Dino the Bichon and his violent seizures


Deleted User

Hey folks!

I just wanted to share this on behalf of my mom, who started a Gofundme project in order to help pay vet bills for our dog, Dino.

Dino has cluster seizures every 4 to 6 weeks or so, and they are violent and nasty. Afterwards he is left "spaced out" for a few days, endlessly walking around, whining, and not knowing where he is or what he's doing.

The last few days have been really tough. He had the most violent cluster seizures I've ever seen him have. 5 or 6 seizures right in quick succession and super violent. Afterwards he was a complete mess and literally didn't move for over 24 hours. He was so beaten from the seizures that he had no function in this legs and couldn't walk. Just today he started walking again a bit, almost 48 hours after the violent cluster. He seems to be perking up but we fear that if we don't take him to a neurologist, something bad could happen.

Unfortunately, we don't have the money in order to pay any big vet bills, we'll have to take out a loan, *if* we can even get one. It's a rough time and my mom is asking for help for this with her Gofundme.

If interested, you can read more here. Please excuse my mom's lack of expertise when it comes to computers, she tried her best and did it on her own with minimal help by me, so I was impressed by that. :)

Here it is - http://www.gofundme.com/savedino

Thanks for your time and I wish you and your pets all the best in the world.

- Matt
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I just don't have time for pets.
Plus I hate Pets - expansion pack for Sims 3 that kills the game performance after installed.

If you can't afford the pet, sell the pet to someone who can.
You love the pet, but if it'll be more happy with someone else, don't be selfish.
Apr 12, 2009
Sorry joxer, but we are very attached to our pets. We always have been.

Would you give a child away? Dino is our baby. My mother is so attached to him and he is so attached to her. We would never consider giving him away. We will raise the money somehow, someway. The universe will deliver it, I'm sure of it. =)
Would you give a child away?
If keeping the child would mean poor and unhappy life, yes, I would give that child away. Of course only if I found a better home for the child. This means I would not sell my child to Madonna. If I gave it away, I would want it to have a proper family not targetted by yellow magazines.

Because 99.99% of people will disagree with me on many accounts including this one, I'm trying not to post my thoughts about life often and avoid political controversies subsection here. But this thread is exactly material for that part of the forum, not off topic.
Apr 12, 2009
I just don't have time for pets.
Plus I hate Pets - expansion pack for Sims 3 that kills the game performance after installed.

If you can't afford the pet, sell the pet to someone who can.
You love the pet, but if it'll be more happy with someone else, don't be selfish.

classic joxer :party:

I would have said the same although a bit more politely.
Does this mean that the dog has some form of Epilepsy ?
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Does this mean that the dog has some form of Epilepsy ?

Yes, Alrik. He is epileptic.

He started having seizures awhile ago, and we have him on a regimen of various prescription medication. Unfortunately, the medication only does so much, and every 6-8 weeks or so, he has several days of seizures that we just have had to deal with thus far.

He eventually recovers, but it takes time and it's a lot of work on my mom's part. There are times where he literally whines, barks and cries for 24 hours straight, sometimes more, not letting my mom sleep or anything. It's rough on her.

The last "session" of seizures were extremely rough. He was left unable to walk for 24-48 hours and this was last week. Today he is still having trouble getting around, and is still whining in between eating and occasionally sleeping.

The next step is to take him to a certified dog neurologist, and there is one nearby where we live. We haven't had the money to do that yet, but my mom finally said enough is enough and scheduled an appointment for Dino this upcoming Wednesday.

It's over $100 just to get an initial appointment, let alone the very high costs of running tests to see what they could do. Getting rid of him is not an option right now and we are doing our best to try and raise the funds. I still believe the funds will come someway, somehow.
I agree with joxer, if you can't afford to properly care for the dog either give it to someone that can, put the dog down if it's living a life of suffering or get off your duff and get a job to help your family out.

Sorry if it sounds harsh or mean but I don't understand the panhandling every time a financial problem comes up. The universe will provide??? How about you provide? I would be much more willing to help someone who is helping themselves as well.

I have been employed or owned my own business since I was 14. At one time when I was younger I had 3 jobs and when I wasn't at one of them I was building a business, I operated on 2-3 hours of sleep a day. When the housing market took a dump my current business feel on really hard times, my house was in the process of foreclosure, I couldn't pay my business taxes, even food was hard to come by. So I got 2 side jobs and continued trying to rebuild my tile business. Today I am swamped with work and very comfortable financially. The universe did not provide, others did not give me handouts, I got up off the mat and worked my ass off.

Sure, we here at the watch could take up a collection for you but then when the next financial crisis comes up it will start all over again. You need to find a way to help yourself.

My unsolicited advice, get a little pride and dignity, sell your pc's and games. You can't afford the hobby right now. Get 1,2,3 jobs or however many it takes and help your family out. Then when your in a financially stable place continue your dream of gaming and becoming a utuber.

Again sorry if this is harsh, my intention isn't to be mean but to inspire and motivate. I think you'd feel much better if you could rely on yourself instead of hoping others will provide.

