Drakensang: TDE - A Closer Look Video


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Staff member Fluent is back again with a new video this week to play Radon Labs Drakensang:The Dark Eye RPG from 2008, and share his opinion on the game.

Hello everyone!

I am officially back with a new video for you all to enjoy. I recently built my new computer and will be making videos again, so I hope you enjoy what I have to offer today, which is a look at the classic RPG, Drakensang, which is basically the German Baldur's Gate!

The game is a real-time-with-pause system, meaning you can pause and issue tactical commands like you did in Baldur's Gate or Dragon Age! Fun!!
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
It was a decently fun cRPG; one of these days I'll dig it out again.
Mar 22, 2012
I found the first Drakensang to be dreadfully dull and run-of-the-mill. Really just tremendously "safe" and almost pointless as a contribution to gaming.

I didn't care for the character system, which while nicely thought-out, just wasn't fun in terms of toys and powers. It felt like an attempt at realism without the fun parts.

The story was dull, the characters were dull, the combat was dull and the environments were dull.

I never gave the second one a proper chance, because I don't enjoy playing sequels without having played the original.

So, I can't say I'm excited about this one.
I liked Drakensang very much. It's a special detailed gem.
So, in high contrast to Dartagnan I find this game quite interesting in a lots of ways and very fun to play.
It certainly is not a fast paced game, but that's the beauty of it.
Now I'm itching to go at it again.
Glad you like it Fluent and congrats for the new PC. May it serve you long and well!
Oct 4, 2011
Planet Earth
Thanks, Black Rune! :party:

Thanks for posting this, Couch. I hope you guys enjoy videos like this. I have many ideas for new videos and what I should do. If you all have any ideas you'd like to see me do, let me know. :thumbsaup:
Which first Drakensang are you referring to? I found Drakensang to be a great cRPG in a time when almost no decent RPG's were being released.

AFAIK, there's only one first Drakensang in video game terms. The one from 2008, IIRC.

If you're referring to the RoA series, then I agree. Those were great games for their time.

To me, games aren't better because there are fewer of them.

But these things are subjective. Some people like these games, and some don't.

No big deal, from where I'm sitting.

Also, when I say it was dull - it doesn't mean it wasn't perfectly competent. It was, and it was also a fully functional and polished game.

But I think games have one primary function that should rule over all others, and that's to provide entertainment.

When a game fails to entertain me, I don't think that's my personal attack on the game. That's pretty much beyond my control, especially considering my desire to enjoy every game I invest in and sit down to play.

Some people tend to confuse conflicting opinions with some kind of negative strategy.

I don't know why - as I think we're all interested in having fun, no?
I really like the TDE system, after being exposed to it a bit in the Realms of Arkania remake, and now Drakensang, I think the system is really great. The system is extensive and makes for a very complex and deep game, which is right up my alley.

There is extensive lore that has a sort of low-fantasy feel to it, or maybe 'realistic' is the right word. The large amount of stat and skill checks in the game is also a great aspect, and the quests are often structured around this sort of interaction with NPCs.

For example, I just talked down an angry bear with my Amazon because her Animal Lore skill was high enough. Little things like that add a great level of role-play, fun and an unpredictable aspect the game.

If I make another Drakensang video, is there anything you all would like to see or hear me talk about? :thinking:
I'm glad that Fluent made a video about this game. I remember when in 2009/2010 there wasn't much good RPG games for PC and I was looking for something and I found the Dragensang series. The graphics and stats and recommendations from other gamers made me download the demo. However, I felt like DArtagnan - I spent only a couple of hours and never bought the game (I wasn't entertained like I thought I should be, the game didn't click with me). I sank heaps of hours into King's Bounty series instead...
Oct 27, 2012
How many hours did you play, xep? :thinking: It gets better as you go and you start to learn the system and gameplay mechanics.

It's definitely not a fast-paced action adventure, but that's exactly why I like it. :)
The Dark Eye was pretty good. I ran out of motivation to continue with it about halfway through but they had a lot of good ideas. Just seems like most of those good ideas never lived up to their potential. IMO they should have made it more of a sandbox adventure. You can't do Bioware style interactive storytelling when you don't have a good story. When you don't have a good story you need to concentrate on gameplay.
Apr 13, 2010
My dislike had nothing to do with pacing. It was just as I said, a dull character system without toys and things to look forward to. A supremely generic setting with extremely generic writing. A combat system that was just as dull and uninspired.

I like the PnP system, and I agree it has a nice level of complexity - but complexity by itself isn't interesting. It has to reward the player for his investment, and I'm the kind of player who feels rewarded when I get new toys and powers to play around with. I'm not rewarded by tiny stat increases now and then.

I stopped somewhere after getting to the first large city - as the prospect of exploring in that world, with that kind of system in place - was just not attractive at all.

To each his own, though.
I wasn't entertained like I thought I should be…

Yeah, prolly cuz they tried to do a Bioware knockoff but forgot to bother with decent writing and voice acting. If they'd made it a dungeon crawl instead it might have worked better. The game mechanics were actually pretty good, and my recollection is the graphics were not bad at all compared to the competition.
Apr 13, 2010
Drakensang (and it's sequel) are IMO musthave and mustplay games.
Apart from being rare TDE based cRPG, the most important thing is that Drakensang games, unlike almost every other german RPG, contain tons of humor.
Beware, while mother ratzinsky and similar stuff are just there to make you snicker, some humor is intelligent enough it might insult you - buying a ship was making a joke of people who buy avoidware. And it's not ment to be an insult, really.
I remember some "reviews" talking about cliche this, cliche that… But I don't remember any game they praised contained Munchausen NPC. Since when such hommage is a cliche?

Fluent, I just wish you did that video in 2008.
Because you waited 7 years, TDE developer now bites the dust.
Okay, not really, but game's publisher failed with the marketing, noone even knew that game exists unless you were in certain nonmainstream gaming circuits.
Apr 12, 2009
Holy crap joxer did you just say you like Drakensang? This is a great day. I am truly astonished. Unless you are being sarcastic. You're not pulling a fast one are you?
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
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