Does the environment affect ones sexuality?

Everyone has internet now in Sri Lanka pretty much. I just visited there a few months ago, very industrialised.

About couples sexual preferences. My family only had sex like a few times. After my brother came out my mom and dad never had sex for about 25 years (that is till now). Another resoan why i am probably sexually stunted. :p
Nov 23, 2008
Sri Lankan internet has boomed recently in 2k9 it was 1.16 million users. That said i dont know how exactly they got those numbers. Wireless internet is really big in Sri lanka right now. So *shrugs*.

More info:

Sri Lanka’s younger generation is becoming increasingly computer savvy

Sri Lanka’s younger generation is becoming increasingly computer savvy with the 15 to 19 age group topping the literacy ratio with 47.6 percent followed by the 20-24 age group 40.6 percent and the least literate being the 60-69 age group with 2.8 percent, a Census and Statistics Department survey revealed.

The survey which shows an appreciable overall growth of over 25 percent in all key sectors such as ownership, awareness and literacy, added that the overall literacy rate in the country has increased from 16.1 percent in 2006-2007 to 20.3 in 2009. Computer awareness too has gone up from 37.1 percent to 43.8 percent.

Computer awareness in the urban population has gone up to 60 percent in comparison to 47.4 percent recorded in 2006-07. The awareness of rural population too has gone up from 36.9 in 2006-07 to 43 percent in 2009, followed by the estate sector which has also grown to 15.8 from 10.3 in 2006-07.

Western province tops the table with 28 percent while the Eastern province is considered the least literate 4.9 percent. According to overall figures, males ( 22 percent) are slightly ahead of females (18.7 percent) in computer literacy.

Among the employed population 40.6 percent are computer literate with senior managers enjoying a higher share of 85.9 percent.

Educational levels too have had its say in computer literacy with 59.7 percent with GCE Advanced Level or above qualifications being computer literate.

According to the survey, 23.9 percent of urban population use Internet while in rural areas the figure is 11.1 percent and estate sector 9.2 percent. The Western province has the most number of Internet users with 19.2 percent and northwestern the least with 6.3 percent.

With President Mahinda Rajapaksa, initiating with large investments on English language and ICT development projects, formally declared 2009 as the Year of English and Information Technology and the Department of Census and Statistics (DCS) was called to measure e–readiness of the public. Two surveys had been conducted on computer literacy in 2004 and 2006-07 and in 2009 the third.

Computer Literacy Survey (CLS) is to continue hereafter as a regular household survey along with the Labour Force Survey (LFS) which is also conducted by the DCS in every year around.
Nov 23, 2008
hmm, it always amazes me how little some people know of their home country… first of it sri lanka is a very poor country if you look at GDP per capita PPP:

112 Sri Lanka 5,103

Secondly about internet usage:

In australia you have 80% so technically if you go by google results sri lanka has more gays :D Of course that is a really silly way to measure things.
Oct 25, 2006
3.45 million sounds about right. People are friendly here so if someone needs to use it the neighbours will usually let them. Thats why there are heaps of tech savvy people(see my last post above) not as much internet penetration.
Nov 23, 2008
Could I please borrow your internet to put out some gay advertisements? in this country where such a thing is not that acceptable.


Anyway the world is becoming strange place, even when you go to a very poor country..... in the city things look like it is a rich country, the poor part is hidden away from the tourists. In some parts it even appear to be extremly rich with lots of luxury hotells and such a things... a lot of people have no idea what a poor country they live in these days.
Oct 25, 2006
True. There are much poorer parts but i travelled a lot there. Even in the poor parts they advertise wireless internet. That is probably why i over estimated the useage.
Nov 23, 2008
Certainly it can. Take the culture of early Rome and Greece for example. In both countries the cultural influence implied that nothing was wrong with homosexual activity so long as you were not the "catcher". Greece took it even further, glorifying the male body while condemning women in general. In both cases homosexual activity among men was up, WAY up.

However, like with nearly every difficult question, the answer is not so simple. So far as I know, there is no "gay gene", otherwise they would have been Darwinized into oblivion long ago. But bear with me.

There are major physical differences between male and female brains. For example, females in general have better communication nodes between right and left hemispheres, logic and creativity together. Note that this is not an inherent disadvantage for men, they simply trend to specialize in one or the other.

Now, up until a certain point in a fetus's development, there is no difference in the brain. At this point, a flood of hormones are released into the body, triggering those changes I mentioned. However, as medical personnel will support, relying on glands to release the right hormones 100% of the time is not a good idea. Because of certain imbalances, the changes to the brain are not always complete or correct. Therefore, we get some males with a partly or entirely female brain, or vice versa.

Does this mean gayness can be "cured"? Sort of, with the right medical advances, we can keep those hormonal imbalances from occurring in a fetus. Frankly though, there are literally thousands of deadly diseases and conditions with no cure whatsoever. I personally believe that regardless of one's personal feelings on the topic, any portion of that long list requires far more attention and funding than a harmless "condition"
Mar 23, 2011
Maybe everyone there had very stunted sexual growth. I know i had no idea of sex till i was 13.
I didnt understand sex until I was 14. However for som it can happen much earlier like 9. Theres lots of variance.

