Does the environment affect ones sexuality?

Okay, I read several of the posts here and I've come to the conclusion that those who prefer phonegames should be put to death. :D
Oct 18, 2006
Yes i am fully aware fo what you wrote. What shows have lisping flamboyant gay people an which ones dont?

Most gay people are offended by the god awful Hollywood stereotypes frequently protrayed. Those stereotypes may be more entertaining, than a boring straight acting gay person, so use your head on that one. Hollywoood is mostly interested in making money, rather than being accurate. And what makes money is frequently very obnoxious, such as flamboyant behavior.

Just because Hollywood fails at properly representing gay people, does not give you an excuse for hate. It's a rather pathetic excuse actually.

And I may add that it demonstrates you lack of faith and Christianity by promulgating this hateful attitude. Whay is that frequenlty the most self professed religious people seem to be the biggest sinners? Are they trying to compensate for their poor moral characters?

However, what more likely is that you're a closeted repressed gay person, who probably hates themselves, as much as you spout hate for gay people. You probably need some psychological counseling.

Did a gay man ever make an advance on you, and were you offended, or mildly surprised or repulsed by you own feelings? So now you need to take out your discomfort on those that seemed to cause this feeling in you?

I'd take a close look at yourself before spouting hate speech on others.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Most gay people are offended by the god awful Hollywood stereotypes frequently protrayed. Those stereotypes may be more entertaining, than a boring straight acting gay person, so use your head on that one. Hollywoood is mostly interested in making money, rather than being accurate. And what makes money is frequently very obnoxious, such as flamboyant behavior.

Just because Hollywood fails at properly representing gay people, does not give you an excuse for hate. It's a rather pathetic excuse actually.

And I may add that it demonstrates you lack of faith and Christianity by promulgating this hateful attitude. Whay is that frequenlty the most self professed religious people seem to be the biggest sinners? Are they trying to compensate for their poor moral characters?

I like how this in this thread atheists assume i hate gay people just because i hate flamboyant lisping from men or women. You guys and girls cant separate the two?

However, what more likely is that you're a closeted repressed gay person, who probably hates themselves, as much as you spout hate for gay people. You probably need some psychological counseling.

Did a gay man ever make an advance on you, and were you offended, or mildly surprised or repulsed by you own feelings? So now you need to take out your discomfort on those that seemed to cause this feeling in you?

I'd take a close look at yourself before spouting hate speech on others.

I behaved like an idiot in my younger years so i hate idiotic behaviour because it reminds me of what i have done in the past. But i dont hate people.
Jul 22, 2012
Off the top of my head I can think of two already (Brothers and Sisters and Six Feet Under) and there may be many more, so that already counters your point of :

However, not only do I not watch every show out there, like I said your bias will not let you remember things that you feel are familiar to you.
That's the way the world works.

People often talk about this coincidence of how odd it is when they speak about someone and they just so happen to call the same day.

People don't realise that all the other time you spoke about someone and they didn't call.

Brothers and sisters ended in 2011 and six feet under in 2005. Try shows that are on now to make your point.
Jul 22, 2012
I do respect the shows like Game of Thrones that represent gay people like normal people.
Jul 22, 2012
Brothers and sisters ended in 2011 and six feet under in 2005. Try shows that are on now to make your point.

You're either deliberately missing the point or not understanding it.
Most gay people are offended by the god awful Hollywood stereotypes frequently protrayed. Those stereotypes may be more entertaining, than a boring straight acting gay person, so use your head on that one. Hollywoood is mostly interested in making money, rather than being accurate. And what makes money is frequently very obnoxious, such as flamboyant behavior.
However, it is likely that is more than it "should" be for the simple case of stereotypes. Just as other groups are often portrayed in their own stereotypical way.

Anyway, Downton Abbey, True Blood, Warehouse 13, The Wire, The Sopranos, Lost.

I don't watch every show in the world, so that's even just the shows I watched.

The issue you have is that you're asking for an imaginary number that would make you happy. The point is that it is likely the media does portray gay people as this stereotype, but it doesn't mean it's true.

In the firm I work for, the Vice President is gay and the only way I know this is because he brought his partner to our company event. If he hadn't, I would never have known.

Another person in our firm is gay, and I could tell after a few talks with the guy, because he is a bit more effeminate, but like I said before:

Behaviour can be learnt or inherited.

Some are due to genetics, others are due to social norms.

So all in all, your hate is unjustified, you should try and calm yourself don and think about your behaviour first as Jesus said, because judging others is how God will judge you too.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
I do respect the shows like Game of Thrones that represent gay people like normal people.

Who are you to judge what is normal ?!

Women used to have to be baby-popping machines. That was normal.

Now it isn't!

What if acting like what you call normal is depressing to people? Are you happy making other people's lives miserable ?
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Then should people behave like idiots too if they feel that is normal for them? I was like that once. Should i go back to behaving like that and no one should judge my behaviour as inappropriate?
Jul 22, 2012
So all in all, your hate is unjustified, you should try and calm yourself don and think about your behaviour first as Jesus said, because judging others is how God will judge you too.

I dont judge others. I love gay people as other i do people.
Jul 22, 2012
Then should people behave like idiots too if they feel that is normal for them? I was like that once. Should i go back to behaving like that and no one should judge my behaviour as inappropriate?

Did your behaviour hurt you or other people ?
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Freud said it best, "The only abnormal sexual behaviour is none at all".

And the only reasonable criteria for judging other's sexual behaviour is whether it does harm to anyone else.

The aim of this thread is to contend that if people aren't "born gay", then it must be a choice, and therefore open to condemnation and reform.

