Frontiers - One Week Later


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Frontiers has a new update on it's kickstarter page. It's basically a status update for backers about the games forum, and other misc topics.

What a difference a week makes... 168 little hours...

Why haven't you joined the FORUMS yet? It's where all the action is happening! What's that? You're not into the whole smilies thing? Ah, okay. Well in that case here's a good old fashioned Kickstarter update for you:

What's going on with FRONTIERS?

So much I don't even know where to start!

  • We've got a small team of artists chipping away at assets.
  • Given is making fast work of the revamped terrain and it looks spectacular.
  • Lore masters Ben & Harrison are filling in the details of the world at an alarming pace. Seriously it's freaking me out.
  • Resident linguist Daniel is creating a new language from scratch using (I kid you not) proprietary procedural language generation software. It's awesome.
  • I'm making steady progress on laying the foundations for mod support.
  • Steve continues to write awesome music.
♫ Communication Breakdown ♫

If you're having trouble reaching me and getting your questions answered, it's likely due to the fact that I'm now communicating across a couple of different platforms. Chat, email, the forum, kickstarter, even steam - it can all get a little overwhelming, especially when your usernames aren't the same!

I'm not a fan of saying read the FAQ - everyone's situation is a little different, so when you ask a question I try to answer it. But I will ask you for a favor, not just for my sake but everyone else's too: Please only ask your question in one place. It may seem like contacting me at all of the above locations will ensure a response - but what ends up happening is the total number of messages I need to chew through just quadruples, and that means more fall through the cracks. Thanks for understanding, and no harm done, we're all muddling through this as best we can!
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
Why haven't you joined the FORUMS yet?
Don't have time to join.
Work... Work...
Apr 12, 2009
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