while waiting at the airport, in the airplane, etc). But at least I could play offline, and that's how I'm playing it now, I decided to gimp myself instead of being a slave to their servers.
But you can't even do that in Diablo 3.
Sep 23, 2008
I don't think there are any spoilers in this post but if there is let me know how to take appropriate actions.

My wife came home yesterday and shocked the hell out of me by presenting me a copy of the game. I didn't have the heart to tell her I wasn't that interested in it, so I installed it and started playing. I just hit level 7, playing the demon hunter. I have to admit, it is more fun than I thought it would be. Not sure what I think of the skill system. Not a huge fan of it so far, but will give it more time. I don't like the automatic attribute points. Never will. Hate that aspect, but it won't stop me from playing. Should be an option to manually distribute. Maybe in a future patch?Monsters are pretty cool. Quests are usual kill that fetch this crap so far. Using the demon hunters "rapid fire" skill is great fun, but vastly overpowered, imo. Game is far too easy in "normal" mode so far. Hopefully it gets more difficult.
Yet another game where quest rewards are gold and experience. Lame. Gold should never be a quest reward imo. Gold is useless in the vast majority of these kind of games. IIRC, in Dungeon Siege there were quests where you chose your reward, such as armor or a weapon for your character class. Thats what I want as a reward. So much better. I did get dropped from the game a few hours in, but so far I have not encountered any bugs. Usual Blizzard polish.

Atmosphere is ok. Nowhere near as good as D1, but much better than D2. I will keep going and see if it gets any harder, and if it gives me any desire to replay, either in a higher difficulty, or with another character. Right now I have no desire to.
What I remember of D2 (and I just replayed it), only bosses were hard. All the rest was quite easy unless you really invested badly in skills or tried moving from one area too fast onto the next.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
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