Divinity: Original Sin II - C64 Support!

You people are insane. I started on 300 baud and was over-joyed 3 years later when they upgraded to 1200 baud. What is this 14.4 crap ?

You are right 14.4 was too fast that came much later 2.4 sounds more accurate. Sucks to get old and forget important stuff like that.
As for the hand writing I stick to printing so it is at least a little bit readable.
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
<late 80s snob-mode>Because the Atari is clearly inferior to the Amiga. But at least it's not a sucky PC with its EGA graphics!</late 80s snob-mode>

Who are we kidding here. Let's be honest, the 2600 was inferior to everything that came after it. Still, I love my old little wood-encased console. Still works even!
Oct 18, 2006
Speaking of D:OS 2, though, have you guys seen the game lately? Looks freaking incredible, at least in terms of the RPG mechanics. Tons of depth, lots of classes and classic CRPG character building, lots of role-playing options, background stories for characters, etc.. They also have this Tags system that lets you use tags that influence various things in the game. Like a Tag for Scholar, so people will address you as a Scholar and open up various dialogue around that, possibly quests and new content and so on. Sounds really good.

D:OS was a hit for me and my dad. Spent 140+ hours with it in co-op mode and still wanted more! Larian seems poised to really deliver some classic modern CRPGs going forward.
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