Fallout 4 - Arrives November 10th this year!

You can probably ignore all or most of it, and just have your regular TES/Fallout experience.
Unfortunately that experience is crap. For me the only interesting thing from that presentation is the crafting and what seems to be better gun play.
Also I liked a lot how when you enter power armor your HUD and movement changed.
Oct 3, 2014
You're wrong. Bioware fans will use Dorian and Sera. :evilgrin:

You didn't recognize the female voice did you? That was Jack (and Tela Vasir in Lair of the Shadow Broker) voice actress Courtenay Taylor.
Oct 13, 2007
EDIT: Graphics are REALLY meh tho, for a Bethesda game. Job for modders again, I suppose. Long live the master race and all that.

Not sure what you mean by "for a Bethesda" game. If anything, the company's prior rep has been for underwhelming, behind-the-times graphics using an outdated engine. I'm a little surprised by how little everything seems to have improved since FO3, but that surprise is mostly because they're finally moving to a totally new engine for this one (aren't they?).

The Bethesda.net stuff is the most worrying piece of the entire presentation, and the fully-voiced-as-long-as-you-want-voice-A-or-voice-B aspect of FO4 suggests that Bethesda is ready to complete the franchise's transition into open-world action. I imagine the game will still be a lot of fun, but it'll never again be the game I wish we had. The closer FO gets to being an action game at its core, the worse the franchise will fare in my eyes; titles like Far Cry 4 are at least as good in terms of narrative, and offer better combat, better encounter design, and vastly better dialogue/voice-acting.
Apr 2, 2015
Austin, TX
You didn't recognize the female voice did you? That was Jack (and Tela Vasir in Lair of the Shadow Broker) voice actress Courtenay Taylor.
I didn't watch any of videos actually. Just reading texts and watching pics - I despise wasting time on youtube when 15 mins of vid can be described in a few sentences. :D
But okay I'll give it a shot.

One thing more.
Graphics that to some look "meh"… I actually like the style on pics.
Bethesda obviously didn't surrender to bloody dark&gritty plague - colors, colors and more colors. If anyone, Cindy Lauper would be thrilled with this game announcement.
Sure, it's not the top notch CGIlike thing like Order 1886, but tell me, would you sacrifice a proper shooter mechanics and turn the game into a QTE fest just to have a graphics shinier than AC:Unity boredom that works properly only on numerous_core Itanium with two GTX 980 in SLI? I wouldn't.
Apr 12, 2009
but that surprise is mostly because they're finally moving to a totally new engine for this one (aren't they?).

It's the same engine they have been using since Morrowind, just improved with each new games and it had a name change with Skyrim because of how extensive they improved it.
Oct 13, 2007
Since it's aiming for a November release, i think there's a pretty big chance it will get delayed a couple of months and go into 2016. It happens on most AAA games out there.
Sep 18, 2009
I've been watching a few videos and I can't say the graphics are bad at all.

The crafting/basebuilding is really cool and I can see it adding to the gameplay...

All in all, looking forward to this...Never expected it this year so even happier.
Apr 17, 2007
Some commentor says it's The Sims: Wasteland Edition

^ ^ This!! :)

What I liked:

- The weapon customization;
- The colors. After seeing the gameplay video, I must say I liked them. Wasteland doesn't necessarily have to be monochrome.

What I really liked:

-Anyone can correct me if I'm wrong, but IIRC it's the first time in FO series we get to play BEFORE the war! I don't know how long this part of the game will last, but even for a few minutes we'll have a taste of how was the life outside the vault, in pre-war era. Fallout series has a history of its own, it is good the devs use it properly.

What I don't care:

-Sorry, I know I'm minority here but I don't give a s**t to all this face/body customization. I saw the video, it is well-done and all, but I think it isn't a "much really needed" feature. Sometimes the devs put great efforts in all this customization thing, which happens to have low impact in-game. OK, my char can have a beard, black/white tan, haircut this-and-that.. so what ?

Nov 15, 2013
-Sorry, I know I'm minority here but I don't give a s**t to all this face/body customization. I saw the video, it is well-done and all, but I think it isn't a "much really needed" feature. Sometimes the devs put great efforts in all this customization thing, which happens to have low impact in-game. OK, my char can have a beard, black/white tan, haircut this-and-that.. so what ?


