Fallout - 1998 Movie Treatment


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Ausir from The Vault writes in about a newly discovered Fallout movie treatment from 1998. Here's their intro and head over for a sample of the treatment and links:
No, the news is not about any upcoming movie. It's about a Fallout movie that was being planed by Interplay just after the release of the original Fallout. In 1998, Interplay formed a division called Interplay Films, which was to develop some of the company’s video game titles into movies. A Fallout movie script was to be written by Brent V. Friedman. Several studios were interested in the concept, but before a deal could be conconsummated, Interplay Films was disbanded around 2000 and the movie was canceled.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
We recently had two Fallout'esque movies from which we can predict how it would have turned out:

1) Book of Eli, standard Hollywood popcorn flick. Lots of flash, little substance. Immediately forgettable.

2) The Road. Lots of substance but the common movie-goer relies on big special effects to draw them in… and so the movie bombed.

I doubt a Fallout movie would ever capture the desolation of The Road… it would instead get loaded down with cliche` action-movie antics as decided by movie execs to draw in a large crowd. Afterall, it's a video game movie, right? That's what video game kids want - lots of booms; no need to spend any money on a script. Be sure to throw in two 20 year olds falling for each other too.

Now that bit of cynical sarcasm is out of the way, two great movies worthy of the Fallout universe would be "A Boy and his Dog" and "The Day After".
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
Both The book of Eli and The Road rock. Forgettable? Not me sir. Both made into my collection of movies that deserve to be on my shelves.
And yes those two are recent movies that could be loosely linked to Fallout, but none of them two is Fallout nor is even trying to be Fallout.
There is no movie that can get close to Fallout, even those two you mention later, not even Logan's run (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0074812/), not even Omega man (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0067525/). For those who don't know, Omega man is a book adaptation far superior than the recent crap named "I am legend".

As for Interplay's cancellation of the movie… Tell me something not expected for once please. Seems Interplay only knew how to veto or cancel something that's promising.
Apr 12, 2009
thank god (uh oh corwin is gunna ban me for saying the lawds name in vain and endorsing abortion!) this was given the abortion before it gave birth.

so stupid.
Feb 22, 2011
Virgin Islands
You can't really know how this would have turned out back then because that was before all of the crap game based movies being made just to try and get some quick money out of something that is popular. Gaming wasn't the big money maker that it is today so depending on the effort put into it the movie may have turned out well but we will never know.
Oct 19, 2006
Actually, it's (very loosely, but still) based on the original Fallout, not Fallout 2. :)

Our CMS uses a pull-down for the game title - every now and then I accidentally roll the mouse as I hit enter.

We recently had two Fallout'esque movies from which we can predict how it would have turned out:

1) Book of Eli, standard Hollywood popcorn flick. Lots of flash, little substance. Immediately forgettable.

2) The Road. Lots of substance but the common movie-goer relies on big special effects to draw them in… and so the movie bombed.

Loved 'em both. Not all time classics but worth watching.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Thanks for reminding me of those two movies. I rented them from Netflix and enjoyed both very much.
Book of Eli was a bit schmaltzy, but fun. I liked the action. The Road was a very emotional and dark film for me. Full of desperation, but hopeful at the same time.
Jan 23, 2009
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