Fallout 4 - Contraptions Workshop DLC Released


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
A new DLC for Fallout 4 has released called 'Contraptions Workshop'.

The fourth load of Fallout 4 [official site] DLC is here and it's another small one. Following the big new hunks of story and land in Far Harbour, they've gone back to small mod-like stuff with the Contraptions Workshop add-on. Released last night, it adds new mechanised doodads for settlements like conveyer belts, logic gates, and so on for your architectural amusement. But if you want more quests and whatnot, the next big DLC for you will be Nuka-World in August.

Here's the blurb from Bethesda:

"Machines that sort! Machines that build! Machines that combine! With Fallout 4 Contraptions, use conveyer belts, scaffolding kits, track kits, even logic gates to construct crazy and complex gadgets to improve your Wasteland settlements. The Contraptions Workshop also includes all-new features like elevators, greenhouse kits, warehouse kits, fireworks, armor racks and more!"
More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand

I'm not so interested in Contraptions mods as I am in Nuka-World. I think that DLC looks pretty freaking cool, being a weird post-apoc theme park.

Finally, Bethesda takes the "open-world theme park" theme to its ultimate conclusion. :D

Maybe because this DLC adds nothing really really important to the game. Nothing like Far Harbor, which brings a whole new location with quests and new enemies. This DLC only brings bric-a-bracs to be used on settlements.

I don't have the game though it is on my wishlist, but sometimes I think not to buy it because of the damn DLCs. How many DLCs are focused on the settlement 'feature' ?
It's a pity that Bethesda are making a tremendous effort to 'promote' this settlement feature of theirs, when (almost) nobody cares. They should be focused on bringing us more meaty DLC, instead of developing a lot of cosmetic add-ons, and I stress the expression 'a lot' here: Contraptions Workshop, Vault-Tec Workshop, Wasteland Workshop, maybe Nuka World as well (I don't know about the true nature of Nuka World).

What are they trying to do here? Show us the 'future' of their RPGs? Is TES VI: Valenwood (or whatever it will be) supposed to be a mix of action and Sims game? How about addding a spice of 'dating simulator' as well? Sad for them, sad for us, sad for these two long-lasting, beloved franchises: Fallout and Elder Scrolls.

Rant mode off, please.
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Nov 15, 2013
Is TES VI: Valenwood (or whatever it will be) supposed to be a mix of action and Sims game? How about addding a spice of 'dating simulator' as well?

Oh god, I truly hope not. For all we know this might just be a Fallout feature. Although, Skyrim did have Hearthfire, so who knows.
Lets face it Fallout 4 is NOT a fallout game. Power armor SHOULD NOT be a vehicle. It should have been an achievement like all the other Fallout games. There SHOULD NOT be creating towns like it is a minecraft clone. If anything towns should be destroyed. THose two things combined killed the enjoyment of the game for me.
Jul 22, 2012
Oh god, I truly hope not. For all we know this might just be a Fallout feature. Although, Skyrim did have Hearthfire, so who knows.


From what I know, the Heartfire DLC is way less complex than FO 4's settlements. I'm not against allowing the player to own a house to sleep, a trunk to store the things we got in our journey, but please oh dear devs, let's not try to make it a boring, repetitive thing.
Nov 15, 2013
I actually found it fun to build up my settlements, and make them defensible against attackers. The one with the respawning miralurk queen was a hoot. But yeah, it's definitely a step away from the core game, and I wouldn't buy anymore of it unless it game with RPG goodness.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
From what I know, the Heartfire DLC is way less complex than FO 4's settlements.

I realize this. My point was that Hearthfire may have been the start of the "build your own settlement" type idea, and it was just built-on more with Fallout 4.

Or, the next Elder Scrolls game won't have the feature to Fallout 4's extent. We have yet to see if this is a new feature for Bethesda RPGs moving forward or just a Fallout 4 thing. :)
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It is fun to build settlements....

What would be truly awesome is if those settlements had some impact upon the environment around them.... like if there were quests or random happens with invasion, or stealth and spying, inter- settlement wars, etc....

They need to integrate the settlement function back into the game more effectively, rather than just being a fun side-game of the main game.
Jul 15, 2013
Queensland, Australia
It is fun to build settlements….

What would be truly awesome is if those settlements had some impact upon the environment around them…. like if there were quests or random happens with invasion, or stealth and spying, inter- settlement wars, etc….

They need to integrate the settlement function back into the game more effectively, rather than just being a fun side-game of the main game.

Yeah, I would like that aspect more if it did that. Open up completely new quests/questgivers, new stories, new content, etc. via building settlements.

On the other hand, that would make settlements much more of a main part of the game rather than a side distraction. Not sure which route they want to take with that.
A conveyor belt? I suppose we need it to move all that scavenged junk.

Very odd, right?

I just watched a video someone made of a factory they built. They ended up "manufacturing" some ammo, blue suits and teddy bears.