Well, in this day and age, you wouldn't want every NPC to look just like the last one. Since there are hundreds of npcs, you'll need some customization. Might as well let the protagonist use that same customization to tweak their look. Also, as Joxer has pointed out, there is a mini-Sims feel to every Bethesda title since Morrowind and especially since Oblivion. I'll just use the default dude or dudette. Probably the gal if I play 3rd person much. I'd rather stare at a girl's ass for 300 hours than a guys, but that's just me.
Oct 18, 2006
I liked what I saw! I'm most interested in the game simply being another huge, sprawling wasteland to explore, with content all over the place and interesting secrets and things to discover in every part of the map. Typical Bethesda stuff, really.

I didn't care much for the town customization, though. I guess it's cool for the Minecraft players who want to do that sort of thing, but to me it seems like a bit pointless. Unless special NPCs other than traders come to the village and unlock new quest content along with other secret stuff, otherwise I can see myself skipping that a bit. Or, at least only building a basic house just to store my stuff in.

But overall it looks like I thought it would. Another vast open-world wasteland to explore. Can't wait for it! =)
Sorry, I know I'm minority here but I don't give a s**t to all this face/body customization.
You're not the minority here. :)

I'm pretty sure most ppl don't care, but I'm totally hyped over it, honestly.
It looks more advanced than Sims4 and DA3 character creator. Sims 4 one was near perfect but didn't have actual boundaries so you were able to make some, not quite abominations but let's say people that look as if they had some serious problems while still a fetus (I'm using one such sim as trollavatar on Bioware forum). DA3 was a bit better, it even added colorwheel instead of predefeined colors, but face varieties were still not wide enough and besides you couldn't change bodies (plus there is a horrible bug with male elves, dunno if it was fixed).
Apr 12, 2009
Nov 15, 2013
So sad to see what Bethesdahas done to the fallout franchise... now with their own "Origin" service and such + all the other crappy games they make, and now they want to ruin doom as well, not that it matters that much it was already more or less ruined :D

Anyway they are close to becoming the new EA! Hope they'll not buy and destroy more classics!!
Oct 25, 2006
I'm not sure what to think about the base building or the pipbboy minigames or the….

But I'll give Bethesda one thing: It's different from the expected norm. Nevertheless, it's also a distraction from the more intrinsic parts of the game - those that will decide whether or not this game bores me like every other Bethesda game before it.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
I have a hard time to believe Dishonored bored anyone. But… That's just me. Plus I refused to buy the new Wolfenstein so avoided the possibility of getting bored with that one. :)
Apr 12, 2009
But then you can say Sims or Dungeon Keeper phonegame was not developed by EA too.
Just like Maxis that is not a standalone company, Arkane is Beth's subsidiary. Sure, you can now say, no it's Zenimax subsidiary, but hell who calls Zenimax as Zenimax these days?
Apr 12, 2009
Dishonored wasn't developed by Bethesda, Joxer. Or Wolfenstein.

I'm all on board with critiquing Bethesda for stuff, but they deserve some real credit for the lineup of diverse, almost uniformly excellent games they've built through acquiring and managing folks like Arkane and id. The truth is, those studios have been brought in-house by Bethesda, and we really don't know much about the degree of creative interpenetration/collaboration going on - nor the production/management value provided by Bethesda. They're clearly doing something right, so I think it's a little silly to split hairs like this.

It's also worth noting that the last "core" (TES/FO) game released by Bethesda was Skyrim, and that came before all of the recent, genuinely good non-core releases, so there's no way for us to judge whether Bethesda's core franchises will benefit from this creative conglomeration.

(Okay, that's not totally accurate, because TES:O was released more recently. But I have trouble seeing that as part of Bethesda's TES/FO "core", even tho it's a TES title, and the MMO's design and development clearly stretched back for years.)

As much as I'm not that fond of Bethesda's direction with the FO franchise, I'm honestly impressed with the company's total lineup these days - and with the production and management that have to be going into that. I never thought I'd say this, but Bethesda's current business model and overall performance are impressive enough that I'm willing to reserve my snap/traditionalist judgment on FO4 for awhile.
Apr 2, 2015
Austin, TX
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