Frayed Knights - Released and Available For Download

the next steam indie big hit.. really enjoyed the demo so far. great job for the devs!
Jan 14, 2011
Biggest problem I've run into so far is that opening up the journal while in combat pretty much breaks the game. This causes the menu to switch to the travel menu, which means that you aren't able to attack. I've been forced to quit and reload twice because of this problem (and unfortunately, the drama star mechanic makes such an action particularly frustrating).

Weird, I used to check the journal regularly about monsters during combat and never had a problem.
Aug 31, 2006
The problem is if you hit the escape key to close the journal. Until the update, try to remember to close it with the "close" button or the enter key while in combat rather than the escape key.

(Strangely, I usually close it with the escape key myself, but I guess I never did that while in mid-combat.)
Oct 9, 2007
I had the opposite journal problem where the combat was over but the game thought I was still in battle so I couldn't move. Good to know it was caused by the escape key. I was at least able to quit and continue to resolve the problem without losing any stars.

The one bug that did force me to reload a save game was when I left the town and the menu of where to go popped up but the game didn't seem to recognize the menu and wouldn't let me click on any destinations. Other commands still worked but I couldn't move. Quit and continue put me in the same situation so I had to reload. Luckily that only happened once.
Apr 14, 2011
If something like that happens again, use your stars to give some chars the skill boost option, then save and exit. The buffs will still be there and you don't totally waste the stars!!
Aug 31, 2006
This is not a bug, but something that could use some refining once there is time. The way the drama stars fill up AFTER you've used a drama star ability is a bit rough. After using one, it leaves fragments/slivers of stars here and there, not optimising the leftover slivers by gathering them into one star. Then it begins to fill up from the leftmost star, not counting the fractions of a star in the middle or rightmost star, not until getting there by filling up the stars one at a time from the left. This is NOT a major problem by any means, just a minor annoyance. However, I hope it's one annoyance that could be ironed out when there's time left over from patching.

As to my earlier comment about the endurance mechanic, whether I like the mechanic or not, I've played some more and have come to like it. It took some getting used to, but it's a welcome addition to the game.
Jan 4, 2008
I come from the land of ice and snow
I can definitely relate to being a bit confused in the beginning about the endurance and exhaustion mechanic in the game. That's part of the reason I got so technical about it in the review because once I got the hang of it I couldn't help but think why this isn't used more often. It makes so much sense. Far more sense than mana where you just drink a potion to instantly refill your mana.

Anyway, glad you came around, Grue. Welcome to the Exhastion4Life club :cool:
Feb 3, 2007
I like the game a lot, combat and character progression are well designed, and I find the humour amusing (and never annoying).

But now I seem to be completely stuck on the quest where you have to search a room with a snakesymbol, to find a hidden treasure.
Maybe I'm missing something, but I just can't find anything in the room, even after searching about 100 times. This will soon drive me insane, especially since random enemies attack me all the time while I'm searching.

This is related to my biggest complaint about the game, I think you get to many encounters when you use the search function and when you'r trying to rest. It was very frustrating when I had to fight maybe 20 encounters before I could find a hidden treasure in the tower (turned out I was searching on the wrong floor, but the game told me I was very close).

I have also encountered a bug: After getting axe expertise, I get the option to get bludgeon mastery instead of axe mastery.

I don't want to sound too negative, I'm having a great time with the game 99% of the time :)
Jul 17, 2011
Search as close as you can to the actual symbol. It's against the wall pretty much right under the symbol. If you get a "didn't find anything" message search again, move closer to the wall, move a tiny bit on one direction or the other. Not sure if it was RIGHT UNDER it or a little bit to the side, but it is there.
Feb 3, 2007
Thanks, I still can't find it, but I will try some more later today. At least the risk of encounters seem to be very low in this room. I think I got too close to a beetle patrolling outside before (and I reloaded every time), and that's why I experienced attacks all the time.
Jul 17, 2011
Could have sworn it was there. I had some difficulty finding it at first also, but I did find it relatively quickly. At least way less than 100 searches ;)

Anyway good luck and it is there. Remember if you get a "You find nothing" with no numbers then search again in the same spot until you get a number or "YOU FOUND IT" message.
Feb 3, 2007
This sounds like great fun, thanks and gratz on release, Jay!
Oct 18, 2006
I'm gonna be tweaking and investigating Search this weekend. It seems to work just fine for most people, but if your stats are reasonable there shouldn't be anything that you should miss more than a couple of times in a row If you are in the room with the snake symbol, you should have found it. It's a totally optional quest, and shouldn't really affect you, but it bugs me that some people are having a tough time with the mechanic. It's supposed to be fun, not annoying, durn it!
Oct 9, 2007
If something like that happens again, use your stars to give some chars the skill boost option, then save and exit. The buffs will still be there and you don't totally waste the stars!!

Somehow I don't think that saving my game in a position where I'm stuck and can't do anything would be very productive :).
Apr 14, 2011
I'm gonna be tweaking and investigating Search this weekend. It seems to work just fine for most people, but if your stats are reasonable there shouldn't be anything that you should miss more than a couple of times in a row If you are in the room with the snake symbol, you should have found it. It's a totally optional quest, and shouldn't really affect you, but it bugs me that some people are having a tough time with the mechanic. It's supposed to be fun, not annoying, durn it!

I hope I didn't sound too harsh in my post, that wasn't my intention :)
the search mechanic is a good idea, I just think it triggers encounters too easy in some places.

And about the snakeroom: maybe I'm doing something wrong, I will look into it later, but it's very possible this is because of some mistake I've made myself.

I can also add that I was playing Deus Ex human revolution, enjoying it a lot, but now I have put it on hold. Your game is more fun. I have also neglected some realworld stuff I should have taken care of…
Jul 17, 2011
I'm gonna be tweaking and investigating Search this weekend. It seems to work just fine for most people, but if your stats are reasonable there shouldn't be anything that you should miss more than a couple of times in a row If you are in the room with the snake symbol, you should have found it. It's a totally optional quest, and shouldn't really affect you, but it bugs me that some people are having a tough time with the mechanic. It's supposed to be fun, not annoying, durn it!

Yeah I'm still having wierd search issues with the traps thing. I found a couple in the top level of the tower, but in the caves of anarchy I'm back to not finding a single trap again. And now I search in front of every chest or door, sometimes multiple times. It doesn't help.

One other thing to note is that when I search in front of a locked door it will tell me this door is locked and bring up the pick lock screen. But I've never had the disarm trap screen come up when I searched in front of a trapped door or chest.

I am finding items though. My searches still fail a little less then half the time, but it's managable. Except for findel's ring, I have no clue where that is, I'm probably just not looking in the right place.

I've seen people on RPGcodex speculate that there may be a RNG issue that causes you to have statistically highly unlikely strings of misses in combat (something I have noted as well). I wonder if that might effect searching too.
Apr 14, 2011
I have never had a problem with the snake symbol. Do you HAVE the quest it's used with? Findel's ring is in the middle of the area behind the inn, not far from a tree.
Aug 31, 2006
I have found the moonstone now. What I did was that I reloaded an earlier save, went back to the snakeroom, searched, and found it on my first try. It looks like a bug, because when I reload my most recent save, it's impossible to find it, even if I stand in the right spot.

I don't think I have found it earlier by accident, and sold it by mistake, because then the questlog would have updated the descriptrion for the quest, and it hasn't.
Jul 17, 2011
... Just a quick remainder : Could you please use spoiler tags ? Or even open up a new thread over quest-related things ? Thanks.

On the other hand I could just stay from this thread, this is the other method ... :lol:
Nov 5, 2006
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