Dragon Age: Inquisition - GameTrailer Review


October 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
Gametrailers has written a review with a score of 8.8/10 for this game. You can watch the review here if you so wish.

A quote about the story:

It's surprising, then, that the broad narrative is quite predictable. An old, powerful evil has risen up, commanding a horde of demons bent on causing ruination. As a chosen one of sorts, you're in charge of building a force capable of taking on this evil and closing the demon rifts with a special mark on your hand. It's all so cliche that it's shocking how little impact it has on your enjoyment. Dragon Age: Inquisition is not a game reliant on broad strokes, but instead dozens of small stories that build a meaningful whole. These stories largely come from characters.
A quote on how the story progresses:

What can be frustrating is how Inquisition gates progress. In order to complete the story and conduct certain side operations, you need to spend a currency known as power, which is obtained by doing tasks both large and small in various regions. As the power requirements jump higher and higher, it feels like Dragon Age: Inquisition is artificially extending the hour count. Since there's so much to do, it's not an egregious sin, but it's definitely a needless one.
Thanks to Brovikk Raspution at the DAI forums for finding this.

More information.
Oct 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
What I am finding cliche these days is how many gamers/reviewers feel they have to go out of there way to say how cliche something is. Of course things are cliche, get over it already. Just give me a fun story and enjoyable game to play as I don't turn to games for some esoteric avante garde surreal story idea. In regards to being the "chosen one" also fine. If I want to play some ho-hum nobody grinding through work each day I can just look in the mirror. I certainly don't want to be the same in my games.

Can hardly wait to get home tonight so I can dig into the character generator and spend hours making my chosen one … and then spend weeks, hopefully months, having fun battling evil and enjoying the scenery.
Jun 4, 2008
i think metacritic is full of trolls at the moment

like this one - 10/10
In my opinion, this is the best RPG in the modern gaming world. Excellent work, Bioware. Under the glorious enlightenment and guidance from EA, a game publisher with precise long-term vision in future game development ....
Aug 12, 2013
Oh god. I LOL'd!

Nov 18, 2014
The general consensus was that Dragon Age 2 was the ultimate RPG experience to date, PC gamer crowned it the RPG of the decade. With such high expectations most developers would be afraid to even attempt expanding on such greatness, Bioware not only attempted, they succeed.

The return to Thedas as the Inquisitor is spectacular! With an engrossing story and environment which seamlessly fits with the action packed gameplay, you once again think like a general and fight like a spartan. Again Bioware delivers a deep and complicated cast who truly become more actual friends than mere characters in a story. A prime example of this is the enigmatic Iron Bull voiced by acting virtuoso Freddie Prinze Jr, who reunites with Bioware after voicing Mass Effect 3's breakout star James Vega.

Dragon Age 3 must be played to be truly believed. It is sad to see so many homophoibic trolls downrating this brilliant game. Don't be dissuaded by their hate and negativity, this is one purchase you won't regret!

This one is funny, too! (No spoilers in it, I just put it in spoiler tags because it was quite long.

Nov 18, 2014
In my opinion, this is the best RPG in the modern gaming world. Excellent work, Bioware. Under the glorious enlightenment and guidance from EA, a game publisher with precise long-term vision in future game development, Bioware finally manages to make a RPG suitable for everyone, but not just a game accessible only to a minority of hardcore RPG players.

DA: Origins is an old-school and medicore game only appealing to a tiny market niche. DA II breaks the medicority, and introduces the popular mass effect decision tree and button-mashing mechanics, which attracts tons of Call Of Duty (COD) and action gamers around the world, contributing to its great success. However, it still suffers from a linear and small game world, and repetitive dungeons.

DA: Inquisition evolves from its predecessors by combining the best elements of 2 popular RPGs in modern era. It adopts the sandbox open world, lightweight RPG perspective and enormous fetch quest system from the highly praised Elder Scroll Skyrim, as well as the popular decision tree mechanism and the combat elements from another Bioware's master piece, Mass Effects 3.

By having a cohesive reasonance of 2 best elements from 2 outstanding RPGs, and adding tons of creative elements, this game simply becomes one larger than the sum of all parts. You have a large world to explore, tons of item collection and FedEx quests to play with, and the best button mashing mechanics to finish off your opponents. Skyrim and this game is great because they both remove the annoying character stat building mechanism. Stat is now only granted from equipment, how amazing and creative, isn't it? In addition, this game adopts the perfect RPG gaming style of Skyrim, i.e. explore first, just forget the plot, which removes player's frustration to recall memory about the main quest and story line. This is just like a great and sincere invitation to all COD fans and action gamers, as well as any potential causal gamers. It caters for the taste of all gamers around the world via greatly enhancing its accessibility. It is a master of everything rather than a jerk of all trade. This is a game for everyone!

