Elminage Gothic - Win A Free Copy!

What about me?

Edit: only 8 posts
Oct 17, 2014
What about me?

Edit: only 8 posts

So, head into any one of the numerous sub-forums here on RPGWatch and post about a game you love.

It's really quite simple.

Make a post about your favorite RPG and you like it in the General RPG section. Start a topic about your top RPG elements that you like to have in your games. Read one of Couchpotato's interviews and give us your thoughts on it and what you took away from it.

Get creative! All you need is 2 more posts in the next 48 hours or so. I'm sure you can manage that. :)
Okay, so I've played more of the game and I can say that you guys are in for a real treat! However, I have this disclaimer:

NOTICE - This is a true "hardcore", "old-school" dungeon-crawling experience. Do not expect an easy game, this is far from it. You will die often. You will have to re-load plenty. It is simply not an easy game. It is not for the faint of heart.

So, I will give anyone who wants to change their mind about winning the game a chance to opt-out of the contest. If you don't have the desire or ability to handle a punishing game, please opt-out and give someone else a chance to win in your stead!

If you still want to be in the contest, no reply is necessary. But please, if you can't handle a challenging experience, you won't want to play this game.

This is just a friendly disclaimer from your pal, Fluent. I will be closing the contest most likely tomorrow night (Monday, April 20th), 7:00 Eastern Time.

Rock on, everybody. :cool:
Okay, so I've played more of the game and I can say that you guys are in for a real treat! However, I have this disclaimer:

"NOTICE - This is a true "hardcore", "old-school" dungeon-crawling experience. Do not expect an easy game, this is far from it. You will die often. You will have to re-load plenty. It is simply not an easy game. It is not for the faint of heart.

So, I will give anyone who wants to change their mind about winning the game a chance to opt-out of the contest. If you don't have the desire or ability to handle a punishing game, please opt-out and give someone else a chance to win in your stead!"

If you still want to be in the contest, no reply is necessary. But please, if you can't handle a challenging experience, you won't want to play this game.

This is just a friendly disclaimer from your pal, Fluent. I will be closing the contest most likely tomorrow night (Monday, April 20th), 7:00 Eastern Time.

Rock on, everybody. :cool:
Fine you inspired me add my name to your giveaway Fluent. :biggrin:
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Oct 1, 2010
Nice offer to everyone interested, thanks RPGWatch.

Congrats to whoever wins.

I am not interested, please do not included this post in the give away.
Apr 2, 2011
I almost want to say this is the Dark Souls of dungeon-crawlers. It's got a dark atmosphere of surreal, fantasy weirdness, a thick atmosphere with slightly scary, foreboding, strange and creepy overtones, very minimal hand-holding, brutal difficulty at times, with encounters ending very badly if you don't make good rolls. Mix that with a bit of party management that you'd find in your classic dungeon-crawl RPG, striving to stay alive on your excursions and keep your party healthy with the limited means that you have, and sprinkle with just enough story and mystery to keep you interested. Top that with gorgeous artwork and art style, and you have a winner in my heart. <3

I could do another review, but I think that pretty much sums it up. :cool:

Great news, everybody! I have a whopping 5 keys to giveaway for this game, thanks to the generosity of Ross Brierly from Ghostlight! Cheers, Ross! :party:

So, if you were on the fence about jumping in because the odds were stacked against you, this will probably change your mind. :)

I will give an additional day for people to enter and close out things Tuesday at 7:00 PM, Eastern Time.

Good luck everyone! :)
I know, I don't often post but I've been a member for a couple of years now and I'd like to win aswell! :)
Mar 24, 2009
I'll throw my name in the hat...
Mar 10, 2009
Update #2

The contest is closed! Thanks for entering. I will announce the 5 winners later today. :)
The Winners!

Here are the 5 lucky members who will be getting sent a key for the game.

Darius Rivenguard
Dark Savant

Thanks to everyone who entered, thanks to Ross Brierley from Ghostlight for providing the keys, and thanks to RPGWatch for existing to allow me to host this. Cheers! :party:

Enjoy the game! :)

P.S. If you like the game, consider writing a few words in a mini-review for the game after you've played it for awhile! :)
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