Game Trading Site (not an advert)


October 18, 2006
No this isn't viral marketing or spam. A few months ago I signed up at a new site called Goozex, which is a US based (and US only, I believe) game trading site. I have no financial or other connection other than having successfully traded a half-dozen or so games on the site.

The way it works is this:
Goozex provides a unique trading platform that allows peer-to-multi-peer trading of physical goods. The company delivers the following services:
* Peer-to-multi-peer trading platform
* Community experience
* Video game reviews and multi-media information on the products

The system allows users to trade their video games in exchange for Goozex points, which can then be used to receive video games from other users. This helps gamers avoid paying enormous amounts of cash for games. Goozex runs on an internal currency that is dictated by points that are assigned to each game. The only payment that members make to Goozex is a payment of $1 transaction fee for each video game they receive.

The site was featured in a recent Washington Post article, for which I was interviewed.

I'm mentioning this now because the site now features PC game trades, which is pretty cool. I haven't done a PC trade yet, but all of the DS & PSP games I've gotten are in excellent shape. I also mention it because they are running a promotion - aside from getting 100 'points' for every person I refer who makes a trade, I get entered to win a free game from Amazon. Pretty cool.

So take a look at the site, if you want to sign up PM me and I'll send a 'referral'.
Oct 18, 2006
Might be good, but since it's only for the US, it's of little interest!!
Aug 31, 2006
OK, I've been doing OK on making trades and a couple of referrals on Goozex, so they sent me a great offer - anyone I refer who makes a trade results in me getting 5 free trades (usually $1 if you request a game, free if someone requests from you), and the referee getting 5 free trades plus 100 free points (most games are ~500 points).

The site is now open to Canada and Bermuda as well as the US. If you are interested, let me know - it is free to join up and look around.
Oct 18, 2006
Wow ... I was checking what was available today and came across this:


100 points is as low as it gets for any game ...
Oct 18, 2006
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