You may worry about that the return of the old-school tactical view from the mediocre DA:Origins may ruin your fantastic game play experience. Don't worry about that, it is just implemented for those hardcore players for their happiness in pausing the game all the time, breaking the pace of combat. This game can be handled easily by controlling your own character only under an action game style. The tactics setting of companion is simplified to an user friendly level for further accessibility. In contrast to DA: Origins, you can’t set up some complicated tactics for your companions, but this is unnecessary anyway. Friendly fire is disabled by default, so just forget your companions, and let them either fight or fall. You can handle fights easily by charging upfront and having high reflex in right timing of attack, dodge and button mashing. You can enjoy a fluid flow of combat all the time!

Overall, by removing the complexity and annoyance from old-school RPG, adding the best elements from 2 most famous modern RPGs, and introducing an exciting button mashing combat mechanics to the game, this game has reached the highest height of RPGs that none in the world could ever reach. This is a milestone of RPG development, and should be referred to in future development of RPGs. Today is an important day that marks the beginning of revolution in RPG history! A new era of RPG has come! From now on, we can step forwards and forget about all classic RPGs in the old-school days. Everyone, express your praise and gratitude towards our beloved developers, and join us to have fun in this master piece of art now!

In case if there are expansions or sequels for this gift from god, which are highly probable considering how successful this game is, we really hope that first-person shooting mode, QTEs and the mechanism of climbing tower to reveal map can be implemented. This will further induces passion from every gamers, because these elements are universally regarded by every gamer as the best features that have ever existed in shooter and action games!

By the way, I am looking forwards to see at least 1000 DLCs for this game, because its scope is so huge, and with so much potential to further expand on. Don't keep us waiting, our wallets are ready! We hope that our beloved developers will listen to our suggestion and request, and release the DLCs and expansions ASAP for us. ;)
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Well who in the right mind would trust some random review from from anonymus person on the internet :D

That's why I only trust RPS for good reviews, I mostly agree with them on every review they have done by now.
Nov 16, 2014
Under the glorious enlightenment and guidance from EA, a game publisher with precise long-term vision in future game development, Bioware finally manages to make a RPG suitable for everyone

Un bloody believable.
This goes in my sig. Somewhere...
Apr 12, 2009
haha. Here's another one. The facetiousness is strong with this one. So many jaded sarcasms.

In my opinion, this is the best RPG in the modern gaming world. Excellent work, Bioware. Under the glorious enlightenment and guidance from EA, a game publisher with precise long-term vision in future game development, Bioware finally manages to make a RPG suitable for everyone, but not just a game accessible only to a minority of hardcore RPG players.

EDIT:Damn. Joxer beat me to it it. ;)
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Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Oct 13, 2007
When it comes to hyperbole, some ´professional´ reviewers can be just as bad as some of the Metacritic people. Here´s Greg Tito from 'The Escapist':

I've heard people in the industry compare video games to medieval cathedrals. Those massive structures required coordination from so many different disciplines: architects, masons, painters, mosaicists, glass blowers, sculptors. Video games must also fuse the talents of many different craftsmen and artists: composers, sound designers, level designers, systems designers, visual artists, animators, programmers, voice actors, writers and storytellers. Just like the Notre Dame, you can tell when all of those disciplines are meshing together to form a video game that will be remembered for a long time. Dragon Age: Inquisition is a masterwork.

Bottom Line: BioWare has created a role-playing game which feels like a massive monument to our culture.

I've been playing videogames for a long, long time. If somebody called even one of the best of them ' a massive monument to our culture', I would probably become ever so slightly unreasonable…>:O

But hey, Greg Tito…:-/
Mar 9, 2014
Germania Inferior
Yea well… To some the "best thing evar" will be this movie:

Too bad some of them are game reviewers.

Oh and... About this Escapist reviewer:

The problem isn't that he gave DA2 a high score, the problem is that he was literally the only professional reviewer to give the game a perfect score. You can like DA2 all you like, but I'm going to call you out if you think it was anywhere near deserving of a 10/10.
Apr 12, 2009
Under the glorious enlightenment and guidance from EA, a game publisher with precise long-term vision in future game development, Bioware finally manages to make a RPG suitable for everyone

This sounds like a North Korean propaganda pamphlet. :rotfl:
Dec 16, 2013
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