I'm six foot two. I wasn't born six foot two, as my mother will attest. I was born with the genetic potential to be six foot two, but many other factors contributed to ensuring that I reached that height. Short of some fairly drastic surgery, I'll probably stay that way now.

The fact is sadly that it can be harmful due to the reckless promiscuity that comes with it and dangerous sexual practices. Seeing as promiscuity is so rampant and homosexual sexual practices often very dangerous, if a homosexual has sex with another homosexual, he is potentially exposed to all the diseases the multitude of partners all had. The fact that these relationships are extremely short and fleeting for the vast majority of cases and plagued with problems like depression, infidelity and manic behavior from one side or the other (or both) is also concerning.

It's doing no one any service to only present the glowing side of these relationships and sweep the alarming aspects under the rug.

The aim of this thread is not to "reform" someone who does not want to reform, but to provide accurate information, in that it is not as easy and fluffy as the media portrays it, there is no proof at all it is due to genetics and plenty of evidence that nurture comes into play, and that it is impossible to both be gay and Christian.
Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec
So in short, you continue to be a hateful bigot who ignores reality, assigns only negatives to an entire swath of at least 10% of the population to have them match your hateful stereotypes, ignore science that doesn't support your hate-fueled fearful discrimination, and so on. Yawn. We get it ... you are a hateful homophobe who is blind to reality, possibly due to being a proponent of a hateful religion?
Oct 18, 2006
Or is it you who ascribes hateful stereotypes to Christianity and to me? While it is true that I am hateful of political correctness, I am absolutely not hateful toward anyone because Jesus commands me to love my neighbor.

As for stereotypes, I'm afraid that this is not what the studies actually show, for instance such as on this link:


None of these have been conducted by the Family Research Council or any such organization, so why would they misrepresent the data?
Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec
As for stereotypes, I'm afraid that this is not what the studies actually show, for instance such as on this link:


None of these have been conducted by the Family Research Council or any such organization, so why would they misrepresent the data?

Not really true, they take the conclusions they want from the studies.
As one example:

If you’re in a male same-sex marriage, it’s 50 percent more likely to end in divorce than a heterosexual marriage. If you’re in a female same-sex marriage, this figure rises to 167 percent. These statistics come from Norway and Sweden where five out of every 1000 new couples are same-sex.

They don't mention the following :
A crude model without further demographic
covariates (Raw Model C) indicates that the excess risk of divorce of gay partnerships
tends to disappear when the comparison is based on childless couples.

Another one is the following where:
An Amsterdam study found that the average homosexual relationship lasts only 18 months and that “men in homosexual relationships, on average, have eight partners a year outside those relationships.” By comparison, more than two-thirds of heterosexual marriages in America last longer than ten years. Maria Xiridou, et al. “The Contribution of Steady and Casual Partnerships to the Incidence of HIV Infection Among Homosexual Men in Amsterdam,” AIDS 17, 7 (2003): 1029-1038.

Does not explain the following :

Oct 1984-1985: Gay men aged 18-65 with at least two sexual partners in the previous six months. In other words, monogamous partners were explicitly excluded.
April 1985-Feb 1988: Study enrollment was continued, except HIV-negative men were now excluded. Only HIV-positive men were added.
Feb 1988 – Dec 1988: The study was re-opened to HIV-negative men.
Various additional enrollments continued from through 1998. Especially notable was a special recruitment campaign for men under the age of thirty beginning in 1995. After 1996, all HIV-negative men above the age of thirty were dropped from the study. Their data was excluded from subsequent analyses.
Nobody outside of Amsterdam was accepted into the study except for AIDS patients who attended clinics in Amsterdam for treatment. This makes the study almost exclusively an urban one.

And just as one example....

Claim #1: The study was of homosexual relationships between married homosexual men.
This study was not about homosexual relationships. The authors are mostly doctors and epidemiologists – they study how diseases are passed along from one person to the next. Their research article presented a mathematical model that was intended to predict how HIV and AIDS would spread among gay men. If a couple is monogamous, then by definition they would not be contributing to the spread of HIV and AIDS. Monogamous couples were simply irrelevant to the study, which is why they were explicitly excluded.


Also, you missed my last post to you :
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Who are you to judge what is normal ?!

Women used to have to be baby-popping machines. That was normal.

Now it isn't!

What if acting like what you call normal is depressing to people? Are you happy making other people's lives miserable ?
See, though, this sliding goalpost thing troubles me. We're quick to demonize anyone that doesn't buy into society's sense of "normal" at any given point in time. Right now, society has determined that it's cool to be gay so anyone that doesn't buy into that opinion is a loon. A few decades ago, that exact same nebulous "society" was decidedly anti-gay due to the HIV outbreak and anyone that didn't buy into that opinion was a loon. And these ever-shifting definitions of "normal" aren't always moving in the direction of greater tolerance, either-- Muslims haven't always been deemed terrorists one-n-all, but that's certainly the "normal" these days and anyone thinking otherwise gets tarred as a loon or enabler.

So really, we're demonizing HHR and Damian not so much because they must be bigots, but rather because they've failed to keep up with the changing opinions of the current prevailing "normal". That bothers me just a bit.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Not really.

I think what HHR and Damian think is bad, because they cannot be explained in any way that actually makes sense.

The arguments they have put forward were either borne out of ignorance or out of misinformation.

Damian's perception of gay people is flamboyant, lisping people due to a stereotypical portrayal of gay people.

HHR's perception of gay people is promiscuous, AIDs infected people.

On top of all of this, they are not harming you or forcing you to be gay either.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Damian's perception of gay people is flamboyant, lisping people due to a stereotypical portrayal of gay people.

:lol Where did you get that from? But i guess that is the norm these days. To first assume something and then without proper evidence turn that into fact.
Jul 22, 2012
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