I do think enviroment affects sexuality. I didnt have sexual thoughts for months on when I was in army.

As for gayness thats somthing that shouldnt be cured. There is nothing wrong about it and it can lead people to suicide if they are not allowed to express their own sexuality. Also considering the overpopulation of earth its ridiculous to allow only hetero-relationships.

For one thing I doubt there are many people who are 100% gay or 100% hetero. Most are somthing from between.
Dec 28, 2006
Europa Universalis
Wow. Cured? It's natural. It occurs in other mammals. People just need to accept it, and get over their own hangups (i.e. feelings of inadequacies).
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Ridiculously heady read. I apologize, but it's worth the slog:

"There are two classes of possible influence on human sexual orientation. One class encompasses the sociocultural influences that may instruct developing children about how they should behave when the grow up (think of all those charming princes wooing girls in Disney movies). The other class of influences includes the endogenous factors - especially differences in fetal exposure to testosterone - that could organize developing brains to be attracted to females or males in adulthood. For the great majority of people who are heterosexual, there's no way to distinguish between these two influences, because they both favor the same outcome. However, people who are homosexual provide a test. Given that they seem to have ignored society's prescription, is there evidence that early hormones are responsible for making some people gay? If so, then maybe hormones play a role in heterosexual development, too.
Certainly, homosexual behavior is seen in other species - mountain sheep, swans, gulls, and dolphins, to name a few (Bagemihl, 1999). Interestingly, homosexual behavior is more common among anthropoid primates - apes and monkeys - than in prosimian primates like lemurs and lorises (Vasey, 1995), so greater complexity of the brain may make homosexual behavior more likely. In the most studied animal model - sheep - some rams consistently refuse to mount females but prefer to mount other rams. There is growing evidence of differences in the POA (preoptic area) of "gay" versus "straight" rams (Roselli, et al., 2004), apparently organized by testosterone acting on the brain via neuronal androgen receptors during fetal development (Roselli and Stormshak, 2009).
Simon LeVay (1991) performed postmortem examinations of the POA in humans and found a nucleus (the third interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus, or INAH-3) that is larger in men than in women, and larger in heterosexual men than in homosexual men. All but one of the gay men in the study had died of AIDS, but the brain differences could not be due to AIDS pathology, because the straight men with AIDS still had significantly larger INAH-3 than did the gay men. To the press and the public, this finding sounded like strong evidence that sexual orientation is "built in." It's still possible, however, that early social experience affects the development of INAH-3 to determine later sexual orientation. Futhermore, sexual experiences as an adult could affect INAH-3 structure, so the smaller nucleus in some homosexual men may be the result of their homosexuality, rather than the cause, as LeVay himself was careful to point out.
In women, purported markers of fetal androgen exposure - otoacoustic emissions (McFadden and Pasanen, 1998), finger length patterns (T.J. Williams et al., 2000), patterns of eye blinks (Rahman, 2005), and skeletal features (J.T. Martin and Nguyen, 2004) - all indicate that lesbians, as a group, were exposed to slightly more fetal androgen than were heterosexual women. These findings suggest that fetal exposure to androgen increases the likelihood that a girl will grow up to be gay. These studies indicate considerable overlapbetween the two groups, so fetal androgens cannot account for all lesbians. Likewise, the finding that homosexual people are more likely to be left-handed than is the general population (Lalumiere et al., 2000) suggests that androgens cannot be the whole story, because there is no known effect of early androgens on handedness. However, handedness does seem to be established early in life, so this correlation, too, indicated that early events influence adult orientation.
Those same markers of fetal androgen do not provide for a consensus about gay versus straight men; some makers suggest that gay men were exposed to less prenatal testosterone, and others suggest that they were exposed to more prenatal testosterone than straight men. however, another nonsocial factor influences the probability of homosexuality in men: the more older brothers a boy has, the more likely he is to grow up to be gay (Blanchard et al., 2006). Your first guess might be that this is a social influence of older brothers, but it turns out that older stepbrothers that are raised with the boy have no effect, while biological brothers (sharing the same mother) increase the probability of the boy's being gay even if the are raised apart (Bogaert, 2006). Furthermore, this "fraternal birth order effect" is seen in boys who are moderately right-handed, but not in left-handed or extremely right-handed boys (Blanchard et al., 2006; Bogaert, 2007), providing another indication of differences in early development between the two sexual orientation groups. Statistically, the birth order effect is strong enough to estimate that about one in every seven homosexual men in North America - about a million people - are gay because their mother had sons before them (Cantor et al., 2002)
Genetic studies in fruit flies have identified genes that control whether courtship behaviors are directed at same- or opposite-sex individuals (Grosjean et al., 2008l S.D. Zhang and Odenwald, 1995), although no one knows the extent to which similar mechanisms are operation in mammals, including humans. Still, there is evidence that human sexual orientation is at least partly heritable, reinforcing the notion that both biological and social factors have a say. About 50% of variability in human sexual orientation is accounted for by genetic factors, leaving ample room for early social influences. Monozygotic twins, who have exactly the same genes, do not always have the same sexual orientation (J.M. Bailey et al., 1993). In the unusual case of two non-twin brothers who are both homosexual, genetic evidence suggests that they are much more likely than chance would dictate to have both inherited the same X chromosome region (called Xq28) from their mother (Hamer et al., 1993); but again the genetic explanation accounts for only some, not all, of the cases. It seems clear that there are several different pathways to homosexuality.
From a political viewpoint, the controversy - whether sexual orientation is determined before birth or determined by early social influences - is irrelevant. Laws and prejudices against homosexuality are based primarily on religious views that homosexuality is a sin that some people "choose." But almost all homosexual and heterosexual men report that, from the beginning, their interests and romantic attachments matches their adult orientation. So any social influence would have to be acting very early in life and without any conscious awareness (do you remember "choosing" whom to find attractive?). Furthermore, despite extensive efforts, no one has come up with a reliable way to change sexual orientation (LeVay, 1996). These findings, added to evidence that older brothers and prenatal androgens affect the probability of being gay, have convinced most scientists that we do not choose our sexual orientation."

