Gaming BS of the week

Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston has just posted a new a policy that prevents its users from supporting President Donald Trump or his policies. Internet users are calling it the anti-American policy.

It was was put into effect on October 30th, 2018.
“The following policy announcement is the result of over a year of serious debate by the moderation team. The decision is as close to unanimous as we ever get. It will not be the subject of further debate. We have fully considered the downsides and ultimately decided we have to stay true to our values. We will not pretend that evil isn’t evil, or that it becomes a legitimate difference of political opinion if you put a suit and tie on it.

“We are banning support of Donald Trump or his administration on the RPGnet forums. This is because his public comments, policies, and the makeup of his administration are so wholly incompatible with our values that formal political neutrality is not tenable. We can be welcoming to (for example) persons of every ethnicity who want to talk about games, or we can allow support for open white supremacy. Not both. Below will be an outline of the policy and a very incomplete set of citations.

“We have a community here that we’ve built carefully over time, and support for elected hate groups aren’t welcome here. We can’t save the world, but we can protect and care for the small patch that is this board.”
Pure Gaming Bullshit at it's best.:cool:
Oct 1, 2010
It's bs.
AC:Odyssey is beta only because no company is big enough to risk buying several million machines with modern (expensive) hardware. Not even Google. The browser stream is available only to a few and I've ignored anything about it as noone said: 60 FPS.

On the other hand, phonegames can run on cheap phones. And phonegames don't need 60 FPS. 1 is enough.
Apr 12, 2009
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Apr 12, 2009
Speaking about phonegames, remember a few days back Blizzard hyping fans there'll be some Diablo news on Blizzcon? Everyone was thinking, Diablo4, yeah!
What actually happened? […]Check yourself:

A moment when your #1 fan asks if it's out of season april fools joke:

Great chuckle, made my day. For real, no sarcasm.
Now Diablo3 loot whore fans seem to be phasing out as well, not just us, rpg purists.
Remember the time when we, hardcore rpg fans booed and hissed Diablo for being a boring, primitive grindfest? ;)

Bottom line: midcore is the new hardcore :lol:
Mar 3, 2008
joxer said:
Chief Technology Officer Ken Moss shared the first details on Project Atlas, something that over a thousand EA employees are working on right now. To begin with, the goal is to unlock the creative potential of game developers thanks to the power of cloud computing and AI.

Good joke, good BS? Since when is EA interested in anything resembling creative potential?

Well GOG is once again in the SJW cross-hairs once again for a Tweet.

I wonder…. did intelligence of social media users decline rapidly over last years or something? Or only in case of SJWs? I wonder how is possible that social media user in 2018 didnt get an idea that "video game company teasing something on the internet is really teasing their video game business". Do some groups think that everyone in the world is interested in their actual political debate?

I noticed similar things outside of gaming too. These cases have one thing in common - some fanatical group that is unable to accept outcome of some event or different opinion or something like that. They are even able to fabricate ridiculous stories in order to incite attacks against predetermined target. So it seems that GOG tweets are not really big issue… the real reason is probably that they hate CDP or just GOG. Why? What evil CDP did? :) Are there ppl who hate "white man Geralt" or something? Or are there some fanboys of BEAware or other US companies that hate the success of CDP? Are SJWs afraid that CP2077 wont look like as they want? What do you think, guys?

Also… Im not social media expert so is it common that ppl misunderstand hashtags or short comments on social media? Is it common that people are sure what was your intend yet noone bother to ask you? OMG Really?

joxer said:
I'm seriously starting to think EA is on some heavy drugs even I'm avoiding.

They are, dear joxer. Its called money and shares. :)
Feb 23, 2014
Ferdok in Aventuria (Europe)
Ubisoft apologises after parent complains Just Dance 2019 spammed their six year old with subscription messages

1. Nintendoing 6 year old kids into staring at screen instead of getting dirty is bs
2. Kids Mode anywhere is bs, call it electronics nanny and it is still bs
3. Issuing an apologize to parents who neglect their children is über bs

The article "subtitle" is not bs:
Shake your moneymaker.

