Farcry 4

- some minor annoyances over useless stuff like plants hypo, inability to save anywhere, lack of hide HUD option, etc

Thanks Joxer, looking forward to playing it. Got the insane edition waiting to be unwrapped.

Regarding the HUD, I thought that patch 1.04 sorted this problem now with the ability to hide most of the HUD notifications and pointers!
Feb 2, 2011
United Kingdom
The game on Steam is version 1.04 and I really didn't see such option.
You can unmark different map markers like chests or a certain mission type so they are not displayed on the map if that's what you mean. But it's still not, for example, press ? to toggle HUD. ;)

In any case, I promise you'll have a fun of your life with bizzare, hilarious and utterly mad characters - villans or friends, all are memorable and feel like they've escaped from some real story driven RPG.
Last edited:
Apr 12, 2009
In any case, I promise you'll have a fun of your life with bizzare, hilarious and utterly mad characters - villans or friends, all are memorable and feel like they've escaped from some real story driven RPG.
Now THAT'S the way to sell me a video game. ;)
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Just started this one on the X360, and liking it so far.

Trying to get deer pelts now, which is proving quite the challenge… Since your gunfire can lure enemies, I am constantly looking over my shoulder and those deer are damn quick… Pretty tense.
Very annoying though that when you die you respawn at the nearest "safehouse", which eh, I'd rather spawn where I saved, y'know?

The mob respawns are a little silly sometimes, though. I walk into an empty cabin, explore it, walk away and when I turn around, suddenly there's two bad guys sitting on the porch… Like they just parachuted in…

I very much like the world ambience otherwise: enemies will be patrolling and stuff, get attacked by the wildlife, call for reinforcements, ...
Oct 18, 2006
Leuven, BE
I'm having a love/hate relationship with this game.

The deluxe edition stuff isn't showing up. Heaven only knows why. Steam says I have the deluxe edition but I've finished Buck's missions and I still haven't seen the bonus mission yet. This is likely the fault of…

…thrice damned U-Play. As near as I can tell, the main point of this system is to throw an advertisement at me every time I finish a play session. It's probably not smart enough to understand different user accounts on a single PC or something.

Taking over outposts is GREAT fun! Easily the highlight of the game for me. There are always several ways to do it and you can even get a bonus if you do it all silent like.

The story is… well, I don't really know to be honest. Instead of having chatthatallrantogether like in Far Cry 2, this time they just didn't balance the audio correctly. The music regularly drowns out the talking. So turn down the music, right? You can't. Music is on or off. The only volume control is the master volume. From what I have been able to make out from the story, I think I would rather hear the music.

Exploration is also very well done! Elder Scrolls does it better but, hey, this is a shooter. Having exploration at all is pretty awesome. Until the rewards turn to ash…

…because the economy is a joke. For whatever reason, recovering radio towers makes weapon prices drop to 0. You'll make money FAR faster than you can spend it and I think it's mostly because of this game mechanic. I think I'm about two thirds of the way through and I don't even bother with chests much now. My billfold is maxxed out at $10,000 and I hardly spend anything on ammo.

The missions seem intent on hitting every cliché in the book. I've done the good old "follow this guy but not too closely" mission. I just finished back to back "you just lost all your equipment" missions. There have been quite a few QTEs in the missions, too.

The actual shooting is pretty good stuff. There's a reasonable variety of enemies that act different enough to keep me thinking. The graphics are very nice, too.

The save system is yet another bad one. One save slot, auto-check point. You can save you game at any time (and the instructions actually say you should save often) except in missions but it doesn't seem to have any effect.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
I'm having a love/hate relationship with this game.


Exploration is also very well done! Elder Scrolls does it better but, hey, this is a shooter. Having exploration at all is pretty awesome. Until the rewards turn to ash…

…because the economy is a joke. For whatever reason, recovering radio towers makes weapon prices drop to 0. You'll make money FAR faster than you can spend it and I think it's mostly because of this game mechanic. I think I'm about two thirds of the way through and I don't even bother with chests much now. My billfold is maxxed out at $10,000 and I hardly spend anything on ammo.

I agree completely. Been playing a bit more, but am going deliberately slow, clearing outposts and unlocking radio towers, carefully exploring.

