Elder Scrolls Online - Free Weekend and Sale

Its worth noting that the DLCs are also on sale so useful if you already own the game.
Oct 8, 2009
So far I've gotten as far as creating a character before repeatedly losing contact with their servers. This is the 2nd different time I've attempted to play this and can't stay on their servers.
Dec 16, 2013
I don't always play well with others. Any fun soloing it?

Yes its pretty good as solo game too. You will easily get your money's worth. In fact, its better as solo game than MMO.
Oct 8, 2009
Could be, but the action combat is so laggy that you might as well play Skyrim if you have no interest in playing with others.

That said, it isn't unplayable and I got my guy to level 50 just running dungeon finder queues as tank before I got bored and went on to other things.

It's worth $10 ($15!)

I did get the gold version but out of all its content ive only used 2 dungeons so you could do without it, I think.

Also, I'm going to play soon cos a friend wanted to try out the free weekend, but its 50gig download too :)
Jul 10, 2007
Of course you got bored if all you did was use the dungeon finder. Did you actually do any of the questlines? The main quest line is decent, the Orc one is excellent and I've started the Mage Guild one and its interesting so far. Then theres the Dark Brotherhood, the Thieves Guild and the Fighters Guild questlines which I have not started yet plus all the smaller questlines for each area. I still feel like I've barely started the game. The game is very much soloable for the vast majority of the content.

The 3 biggest cons of the game are:

- PvP is dreadfully unbalanced and a complete lagfest most of the time
- You have to subscribe to get the Craft Bag
- The way they implemented the stores to sell your goods is just aweful
I was thinking of trying it but slow internet + 60GB download means I would get to play it for about 2 hours before free play period ends. It's on sale too, but I think I'll pass. I might try EVE Online now that it's free to play, though.
Jun 24, 2014
Well, my friend instantly hated it. He hates mmorpgs and was hoping for Elder Scrolls, he says. :)

" i dont think you get how disappointed i am in that man.
its like someone who was in a coma for 15 years watched an episode of the new simpsons"

Toff, im not really into questing. I just want to do group content.

But I went orc and played quests until level 10. The quests were good and well voiced, but not really efficient for power leveling. Some of them take longer than others but reward similar XP. I prefer running laps around the world bosses like a bot. xD

What i need is a new majormud to script while AFK. need more games I can play AFK :D
Jul 10, 2007
Well, my friend instantly hated it. He hates mmorpgs and was hoping for Elder Scrolls, he says. :)

" i dont think you get how disappointed i am in that man.
its like someone who was in a coma for 15 years watched an episode of the new simpsons"

Toff, im not really into questing. I just want to do group content.

But I went orc and played quests until level 10. The quests were good and well voiced, but not really efficient for power leveling. Some of them take longer than others but reward similar XP. I prefer running laps around the world bosses like a bot. xD

What i need is a new majormud to script while AFK. need more games I can play AFK :D

As I said before ESO is really a "casual"/ "solo" player game and its not proper MMO.
Oct 8, 2009
You could try PvP then. Grouping is pretty much required there in order to be effective.

I'm opposite. I don't enjoy dungeon grinding for gear and prefer storylines.
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