Gadhafi - Adios Mofo

As far as I understand Greece is democracy and its not run by a dictator. So the question is, if you the public knew about the corrupt politicians and bankers, why didn't you do anything about it? Why didn't you revolt?
Oct 8, 2009
As far as I understand Greece is democracy and its not run by a dictator. So the question is, if you the public knew about the corrupt politicians and bankers, why didn't you do anything about it? Why didn't you revolt?
Cause it worked in our favor until all hell broke loose. (?)
Aug 17, 2008
Dear Green Place
I've seen the World at War., but not the other one.

Cold War is the "sequel". It's done by the same author and it's cut/narrated the same way, only difference is that it was produced by CNN instead of BBC. Worth watching as far as I concern.
Oct 26, 2006
These 2 years the truth has been spreading everywhere and we learned about how did it happen. Of course, we citizens were willful to give some solutions to not only our problems, but also to the economical problems, but those shitholes weren't willingly wanted to hear us out, and worse, to democratically discuss it with us so that we can at last conclude to a final solution. Now you see what's going on here with a lot of riots, and we have the right to be very angry and demand the current government to be banished from the political world and NEVER be elected ever again. Just like what happened to Mumbarak and Gadhafi.

The following may seem tangent, but I don't think you can reconcile monetary/economic integration/globalization and national interests… It is one or the other. Don't get me wrong, I understand some of the logic behind integration/globalization. If everyone is interconnected no country will risk wide scale conflict and we can all sing kumbayah. Unfortunately that argument falls on it's own sword when one considers the scales of necessity will not remain constant… When one region has little to no need for the other that system of artificial peace/cooperation is meaningless. In some ways what Greece and the EU are going through is a microcosm, and a taste of what is to come for much of the west…

In reality globalization has been about international corporatism and shifting production to the lowest cost areas to maximize profit… Which has been incredibly effective at stripping the wealth(not exclusively monetary, that is only part of the equation, means of production is another) and power from the peoples of various nations and putting it into the hands of our NWO oligarchy(corporations/financial institutions). Globalization has always been about empowering the few to rule over the many… And for the west it was an easy pill to swallow when rolling in the good times and gettin crunk on consumerism.

Socialism and globalization has been a helluva one two punch for wealth consolidation…

The day the current government to fall is near. Expect it, guys.

Your government or the EU? I think globalization hangs in the balance, either it implodes under it's own weight or it cements it's own existence as the new world ecomonic/finanicial/cultural model to lead us into the future…


I just realized this is not the "As greece riots continue thread" >< Oops.
Feb 28, 2010
Adios Gaddafi, Welcome Sharia-law?

Dec 28, 2006
Europa Universalis
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
Also a little reply to crpgnut : I really doubt something like that could have happened. Hitler would not have stopped the war after conquering Europe and with Asia on his side he would have been unstoppable. Also many countries from South America were pro nazi. Many of the SS liders fled to Argentina after the war and lived a long life. USA could have been gone for all we know.

Most of modern historians agree that USSR would kick Hitler's butt even if USA didn't get involved. It would have been much longer and bloodier struggle and post war political map would have been very different so Europeans are/should be grateful for America's involvement.
Moreover, Nazis taking over the world is a scenario straight from Turtledove's alternative history books with no basis in reality.

BTW it was almost inevitable (no Mandela in Libya) but there is a lot of nastiness happening there right now. Old and new scores are being settled and you only need to call somebody "Gaddafi's loyalist" or "Gaddafi's mercenary" to be able to take their possessions or their life…
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Jan 10, 2008
Sharia Law is the best thing that can happen in Libya, as long as it is proper Sharia Law as outlined in the Holy Quran.
Dec 16, 2010
There's No 'best' associated with Sharia Law under any circumstances!!
Aug 31, 2006
They should've put him on trial instead of simply executing him. That'd give them quite a boost when dealing with the remaining enemies in addition to other nations. The current situation could mean more bloodshed as the ones loyal to him will certainly consider him a martyr.

