General News - Warren Spector Interview


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
VentureBeat interviewed Warren Spector and asked him about System Shock 3 and what he is making now amongst other topics.

GamesBeat: Can you fill in some of the blanks on how things have been going for you in the last few years with OtherSide? It seemed like work on System Shock 3 came to an end for you. I don't know if that's the right way to characterize it.

Warren Spector: We released a statement last year. There's not much more to say at this point. Tencent is taking the franchise forward. It'll be up to them to say what they want to say. There's not much clarification I can give you.

GamesBeat: How long had you worked on that previously?

Spector: We worked on it in 2018 and 2019. That was it.

GamesBeat: How large had the studio gotten for that project?

Spector: I think we maxed out at 17.


(Talking about his new game)

GamesBeat: How long have you been actively working on it now?

Spector: I went through a pretty long phase of just developing this one or that one. I guess it's been not quite a year. But again, remember, that was me sitting alone. It almost doesn't count. Paul and I take this seriously. When it comes to creating something new, you want to do something special. Making games is-I call it "grindingly hard." If you're not at least trying to do something great-you're going to fail most of the time, and I get that. But if you're not trying, it's soul-crushing. There's no point.

I'm a relentless advocate for a particular kind of game, for immersive simulations. I'm going to do that for the rest of my life, or at least the rest of my career. If I can't do that I guess I'll stop making games. But in many ways it's what I've been thinking about for quite a while as the next step in immersive sims. If we pull it off, people are not going to be ready for what's going to hit them.

GamesBeat: Is it consistent with some of the themes you've advocated for before, like emergent gameplay over scripted storytelling?

Spector: Oh, absolutely. I have no interest-at my studios, you're not allowed to say the word "puzzle." We don't make puzzles. As soon as you say the words "the player must" or "the player has to" I stop listening. It turns into blah-blah-blah. Games have always been about players showing how clever and creative they are. We remind ourselves constantly that they're as smart as we are, and in many ways smarter. The bottom line is, we're the only medium in human history that's been able to engage players as partners in storytelling. That's what I'm going to do as long as people will keep paying me to do it.


More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
It's as if Underworld Ascendant never happened.
Spector seems unwilling to do a post-mortem or troubleshoot that disaster, not a good sign for his latest project...
Oct 4, 2018
It's as if Underworld Ascendant never happened.
Spector seems unwilling to do a post-mortem or troubleshoot that disaster, not a good sign for his latest project…

Why would he do a "post-mordem" on a project he didn't work on? That makes zero sense.

Otherside Boston made U:A; Spector worked on SS3 in Austin.
Jun 16, 2021
Yeah, Spector didn't have anything to do with Underworld Ascendant afaik.

It's a shame about SS3. I remember being getting pretty hyped from the teaser they released for it.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Why would he do a "post-mordem" on a project he didn't work on? That makes zero sense.

Otherside Boston made U:A; Spector worked on SS3 in Austin.

That is actually slightly incorrect. Spector did consult on Underworld since 2014. Of course it would be incorrect to place the blame on him though as he was not working full time on - although he was shortly before it's release.

"Spector has been working with OtherSide Entertainment as a creative adviser since the studio's creation in 2014"
Oct 18, 2006
^Lmao in the article you cited the dude literally said he's lured away from academia to build a team in another part of the country to work on SS3, but nope, in his capacity as "adviser" he's clearly in charge of the work of some other group in some other part of the country ("but they're also called Otherside tho!") and therefore needs to "post-mordem" take responsibility.

No I don't think he's responsible, trying to create some type of no-confidence link to his new thing is disingenuous. Not to mention if you do a good enough search you'll find his comments on what went bad in regards to UA.
Jun 16, 2021
After looking at the credits, it seems Spector is indeed listed as a "Creative Consultant" for Underworld Ascendant.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
After looking at the credits, it seems Spector is indeed listed as a "Creative Consultant" for Underworld Ascendant.

OMG, I hope you didn't break the internets @JDR13;! How dare you admit to being wrong :biggrin:

crpgnut who is rarely right but absolutely never wrong and never talks about himself in 3rd person unlike a pibbur
Oct 18, 2006
OMG, I hope you didn't break the internets @JDR13;! How dare you admit to being wrong :biggrin:

crpgnut who is rarely right but absolutely never wrong and never talks about himself in 3rd person unlike a pibbur

Well, I did say "afaik" in my original statement. ;)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
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