I just don't get it. Then again, I don't really understand the Minecraft building craze, either. I played the Sims before and had fun with it, that's about as far as I go into the building games. :D
Not interested in this. I don't create things and I don't manage settlements, except for one, where I keep my stuff (usually Sanctuary). That's a part of the game I choose to ignore. I am actually a bit surprised that there's so much of it.

Fortunately there is more than enough of other content that I like.

Pibbur who is not Bob the builder.
I don't quite understand some of you.
Everything is in ruin, Betheda added building settlements and now noone is happy about it. Except… Me?
Yes I love the fact they've added it to Fallout world. I didn't like their FO3, but I adored FO4.

Seems most of people just want to shoot something and screw designing, but cmon, the story already has a hole where instead of looking for your child you're growing Monsanto corn and stuff, so why not spend some time on settlement building too. It's fun, it's optional and you can't make a mistake. Plus it's not useless:
Spawn as much water pumps as you can in Sanctuary and you'll become filthy rich in no time.

The only "problem" is that there are IMO too many of settlement spots (30!) to manage. They should have narrowed it down to just a few and that's it.
Apr 12, 2009
I don't do the settlement stuff so not a DLC for me. But are DLC's supposed to be for everyone? Isn't it possible to release some things for the crowd who does enjoy it? I mean once you leave this nursing home of geriatric gamers living in the past you find a lot of people actually enjoying the game. Some really get into the settlement building and enjoy these types of DLC. I don't need it or the other ones relating to the workshop, although did the enjoy the short story with the robots. But FH is very well done and Nuka-World could be fun as well. One unanswered question is whether you can take the raider faction outside of that world to the main game. I somewhat doubt it but I bet some folks would love to play a raider in the main game.
Jun 4, 2008
Hey, if people like this stuff, and it's obvious they do, more power to 'em! Bethesda is perfectly fine to crank out conveyor belt DLCs! :D

My own thing is, I don't really understand what the point of this stuff is. Same way I don't really understand building giant monuments and intricate "electrical" powered machinery in Minecraft.

Like, ok, you build a settlement and attract settlers in Fallout 4, with the actual best reward (as far as I know) being attracting some of the best merchants in the game. I just don't think that is enough reason to get me to wire power generators and develop water systems or whatever. That's just me.

If they want to take this to the next step and appeal to more people, they maybe could add a bunch of quest content tie-ins to settlement building as well as more stuff overall and goals to make it more worth doing for some of us.

It's kind of like building homes for your Sims (which I loved!), but Sims also had actual goals to achieve, like developing your Sim into having the best job available, etc. Although in early versions of the game, eventually I lost interest because there was no real end-game content, other than "amass as much wealth as possible". I'm sure they fixed that in the tons of Sims games released since then.

Same deal I have with Minecraft. You build stuff, but why? Maybe it's the virtual version of Legos or building blocks. I enjoyed Legos as a kid but half the time I'd just build random towers and never what the box was supposed to be (some helicopter or castle or something :p ).
You build stuff, but why?

While I don't get into that part of the game much I know those who do. Your question can apply to most anything. Why spend hours writing a story? Making screenshots, painting a picture, creating a mod? Sure those things can have some external reward but many folks are not doing it for external rewards but instead for internal ones.

People like to create, to build. That is the why. Why does there always have to be an end goal? Some tangible reward?

Don't you do anything simply because you enjoy it? Do you only do something if you get some type of external reward or acknowledgement?

Anyhow people like to see what they can do. People love to get creative to use their imagination, to see what they can build. My friend Corfus likes to created themed settlements - one is all female, one is all ghouls, one is all robots, one is based on the ocean and coast. Another friend likes to see how military and fortified they can make theirs. Others want sky scrapers.

There is no "end" compensation. Its the actual creating that is fun. Its why I might spend 40 hours writing a story. I don't do it for money (lol) or the 5 people who might read it on Nexus. I do it as I like to write. Once done I move on to the next. The creating process is fun.

Others do it for the challenge - both to build but to then use mods to have large battles with raiders, mutants, etc. Some show off their creations in images posted online.

Others do it just to role play a character - building certain types of settlements for their character to feel comfortable in. I have a friend who does that. She loves to just build a cozy home and hang out. She also mods for herself and likes to see her work in the game world.

I could go on but hopefully you get the idea. For me, well I am more like you when it comes to settlement building. While I might get my own internal reward for writing I don't for settlements - different type of creation. For me to really get into settlement building I would need some reason tied into the game more than there is right now.

I do a little - based on my characters role in the game -which is enough to build very basic settlements with one semi-cozy one in Sanctuary.

Course the fact that I can't move in workshop mode (as I don't use the WASD keys and don't want to use FS4E and a mod to remap them) limits my desire as well :p
Jun 4, 2008
Why does there always have to be an end goal? Some tangible reward?

There doesn't have to be, but that's sort of what I know games and RPGs to be. You do stuff and have some sort of end goal you're working towards.

Your points are fair enough. This is sort of some modern, new gameplay that just says "use your imagination and build stuff", encourages imagination and pretending and stuff. I actually love having to use imagination and creativity in RPGs, but this sort of specific building gameplay is just not my thing.

To each their own, my friend. :)
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