Divinity 2 - Two Reviews In English

Oblivion is not consolized in your opinion?!


If you mean that the interface is consolized i can agree, its quite bad on PC unless you use the Darnified mod, other than that no, its the direct opposite of what console games are (i have 360, wii, DS, N64, SNES so i think i'm capable of seeing the difference). Your only argument, so far; "it is" doesnt hold up, give me a better one.

And if its so typicaly "consolized" you should be able to name quite a few console games that are very similiar in its design, please do, im very curious about those games since i would love to play them ;)
Jul 15, 2009
Your only argument, so far; "it is" doesnt hold up, give me a better one.

It's *very* consolized even when you compare it to Bethesda's other (older) titles, like Daggerfall, or even Morrowind.

Being "consolized" doesn't necessarily mean it's a "bad" game. I get the impression that you think we're simply bashing Oblivion, which isn't the case.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
To be fair the only thing that was consolizied was the enemies that leveled with you (a mod was released ~2 days after release that fixed it) and the interface (fixed after a month or so). Bethesda are a bit lazy because they know since before how creative their PC mod community is. The rest is extremely unlike any other console RPG.

The whole idea that the users themselves decides if they want to change the core gameplay very easily using their editor isnt really "consolized" since its so easy to change.

I like Bethesdas approach to the genre. The whole "build your own adventure" idea, THAT is the core of a real RPG. I mean you didnt play a P&P RPG and when you later discussed it with friends that played the same RPG you noticed that the experince was to 90% the same as theirs - like in a linear Bioware game. You took your own paths which lead to different experiences and encounters.

There's a lot of that in Bethesdas games, its a more personal _adventure_ than any other game, very unlike console games. A typical Bioware RPG is more like a mix of a b-movie (nowadays with select-your-ending / select good/bad) and almost JRPG design (which i loathe since i dont like console RPGs at all). The party members you had in ME was brain dead and couldnt even open a door, still they thought it was an excellent idea to have an AI controlled party, lol..
Jul 15, 2009
We're all looking for a different sort of game ... no real reason to bring Oblivion into it ... and saying 'as good' *IS* asking for comparisons ...

My original statement related to the article this thread is intended to be commenting on - where the review mentioned Oblivion. So I didn't "bring Oblivion into it" - they did.

Although I take your point, I'm not inviting a comparison between the games at all - I'm merely expressing that I don't expect Divinity 2 to be the best game I've ever played. I'm sure those of you who didn't like Oblivion will much prefer Divinity 2. Bottom line is, I think we're all going to enjoy it.
Aug 5, 2009
"Radiant AI" is a good example of one of the things Bethesda excels in: Marketing. They improved a part of their game to a solid level, but still below one of their competitors, slapped a clever name on it and made it sound important. Then a hundred thousand gamers and thousand gaming "journalists" blindly copied their marketing bullshit without checking. When the truth came out it no longer mattered. Everybody believed what he had heard a dozen times.

They haven't copied that marketing scheme from Microsoft, perhaps ?

Within Microsoft, even tech-core elements of their OSses get marketing names ...
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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