Dragon Age: Inquisition - 40 Endings Explanation

I remember correctly, at one point someone claiming to work at Bioware made a post saying that the ending for ME3 was basically done by the top 2 guys alone without any feedback from the rest of the writing team. There was no collaboration and they just jammed in whatever they wanted. If memory serves, it has since been taken down, though I don't remember what site it was posted on in the first place anymore sadly. If that was the case, you'd figure that would be an easy mistake to avoid repeating.
Jun 13, 2013
North Carolina, US
The taint of Dragon A@@ 2 and Mass Yawning 3 is strong with this one. After the prior two games I've just mentioned, I find it hard to believe that even 10 people would purchase their next release without knowing in advance that it won't reek. Myself, I'll be playing cards or EQ, and laughing at anyone that throws money at these clowns.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Not sure why another cares about the Ending, if like most we can't get through the first 1 hour of game play like in DA2
Apr 2, 2011
Well clearly the Internet Hipster crowd has already decided that all Bioware games are going to suck and that's that. They aren't going to let facts take away their whipping boy.

40 endings plus three "unique" endings sounds like great stuff to me. If it's just determined by a dozen questions in the last minutes of the game then it's not going to be all that great but it would still be better than most RPGs out there which just have one or two endings. If it's based on a lot more game play, though, as Stanley would say: ...end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is...
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Well clearly the Internet Hipster crowd has already decided that all Bioware games are going to suck and that's that. They aren't going to let facts take away their whipping boy.

How many times do we 'hipsters' need to be totally let down by a software company before caution about their future products is seen as rational rather than hip? Is the magic number 5? 9? Perhaps 21? Or do we need to pre-order every one of a string of shitty sequels until 2030 before we earn the right to be skeptical until proven otherwise?

The problems with ME3 went far beyond the ending, and the problems with DA2 went far beyond the recycled environments. BioWare is a company that has lost its way and its soul. It has shifted its product range to mainstream action (with cosmetic dialog), where important design choices seeming like they were made by suits at EA,

A checklist of features by itself does not make a good game, in the same way that you cannot judge the quality of a painting by the number of colors or brush strokes. Though I agree that many things on DA:I checklist seem interesting and nothing would give me greater pleasure than to read (here) that they've made a good RPG. But that decision won't come at least a few months after release.
Feb 28, 2011
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