Anyway, that's my advice. Take it or tell me to shove it, either way I hope things work out for you.:)
Excellent advice, sakichop. I've been in similar situations when I was younger and I worked my way out of them too. I don't work for myself, but as part of a Fortune 10 company, but the rest of our story is eerily similar.
Oct 18, 2006
As a Bichon owner, I truly sympathize, but I have to echo much of what Saki said. Perhaps right now isn't the best of times to abstain from finding a consistent job and helping your family.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
I'm not sure what I think about asking for money again, but what I know is that when you live with a pet, getting rid of it is simply not an option. It becomes a member of the family. I'm never at ease when people treat it like it's just a piece of furniture, it is really callous. Plus when an animal has health issues that can be costly it's not possible to give it away. So according to these people the only option would be euthanasia, and it is unthinkable.

My oldest cat has been with me for years, through all my college years and during my first job when no one wanted to be with me. These things are just priceless in ways many people just can't grasp.
Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec
I'm not sure what I think about asking for money again, but what I know is that when you live with a pet, getting rid of it is simply not an option. It becomes a member of the family. I'm never at ease when people treat it like it's just a piece of furniture, it is really callous. Plus when an animal has health issues that can be costly it's not possible to give it away. So according to these people the only option would be euthanasia, and it is unthinkable.

My oldest cat has been with me for years, through all my college years and during my first job when no one wanted to be with me. These things are just priceless in ways many people just can't grasp.

HHR, your probably right I should recuse myself of making recommendations for the pet because I don't have any emotional connections with animals. Having said that though if the dog is having seizures all the time and is whining ( I assume in pain) for days after it might be more humane to euthanize it, especially if you don't have the funds to treat it.

I wouldn't say I see pets as " furniture" but openly admit I've never been able to establish an emotional connection with a pet. Despite having several family pets over the years. ( not me, my family had them) we have a family dog now. It's a good enough dog I guess but I just see a big money drain and hassle.

It's created worn paths all over my lawn where it walks the same path all the time, it's urine kills the grass. Food, vets, pills, baths, hair treatments, etc are unnecessary expenses. The shedding is a nightmare, I can't stand hair on my clothes, it jumped on me numerous times and ripped clothes with its claws and the thing never stops wanting attention and being pet.

What do I get in return for all this hassle and expense, nothing. My wife says she gets love from the dog but I've never seen it treat her any different than a person it's known for 5 mins. If a complete stranger pets her she will jump and lick them just as she does my wife.

To me pets just take,take,take and have nothing to offer.I know this puts me in the extreme minority and people will call me callous and worse but I can't change how I feel.

Everything I said still stands though. I tend to look at things logically rather than emotionally. Obviously fluent isn't going to get rid of his dog because I said to and nor should he but he should step up and take care of it and asking for money here won't be enough.
@sakichop: Some people like having pets - good for them. Some don't - nothing wrong with that.

Must be difficult however when in a family some really want one and others don't share the enthusiasm..

Pibbur who is the happy owner of a cat, but has no problems understanding the dark side.
Well, if Fluent spent as much time working as he did begging, he could probably afford all those things he was begging for.....
Oct 25, 2006
Please, keep it civil.
Aug 31, 2006
A little update.


Dino is recovering now and doing a bit better. Finally, he is able to go outside and come back in on his own. For the past few weeks I've had to carry him outside, where he'd stumble around but have a good ol' time, and then carry him back in. To our surprise, he is able to get up and down the steps now, which is a miracle considering how it's been going recently!

We did get him to the neurologist and paid the entrance fee for the first visit. The doc prescribed him a new medicine, Kepra or something-or-other, and his goal is to get Dino having seizures more spread out, rather than 4-6 weeks apart. He wants to keep increasing the time between them, since it's likely Dino will have the seizures for the rest of his life, it's important to spread them apart.

So, that's that. We're still really tight on money and any donations would be greatly appreciated. We have to order a special gel medicine from Arizona and we can't afford it right now. It's only $50 or so and we're trying to figure out how to get it. I've been trying to sell some of my stuff lately but it's been tough.

Anyway, enough rambling. I hope some of you will give the link to those who may be interested in helping. It's an uphill battle but we really wouldn't have him any other way. Much love to all of you who took the time to read this.

- Fluent
Cut down on personal expenses for a month or two. If you and your mom can't come up with 25$ each for a beloved pet, you're in a situation that will implode soon enough.

My recommendation is to grow up a bit and stop dreaming. The sooner you do it, the easier everything will eventually become.
Well, without getting *too* personal, it's not easy for any of us to come up with an extra $50 out of the blue. It's just not as simple as you guys seem to think. I'll just leave it at that. Try to understand things from others points of view before coming to judgement on things.

You have no idea how other people live or what sorts of struggles they go through.
Well, without getting *too* personal, it's not easy for any of us to come up with an extra $50 out of the blue. It's just not as simple as you guys seem to think. I'll just leave it at that. Try to understand things from others points of view before coming to judgement on things.

You have no idea how other people live or what sorts of struggles they go through.

I don't really care to judge you.

But I can read, and I've been following your posts for a while. There's no way you can have the kind of hardware you've been talking about without being able to set aside 50$.

If you don't want to hear people talk about the obvious way out of this, then don't beg for trivial amounts of money in the same place where you've been talking about how you don't want to work and the new hardware you've been playing with.

This is from you, earlier this year:

I will have approximately $2500 - $3000 to spend, and here's how I am currently leaning.

It's not rocket science.

Now, I really don't care about your delusional state of mind or "everything is fantastic" denial approach - but I do love dogs.

So, this kind of manipulation doesn't sit well with me.
I think of Greece and Germany when I read this thread.

I wouldn't mind help a fellow forumer out but here it seems I would just support something that cannot last.
Oct 31, 2007
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