Anyway, as someone else already pointed out - relieved is a far better word than happy. I am relived it looks like it's nearing the end. Let's hope they manage to establish a well working democracy after all this. From what I know, Libya is actually fairly well educated, so it could be possible (unlike Afghanistan).

PS. You guys should calm down on the whole WW2 and EU thing. What a load of nationalist rubbish from both sides.
Oct 18, 2006
"adios mofo?"

Misinformed much? Libya was a fantastic place to live and he died fighting the system.

Bet you didn't know he banned renting, banned interest on loans, banned putting people in debt, removed ownership from things and provided EVERYONE with a car, house, etc. The reason NATO blew them away was because they refused to accomodate the international banking cartels.

Here you go, Fox News educated public... Read something he wrote then tell me he's a bad guy.
Jul 10, 2007
"adios mofo?"

Misinformed much? Libya was a fantastic place to live and he died fighting the system.

Bet you didn't know he banned renting, banned interest on loans, banned putting people in debt, removed ownership from things and provided EVERYONE with a car, house, etc. The reason NATO blew them away was because they refused to accomodate the international banking cartels.

Here you go, Fox News educated public… Read something he wrote then tell me he's a bad guy.
If you think libya was such a fantastic place to live where you get everything for free why didnt you move there yourself? I mean the way you put it makes it sounds like a paradise and gadhafi was in power for like 40 years so there was plenty of time.

Btw Gadhafi was a murderer and his "system" never worked. Remember "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Youre not sane if you think gadhafi was somehow different.

It might be true that foreigners hungered for his oilmoney but two evils dont make a saint.
Dec 28, 2006
Europa Universalis
If you think libya was such a fantastic place to live where you get everything for free why didnt you move there yourself? I mean the way you put it makes it sounds like a paradise and gadhafi was in power for like 40 years so there was plenty of time.

Btw Gadhafi was a murderer and his "system" never worked. Remember "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
We will have to wait and see if the new regime will be any better or if it was just another bloody squabble for a place at the troth...
Jan 10, 2008
Guys, you should forget him. He's now to be buried somewhere, where NOBODY will find his tomb, or even his corpse. That's the fate a murderer shall have. I approve of him being sentenced to death by his own crowd. Serves him right for killing the unarmed crowd.

I'm happy enough that he's dead. They also need to find his families, so no more Gadhafi will rule in the future. The same fate happened to Mumbarak, the same will happen everywhere. That's how democracy works in the crowd's benefits, not of the dictators.
Jul 13, 2011
Thessaloniki, Greece
"adios mofo?"

Misinformed much? Libya was a fantastic place to live and he died fighting the system.

Bet you didn't know he banned renting, banned interest on loans, banned putting people in debt, removed ownership from things and provided EVERYONE with a car, house, etc. The reason NATO blew them away was because they refused to accomodate the international banking cartels.

Tin foil hat much? He definitely did some things that were positive for Libya. All dictators do things that are positive. That's not the issue. The issue is the BAD things he did. You know like sponsor terrorism. Imprison, torture and kill political opponents, etc. Libya was FAR from the utopia you like to think it was. Some people actually value freedom you know.

Here you go, Fox News educated public… Read something he wrote then tell me he's a bad guy.

Really? 911-truth? REALLY?
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
But, for quite a while now, he was "our" kind of dictator. Just like Reza Pahlavi, Pinochet, Saddam, Noriega, Mubarak etc, etc, etc. How many people were murdered while those dictators were on our governments "pat on the back" list? So yes, Gaddafi was a murderer. But he was a murderer which we approved of and cooperated with.

In Tunisia once-banned Islamist party An-Nahda won in first democratic elections in this country. West's (but not necessarily Tunisian's) hopes for Western model of democracy in the Middle East might end up in disappointment. We are living in interesting times…
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Jan 10, 2008
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