Frontiers - November Beta Bonanza!


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Lars Simkins released a new post-funding update for Frontiers with information about when the beta version will be available for testing, and talks about what is included.

Beta WHEN?

In a few days - we're just sorting out key distribution. Once that's taken care of I'll send out a backers-only announcement going over how to claim your beta key.

The first few days after release are going to be chaos - thousands of people are about to play the game for the first time. As we work out tech issues and Steam key issues and so on please be patient and don't feel ignored if I can't get back to you immediately.

Here's what you need to know right now:

  • Just so we're crystal clear, the beta is only available on Steam. (This is why we pushed so hard for Greenlight - it's the fastest available way to distribute rapid builds.)
  • The beta is currently Windows only - Mac and Linux builds will probably be added later, but I can't promise anything. If / when that happens I'll send out another update so Mac & Linux players know it's available.
  • Regarding YouTube / Twitch - you will have 100% permission to record play throughs and to monetize them if you like. Bugs and all. This is in writing on the official site as well.
What's in the beta?

FRONTIERS' story is divided up into three acts. The beta will give you access to the first two (and to a brief prologue.) It also gives you unrestricted access to the entire main continent.

Be warned: The beta is a mess. But it's kind of a glorious mess. It's the mess of a game being born. Quests may break. Inventories may asplode. Characters may glitch. If that kind of thing bugs you (heh) you may want to skip this version, or at least wait a few weeks until I've gone through a some rounds of bug squashing with playtesters. To those that take the plunge: I really hope you enjoy it.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
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