Dragon Age 3 - Question of the Month


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
The Bioblog has a new Dragon Age feature, titled Question of the Month (Discovery and Learning). This is essentially a way to engage fans on the future of Dragon Age - though based on various previous comments, I find it hard to believe they aren't further along with planning than this would suggest:
Beginning today, we’ll do a series of questions and discussions around Dragon Age. Consider this a conversation between fans, the community team, and the developers. Everyone at BioWare is incredibly excited about the future of the franchise but we’re interested in what you have to say. Every month, we will discuss a topic or question about Dragon Age and game development. You will have one week to post your thoughts, desires, and hopes before we close the thread for review. Moderators and developers will pop into the thread to chat every now and again, so keep an eye out.
These questions and discussions are not only for future games, but other potential products like novels, animated features, pen and paper RPGs, and comics – all of which offer us opportunities to expand on parts of the world.
However, it’s worth reminding that we’re not making promises, we’re talking about ideas. We won’t guarantee that things we discuss will materialize and we’re not showing anything until we’re ready. And as a last bit of housekeeping, the purpose of these exercises isn’t crowd sourcing or soliciting your game dev concepts (keep those close in case you want to make a game someday!). This should remain a discussion between BioWare and fans about what you loved about Dragon Age Origins and Dragon Age 2—what this franchise means to you.
BioWare co-founder Ray Muzyka has mentioned that we’d like to open up more in future Dragon Age titles, so now we turn to you: What kinds of things would you like to learn more about? Antivan weddings? Orlesian balls? The remnants of the Tevinter empire? Burial customs among the Chaisind?
What kinds of things would you like to discover and learn about the Dragon Age world?
Let us know your answer here!
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
This should remain a discussion between BioWare and fans about what you loved about Dragon Age Origins and Dragon Age 2—what this franchise means to you.

Imo, they need to just forget everything about Dragon Age 2 and pick up where they left off after DA:Origins and Awakening.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
As long as bioware or any other rpg developer is tethered to the likes of EA it's hard to get excited. With KoA and ME3 the trend couldn't be clearer to crank out 'RPGs' with so-called 'mass appeal' and then nickel and dime you to death with dlc. I'm also totally disinterested in bioware's apparent mandate to 'sex up' their games. There's nothing 'adult' about their implementation and comes off as cheesy and MTV-ish. If they want to 'sex up' their games in an adult way they should take some cues from CDProjekt.

I have a moderate interset in KoA but have been dissapointed that they haven't made it possible to play with the camera on the PC version but apparently have plenty of time to crank out a lot of dlc in a short time.

After years of playing WoW it's hard to play a game that looks and plays a bit like WoW but you're forced to look at a screen where 75% of it is taken up with the back of your character's head.

godam I'm getting old and grumpy.
Oct 18, 2006
I'm also totally disinterested in bioware's apparent mandate to 'sex up' their games. There's nothing 'adult' about their implementation and comes off as cheesy and MTV-ish. If they want to 'sex up' their games in an adult way they should take some cues from CDProjekt.

errr…. I'm with you on the dissatisfaction with bioware's romances, but, but… CDProjekt?… Reeely? Okay, I haven't played Witcher-2 yet, but Witcher-1 romances were gorram awful! much-much worse than ME or DA! You were bringing random gifts to every woman in town, and in exchange they would sleep with you — and you'd get a naked picture of her! what the hell?! I felt like I was a pervertic witcher with a hidden cam. just awful.
Jun 2, 2011
yeah it was actually the "romance" and dialogue of witcher 1 which turned me off to the whole series. gameplay seemed solid, but every time geralt opened his mouth i wanted to force him to commit suicide.

back on topic, i thought the lore in DAO was promising. it wasn't usually presented in a very engaging way, but i was looking forward to Orlais. a near-DAO clone in Orlais... I could live with that.
Sep 16, 2011
errr…. I'm with you on the dissatisfaction with bioware's romances, but, but… CDProjekt?… Reeely? Okay, I haven't played Witcher-2 yet, but Witcher-1 romances were gorram awful! much-much worse than ME or DA!.

Couldn't disagree more. The Witcher didn't have "romances" in the same way as Bioware games. You were basically just hooking up, and it was completely optional. It also wasn't nearly as big a part of the game as the Bio-romances that have you jumping through dozens of hoops to complete.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
First. I don't find it that hard to believe that they. the DA2 team, are where they say they are in the development cycle. Please remember that the expansion called Exalted March was cancelled. And as a direct consequence of this people got moved from the DA2 team to SW:TOR....

Also, on the whole we're listening thing:

I'm currently playing Mark of the Assasin. I'm playing on casual - and I'm getting a certian loer part of my body whipped - repeatedly. This dlc has the best strategy and tactics combat I've seen in a long time in a Bioware game. You really need to plan your combat moves 3-4 steps ahead; enemies and monsters react to your moves, they move around trying to best you in combat - let's just say my party dies a lot...

On the DA2 forums people wanted more choices to play the game - when you enter Chateau Haine, you have two options, you can fight your way or you can sneak. It was really enjoyable to sneak past the guards. Reminded me of the old adventure/puzzle games. You had to think here. And at the end, you can decide to continue with a certian elf or you can say goodbye to the elf - for a period.

Given that the DLC was from Bioware, I didn't expect much in terms of choice - Big surpise when the story branches out, not once, but twice, during the dlc. As always, stiry, character and dialogue are excellent in a Bioware game - or DLC. Did I remember to tell you of the varied landscape during the dlc.... No more re-used areas...
Oct 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
Agree with JDR13, sleeping with women and getting their souvenir picture was totally optional in the Witcher. Moreover, when faced with a vampire queen and her sisters/followers in a difficult situation you have to do the right thing and provide support and care to them;).

On a serious note the faces in the pictures provide more meaning and character to the animations in the game as some of the animated faces were samey and devoid of character.
Feb 2, 2011
United Kingdom
errr…. I'm with you on the dissatisfaction with bioware's romances, but, but… CDProjekt?… Reeely? Okay, I haven't played Witcher-2 yet, but Witcher-1 romances were gorram awful! much-much worse than ME or DA! You were bringing random gifts to every woman in town, and in exchange they would sleep with you — and you'd get a naked picture of her! what the hell?! I felt like I was a pervertic witcher with a hidden cam. just awful.

Witcher & Witcher 2 seemed to at least try not to be totally moronic. Sexual content in videogames has a long way to go (to get it right) - I've seen nothing to-date that I'd consider good. But given the dismal offerings so far, I'd say CDProjekt has done the best.

I'd rather have no sexual content in games until such day that someone can actually get it right and not just make some stupid MTV porn fest.
Oct 18, 2006
Obviously, collecting the cards in The Witcher 1 is optional and cannot be considered "romances" by any means as they are just intended as insignificant humourous events on the side.

But what I find funny and to an extent also somewhat pathetic are those people that IMO overreact and consider the whole issue to be disgraceful and immoral.

In any case, my favourite romance sequence is without a doubt the one with Sie in Alpha Protocol. (The "Oh No" at minute 2:10 is just priceless :)).
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Jun 22, 2011
Madrid, Spain
I'm wondering why Bioware is pretending to listen... especially if they are going to do what they did with DA2. How much of what fans wants will show up in DA3? I'd say maybe 1% unless those were already planned out before they asked.
Whatever, witcher and witcher 2 did that to attract teens to their game, which added nothing to the game. They are both good games but be honest geez.
Apr 17, 2007
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