But yes, the economy is kind of ruining it for me at the moment. Money is completely useless. I'm sitting on $6000 at the moment (haven't upgraded the wallet yet), so I am unable to pick up more money, nor can I sell any stuff from my inventory. They really dropped the ball there. There's nothing useful to spend money on at all, unless I am missing something?

Still a good game otherwise. Love the exploration and the atmosphere.
Oct 18, 2006
Leuven, BE
wire you're not missing anything but you expect too much of roleplay in FPS. ;)

And I dare to say from GOTY candidate FPS.
Apr 12, 2009
wire you're not missing anything but you expect too much of roleplay in FPS. ;)

And I dare to say from GOTY candidate FPS.

You have no idea how frustrating it is for a completionist as me to HAVE to skip chests with loot just because I:
a) can't carry more,
b) and even if I could carry more, I wouldn't be able to sell it!

Oct 18, 2006
Leuven, BE
Actually I have, both the idea and the same problem. ;)

But let's face it, this is awsomely made FPS not sheen anticonsole and antiphone inventory from Gothic! :D
Apr 12, 2009
Apr 12, 2009
Just about half a year after it's release, Ubi will release FarCry4 COMPLETE edition:

I can't believe it happens so fast. What could be the reason for this? Noone is buying their season pass scam lately?

Those who don't know, I didn't buy FC4 - because of Ubi going scamware with it.
I wanted it desperately, I did, but sorry Ubi, a good game is one thing, scam business is another.
Yes, I will definelty buy the complete edition, but since the game is already "old", now I won't pay the full price but will wait for a bargain. Their choice was to go scamming, their loss.
Apr 12, 2009
Just about half a year after it's release, Ubi will release FarCry4 COMPLETE edition:

I can't believe it happens so fast. What could be the reason for this? Noone is buying their season pass scam lately?

Those who don't know, I didn't buy FC4 - because of Ubi going scamware with it.
I wanted it desperately, I did, but sorry Ubi, a good game is one thing, scam business is another.
Yes, I will definelty buy the complete edition, but since the game is already "old", now I won't pay the full price but will wait for a bargain. Their choice was to go scamming, their loss.

Seems like it will work out quite well for them, they get everyone that will pay for season pass to do so and then get to mop of the rest of the people like you.

Good show, Ubi and way to show them Joxer I'm sure you taught them a lesson they won't soon forget, such as.....

Keep doing season pass because the people opposed to it will buy later anyway.
I'm waiting till it comes out on my phone. Thanks for helping to fund the port Joxer.
I'm not overly interested in FC4 (maybe when it's $4.99 on sale) but I'm glad that Ubi, contrary to EA, is at least offering these complete bundles. Another pro for Ubi is that their season passes actually go on sale contrary to EA's bullshit BioWare points which never go on sale, of course.
That doesn't make me a big fan of Ubi and their season passes but they are at least kind of "rewarding" the patient consumers who are willing and able to wait for bundles and sales.
That's fine with me. You are effectively getting the game and its expansions/DLCs bundled and for a discount. I don't really care if it's called "season pass" or whatever. Joxer seems to be getting hung up on these terms too much. The only thing that counts is you get FC4 including all DLC bundled up and that bundle will actually go on sale one day. Cool with me.
Oct 18, 2006
Keep doing season pass because the people opposed to it will buy later anyway.
Yea, the only thing is those who'll buy it anyway will get the game and season pass for 10 bucks instead of initial overblown total, dunno now how much was it, $100?
I mean, the new Batman with it's season pass is $90 (because of -$10 preorder bonus).
I'm waiting till it comes out on my phone. Thanks for helping to fund the port Joxer.
Your kids will perhaps see it on a phone. Just like Drakensang, you won't.
Apr 12, 2009
Drakensang was way way to slow for me. I was bored during the couple hours I put into it so I moved on to a game that was actually fun and engaging.

I was kidding about getting it on a phone as action games do not translate very well on a phone for me.
It's not about game speeds.
It's about pathetic platform that behaves like a slightly better but just smaller ZX Spectrum with it's own display.
Apr 12, 2009
Ohhh its a great platform for games that are actually designed for a small touch screen. But thats the key, most PC games do not translate well to the small touchscreen. You just like to dislike stuff.
Not really, I'm just a megalomaniac who dislikes small touchscreen things after being spoiled by big ones. :D
Apr 12, 2009
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