Dragon Age: Inquisition - 2015 Release?


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Well according to a recent earnings release EA may be pushing back the release of Dragon Age: Inquisition to 2015.

EA has cast doubt over Dragon Age: Inquisition's autumn 2014 release date, suggesting that though a release next year is "most likely", there's a possibility it could slip.

"We were highly conscious of the fact that, if Battlefield is as successful as we believe it'll be, that that sets ourselves up for a challenge next year," said EA CFO Blake Jorgensen during the firm's Q2 2014 financial call last night. "But remember, we're introducing NBA this year. We're introducing UFC next year. We have Sims next year, we would most likely, possibly have Dragon Age next year."

Dragon Age: Inquisition (previously known as Dragon Age 3) has already seen a major delay, having been previously due to launch this autumn. It is currently expected to launch on current-gen consoles, PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 late next year.

However, Jorgensen's comments suggest the firm may not be 100 per cent confident in the revised release date.

EA will reveal "more about our ultimate revenue and plans and title plans when we give guidance later in the year," Jorgensen adds.
Thanks go to VideoGamer for the news.

More information.
Oct 1, 2010
2015? With all the DA:I stories being pushed, I was almost expecting a 2013 release.
Mar 22, 2012
It makes it sound like DAI isn't a priority to them and they'll just finish it when the get around to it, no worries though next year has too many must buy titles for me to worry about a game I'm not even sure I'm going to buy.

Not to mention the several kickstarters that should finally release for me. I'll be plenty business and most likely my backlog will get even bigger.
Well this is EA and many publishers push back games to adjust there financial gain.
Not to mention the several kickstarters that should finally release for me. I'll be plenty business and most likely my backlog will get even bigger.
I agree with you. Hopefully none of those kickstarters get delayed to 2015 also.
Oct 1, 2010
Well this is EA and many publishers push back games to adjust there financial gain.

This is most probably what would happen in this case. BioWare devs haven't asked for another extension (and they wouldn't know now that they can't finish features already planned, they still have 1 year to go create them).
Oct 13, 2007
First everyone postponed games for 2014.
Then some games got cancelled (for example unnamed Eidos Montreal project).
And now, since idiots who initially postponed games finally got from the butt to the head that the competition will be huge, now the idea is to move release dates even more.

To all of them - I wish them bankrupcy.
Apr 12, 2009
I agree with you. Hopefully none of those kickstarters get delayed to 2015 also.

Headcinema : EA launching a Kickstarter for DA3 … Oh, the horrors …
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Headcinema : EA launching a Kickstarter for DA3 … Oh, the horrors …
You know I can picture them trying to do something like that.:)
Of course they will be.
Then we will have nothing to look forward to then. Next thing you know The Witcher 3 will be pushed back also the way things are going.:'(
Oct 1, 2010
No complaints here. My backlog is ridiculous, and I'd like to replay DA:O and perhaps finish DA2 prior to DA:I anyways.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
EA launching a Kickstarter
At first I wanted to say that wouldn't surprise me.
But... No.

Sims4. Will be released next year, autumn probably and it's available for preorder already.
Meanwhile they're releasing crap addons for it's predecessor every couple of months and that game needed a thorough patch years ago, yet check the log from recent patch, it's an insult to the audience, not a patch.

Are ppl crazy? Dunno. But EA isn't crazy, no need to kickstart something if existing milking scheme is successful.
Apr 12, 2009
Great… That means Mass Effect 4 (working title) will be pushed even further back. I think that bothers me more than hearing about the delay to DAI.

Though I have to say, I'm officially concerned with DAI now. Originally, the delay was written off as "giving the developers more time so that they can avoid the DA2 mistakes". Perhaps they are hitting the reset button yet again.
Apr 5, 2011
San Juan Islands, WA
"We were highly conscious of the fact that, if Battlefield is as successful as we believe it'll be, that that sets ourselves up for a challenge next year,"
So if BF is a huge success, that's a challenge to EA? What the heck?! And how does that correlate to DA:I in any way?

Does this mean that they'll be satisfied with that fiscal year's earnings due to BF's umpteen millions and want to save DA:I for the next one, to garner its millions then to make that year's earnings look better or something? And/or that BF would set the expected earnings for the next year too high? Or what?


<Ron Perlman>"EA, EA never changes."</Ron Perlman>
Jan 4, 2008
I come from the land of ice and snow
Perhaps they are hitting the reset button yet again.

Considering they haven't hit a reset button for DAI, I'm not sure what you are talking about. They added features to the game that they couldn't have put in without the year extension. That is all that they did.
Oct 13, 2007
So if BF is a huge success, that's a challenge to EA? What the heck?! And how does that correlate to DA:I in any way?

Does this mean that they'll be satisfied with that fiscal year's earnings due to BF's umpteen millions and want to save DA:I for the next one, to garner its millions then to make that year's earnings look better or something? And/or that BF would set the expected earnings for the next year too high? Or what?

"Kind of" would be my guess LG. What it COULD possibly mean is that company's year by year profits should be raising (best case) or at least hold steady (worst case). With 3 major releases in 2014 (BF, DAQ:I and Sims4) they might get their raise in profits that year but what about 2015?
Jan 10, 2008
"Kind of" would be my guess LG. What it COULD possibly mean is that company's year by year profits should be raising (best case) or at least hold steady (worst case). With 3 major releases in 2014 (BF, DAQ:I and Sims4) they might get their raise in profits that year but what about 2015?
You nailed it. It's the same thing Sega and Square Enix keep doing. Profit is falling and they need a boost in certain quarters, and the delay is the answer.

As a gamer it's no benefit to us but to the shareholders it makes sense. Anyway this is not official yet so fingers crossed.:fingerscrossed:
Oct 1, 2010
Considering they haven't hit a reset button for DAI, I'm not sure what you are talking about. They added features to the game that they couldn't have put in without the year extension. That is all that they did.

Reset button on the DA franchise. There was a very clear "left turn to crazy town" between the much-touted origin story features of DAO, along with the very strong implication that your character would continue into successive games-- compared to what we actually got post-EA with DA2.

The Dragon Age has been as manic as Charlie Sheen.
Apr 5, 2011
San Juan Islands, WA
Reset button on the DA franchise. There was a very clear "left turn to crazy town" between the much-touted origin story features of DAO, along with the very strong implication that your character would continue into successive games— compared to what we actually got post-EA with DA2.

The Dragon Age has been as manic as Charlie Sheen.

Even before the BSN was created (aka in the old DAO forums and before EA was in the picture) the devs didn't hide the fact that each new game in the DA franchise would have a different protagonist. That was the plan from day one, it's not a "post-EA" thing.
Oct 13, 2007
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