Breedlove, S.M., Watson, N.V., Rosenzweig, M.R. Biological Psychology: An Introduction to Behavioral, Cognitive, and Clinical Neuroscience, 6th Edition. Sinauer Associates, 2010.
Feb 2, 2011
Yeah, there was so much there that I couldn't just paraphrase. Like I said, I'm sorry if it's a long read.
Feb 2, 2011
Nice readings captain buzzkill and ghanburighan.
Nov 23, 2008
I note that they included aflred kinseys work in that link of yours GhanBuriGhan. I am trying to find links on his methodology and his conclusions. I am reading some bizzare apparent quotes from him like incest is good and such things.
Nov 23, 2008
I remember reading that mother's chemical condition during pregnancy can affect sexuality of the foetus , women that live under fear have chemical imbalances and this supposingly proves why many WW2 born boys are gay.

Gayness can be exorcised by a skilled priest .
Jun 22, 2009
Athens (the original one)
Whenever someone say it's a choice, I know I am talking to a bisexual. I call it the bisexuality bias. They just believe that everybody is a bisexual which creates the illusion that sexuality can be changed, for them. I place pansexuals into the same category even I take a lot of heat for doing so.

Personally I found as a very openminded teenager, that my sexuality just isn't a choice, I am hetero and that couldn't be changed by will alone.
Oct 26, 2006
Some wiki info on bisexuality. Lots of "mays" there:
Bisexuality is sexual behavior or an orientation involving physical and/or romantic attraction to both males and females, especially in regards to men and women. Pansexuality may or may not be sursumed under bisexuality, with some sources stating that bisexuality encompasses sexual or romantic attraction to all gender identities. People who have a distinct but not exclusive preference for one sex over the other may also identify themselves as bisexual, and people who lack sexual attraction to either sex or genders are known as asexual.

Sexual attraction, behavior and identity may be incongruent, as sexual attraction and/or behavior may not necessarily be consistent with identity.
Some individuals identify themselves as heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual without having had any sexual experience. Others have had homosexual experiences but do not consider themselves to be gay, lesbian, or bisexual. Likewise, self-identified gay or lesbian individuals may occasionally sexually interact with members of the opposite sex but do not identify as bisexual.

The terms "heteroflexible" and "homoflexible," as well as the titles "men who have sex with men" and "women who have sex with women," may also be used. "Further, sexual orientation falls along a continuum. In other words, someone does not have to be exclusively homosexual or heterosexual, but can feel varying degrees of both. Sexual orientation develops across a person's lifetime–different people realize at different points in their lives that they are heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual."

…the development of a lesbian, gay, or bisexual (LGB) sexual identity is a complex and often difficult process. Unlike members of other minority groups (e.g., ethnic and racial minorities), most LGB individuals are not raised in a community of similar others from whom they learn about their identity and who reinforce and support that identity. Rather, LGB individuals are often raised in communities that are either ignorant of or openly hostile toward homosexuality.

Whenever someone say it's a choice, I know I am talking to a bisexual. I call it the bisexuality bias. They just believe that everybody is a bisexual which creates the illusion that sexuality can be changed, for them. I place pansexuals into the same category even I take a lot of heat for doing so.

Personally I found as a very openminded teenager, that my sexuality just isn't a choice, I am hetero and that couldn't be changed by will alone.
For majority I dont think its a choice either whether they are gay or hetero. You propably have to be very much inbetween to be able to make choices.

Personally I cant make a choice. Im way too much hetero. I wouldnt be comfortable as anything else.
Last edited:
Dec 28, 2006
Europa Universalis
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