These kids are brainwashed to accept scam as something normal.

Unlike the bs above that can be connected to various parties, the next one belongs only to Ubisoft:
Rainbow Six Siege review bombed amid China censorship backlash

China can be the world shattering economic force, but is also the country with history of horrible censorship laws of which some still remain and more new are being added year by year. Don't even think I'll defend China's art police responsible for atrocities that include genocide just because I love their cheesy soaps.

I have no idea what Rainbow Six Siege is about. Nor care as it's not RPG. It's supposed to be a videogame of a sort and videogames are a form of art (regardless of what you think). Any art needs to criticize society, art must not be censored.

Evil EA refused to censor sex with a horned nonexisting creature in order to comply with India's idiotic censorship related to religion there where censors cannot see a difference between an actual cow and digital dolls thus allowing the game to be banned in India. Which is not a small market. Are we sure EA is the most greedy company in the whole world?
Seems it is not as Ubisoft didn't do the same thing. Do not censor art. Censor scams instead.

In other words, if I had the game, after censoring it's content, I'd thumb it down too.
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Apr 12, 2009
Apr 12, 2009
his son, now 16, seems to have left these ideas behind. He's playing fewer networked shooter games, and on his own, he has started attending church.

Now he's in real trouble.
Jul 27, 2018
Slow day, but not for bs or should I say almost bs.
YouTube has restored several videos showing a women's rights campaigner being killed in a variety of ways in the video game Red Dead Redemption 2.
The platform had deleted the recordings on Wednesday and in one case had banned the clip creator involved.
The action had represented its first such response to depictions of graphic violence within a mainstream game.
But it now says that it made a "mistake" and has restricted the clips so they cannot be seen by under-18s.
For the xth time. Videogame dolls are not real people. Those dolls don't eat, sleep, shit nor think and cannot ever be permanently "killed", can only be deleted by uninstalling the game (okay: and modding on PC).
Stop censoring videogames.
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Apr 12, 2009

From #1 fan, and that's me:
Screw your Bioware Store advertisment filled with anonymous people that never cared about ME in the first place.
Apr 12, 2009
Oct 1, 2010
Apr 12, 2009
Best Lesson from all this is to never open a Twitter Account, and if you do don't post anything political or opinion based on it. Otherwise it will backfire and get you fired.
Oct 1, 2010
That's how I do it. Anything to do with my outspoken personal views and antics is done through anonymous (or at least deniable) accounts, like this one. I don't connect accounts across platforms, because it's too easy to get sloppy. The only accounts I have that are connected to me personally are professional, and everything on them is minimal and carefully considered.
Nov 8, 2014
Well here's something else from the same basement troll today.

Diablo Immortal Awards Leak! What's Going On Here?

Blizzard's mobile game already got a few editors choice awards before release.
Oct 1, 2010
That's how I do it. Anything to do with my outspoken personal views and antics is done through anonymous (or at least deniable) accounts, like this one. I don't connect accounts across platforms, because it's too easy to get sloppy. The only accounts I have that are connected to me personally are professional, and everything on them is minimal and carefully considered.
With my crazy political opinions you bet I have fake accounts. I remember working at Target ten years ago when they started a policy not allowing Red Cross Santa's.

If none of you know every holiday the Red Cross deploys Santa to raise money for charity. Well as an employee we told not to post our opinion , or talk about the matter.
Oct 1, 2010
Yeah, it's always just struck me as a terrible idea to have all one's personal ramblings recorded and attached to you for the rest of your days. That's what forum avatars are for. Professional mode is something different (and something that's nice to get away from), but I think it's a bad idea to mix them up.
Nov 8, 2014
Sorry yet another video from the basement troll about Joxer's favorite game.:cool:

Shirrako Banned For Feeding Feminist To Pig In Red Dead Redemption 2

Oct 1, 2010
He's getting a bit carried away today. Time for his medication and a nice rest. :p
Nov 8, 2014
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