General News - Rumor: New Bethesda RPG

Not big on rumours - but if true, I certainly hope randomly generated planets aren't the only form of content in the game. I hate procedurally generated content, unless it's used to support hand-crafted stuff.

Also, if this is real - I really hope they'll pull a Fallout 4 in terms of time of announcement to time of release.

I couldn't care less about what happens after Fallout or what happened before TES. They own both and created TES from nothing. They can do whatever the hell they want - and I see nothing inherently wrong about using Fallout as a precursor. That would depend entirely on the specifics - which we know nothing about.

I will refrain from too much speculation, though.
If they make another open world, sandbox game, my wallet will magically open. Anything else and the portal will stay closed ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Openworld sandbox... With or without magic? :evilgrin:
Apr 12, 2009
It's dumb for us but actually it could turn out highly profitable. Every Skyrim or Fallout 4 fan will jump on the bandwagon, and some ESO players, plus Bethesda bought several IPs which add up to a HUGE consumer base. Add con$ole$ and wowza! If you doubt the efficiency of this, simply take a glance at the impassioned roar of the fanboy in post #2 , Todd's black magic is already working. :D

Right, anyone with a different taste in games than you is just a fanboy ;) Skyrim is one of the funnest games I have played in years, and while I don't think Fallout 4 is as good as previous Fallout games, it is still a solid game in its own right. Bethesda generally makes very fun open-world RPGs, so I do get amped for any new announcements or rumors. Also, I am excited at the idea of a Bethesda-style open world RPG that has a scfi theme since the vast majority are fantasy games. It would be nice to see something a bit different.
Feb 19, 2012
Meh, unless they add some sort of Star Wars forcy thing I don't care. I just don't find firing guns as exciting as casting fireballs, lightning bolts and ice storms.
Sep 23, 2008
Anyone with a different taste in games than you is just a fanboy ;) Skyrim is one of the funniest games I have played in years (must not have played many then), and while I don't think Fallout 4 is as good as previous Fallout games, it is still a solid hack&slash when you add some mods. Bethesda generally makes copy-pasted algorithmic worlds, so I do get amped for any new rumors due to my low expectations. Also, I am excited at the idea of Bethesda-style open world RPG like any credulous goy. It will be nice to mod this game into oblivion and fix it after 2 years of work.

Mar 9, 2015
Sounds good to me. I'd love to see the 1950s style space adventure in an RPG. Sick to death of post-apocalyptic crap.

Yeah, I imagine a swashbuckling Buck Rogers style world with Bethesda-style gameplay would rad :) Not that I don't like fantasy and post-apocalyptic stuff, but the game market is so over-saturated with those. I also don't mind procedurally generated content if it is mixed with designed content. I just don't want a big world that looks cool but doesn't really have anything interesting in it like No Man's Sky.
Feb 19, 2012
Bethesda clearly had skill for Skyrim-type single player and Terminator games.
Mar 21, 2013
Ehhh, I'm all for more sci-fi rpgs...but I'm not sure Betsy is suited for it.
Their wacky&zany approach to worldbuilding/design and writing doesn't fly well in this setting...a lot of things we overlook in fantasy in comparison.
They'll need to do a hell of a lot better than how they handled lore and world in Fallout III/IV.
Jun 5, 2015
I think this rumor is more or less true. Bethesda has already strong fantasy ARPG brand, strong post-apo ARPG brand, but they miss strong sci-fi ARPG brand. When executives of Bethesda and Zenimax look on success of Mass Effect or Star Citizen popularity, you can be sure its something they think about at least. I think they will come with something, maybe Bethesda's own version of Andromeda with even bigger scope.

Is it too ambitious to make more planet with a lot of quests for each one? Well if they want to generate landscape somehow they could somehow generate quests too and make "unlimited" content for each planet. (or unlimited waste of time? :biggrin: )

That would be one of the worst ideas in the history of gaming. It's the kind of thing I'd expect to be announced on April 1st. :)

Exactly. Now every big company wants to be like Marvel or DC and put everything into one mega multiverse that will generate mega money for any crap that uses this brand. One day Bethesda will release "post-apo heroic toilet paper" and PR will bombard you to buy it to have authentic feel of Fallout hero on post-apo WC. *mega multiverse facepalm*
Feb 23, 2014
Ferdok in Aventuria (Europe)
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