Gothic - Series 75% Off on Steam

Cool. Never played the Gothics so I picked it up. Not sure when I'll get round to playing them though.
Apr 13, 2012
And for newbies coming to these, don't ignore Gothic 3... yes, it was so buggy as to being almost unplayable when released but with the community patch, it was a great game, worthy of the name!
Sep 3, 2016
A Misty Island
Could never get into this series - starting with the bizarre controls. I think this game is overhyped on these boards so I warn newbies this might not be your cup of tea.

That said, that price on steam is something that can't be passed up.

The gog prices for 2 and 3 can't beat it.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
I set up Gothic 3 with all the community enhancements and patches a few months ago, but didn't get around to actually play it so far...
Feb 21, 2015
BW, Germany
Could never get into this series - starting with the bizarre controls. I think this game is overhyped on these boards so I warn newbies this might not be your cup of tea.

There's nothing bizarre about the controls except to those who didn't bother to spend the 15 minutes or so to learn them. :)

Gothic 1&2 are still among the best crpgs I've ever played. Gothic 3 not so much, but it's still decent.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
"Could never get into this series - starting with the bizarre controls. I think this game is overhyped on these boards so I warn newbies this might not be your cup of tea."

THIS, a thousand times this. NPCs all look roughly the same. Silly situations where a farmer will tell you "These bug monsters sure are a nuisance to my farm!"... those bug monsters are like 50 meters away, and go attack them? They'll one-shot you, and the farmer who helps you. Some "nuisance"

Just so many variations on this kind of garbage. Seven different gray/brown humans in the town, impossible to ell apart unless you memorize their locations.

And yeah, the combat system sucks. Sure, you can "get used to it" but... it sucks.
Jan 26, 2010
Downtown Chicago, IL
That's a blantantly innacurate description but ok. :)

I'm just going to assume another person who played it for 20-30 minutes and decided they didn't like it.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Y'know, i always liked the combat... it's tough and a bit janky so things were always a bit unpredictable and I liked that. Too much predictability in other games... For example, I liked DOS:1 but I don't think I lost a single fight in that entire game.
Sep 3, 2016
A Misty Island
That's a blantantly innacurate description but ok. :)

I'm just going to assume another person who played it for 20-30 minutes and decided they didn't like it.

And the first 15-20 minutes of that were figuring out the controls!
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
And the first 15-20 minutes of that were figuring out the controls!

That may be true, but it's a very small investment for a very gratifying game.

I'd bet quite a few people also passed on System Shock back in the day because of the unorthodox control scheme.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
And which complex RPGs exist where you don't have to get used to the controls? o_O

Once I got used to them I played Gothic 1 for 40 hours and Gothic II for 100. 140 hours with 10 minutes of getting used to the controls, that's a good deal.
That's a blantantly innacurate description but ok. :)

I'm just going to assume another person who played it for 20-30 minutes and decided they didn't like it.

Wrong. I played at least 20 hours of gothic 1 & 2 each. FFS, for every ONE member here like me who dislikes these poorly made games, there's 13 fanboys who will defend these crummy games to their deaths.

Which one had you wake up in a wizards tower? Oh and then made you have to search shitty looking pixellated walls for a switch? How immersive! The switch is a shitty pixellated thing blended into a shitty pixellated wall! Difficulty!

I get the appeal in a way. They are not 100% terrible. But all PB games have silly, bad executions. How about the immortal NPCs who follow you in Risen 3? And how many ostrich things do you have to fight?

It's quite bizarre that these games have so much appeal here.
Jan 26, 2010
Downtown Chicago, IL
It's quite bizarre how you are on a rampage right now. Chillax, bro. Go play a game you enjoy. Or maybe it's time to just stop playing RPGs for awhile. :)
It's quite bizarre how you are on a rampage right now. Chillax, bro. Go play a game you enjoy. Or maybe it's time to just stop playing RPGs for awhile. :)

Nah, I just like talking about PB games. This is probably the only place online where PB games are revered. I guess you guys have the "everyone else is crazy!" defense. Pretty much everyone disagrees and finds these games to be... sub-par. FFS, Gothic 3 was considered a joke before massive mods were made. Monsters getting stuck on terrain was extremely common. Certain caves were guaranteed to snag enemies on the terrain. Every one of these games has the same 3 factions, choose one. Sure the names change, but it's the same gimmick over and over.

I dunno... I come here to discuss crpgs. Having a negative opinion of some is just part of a discussion.
Jan 26, 2010
Downtown Chicago, IL
It just seems like the past 5 threads I read had a negative opinion about the game post by you. Just seemed odd is all.

Gothic to me, is just as flawed as every other game is. None are perfect, but Gothic gives a certain type of experience that you can't find in other games. It's a sort of "low fantasy/low excitement" type of thing, with slow progression, lack of level-scaling and just a very kind of down-to-Earth type of story progression. It's just what PB does. Some people like it and others may hate it, but it's just their unique approach that personally keeps me coming back for more. I wish more action RPGs took notes from the series, but eh, that's another topic.

And I'd say it's hyperbole at the very least that we have the reverse opinion here. How many franchises like Gothic still have as many players today as those games do? They have a cult following and PB has been around for what, 20+ years? They must be doing something right to have that kind of longevity and interest in their original games this many years later. You don't see that often, at all.
"It just seems like the past 5 threads I read had a negative opinion about the game post by you. Just seemed odd is all."

Read my posting history. That's entirely wrong. However, your term "low excitement" does sum up the PB games quite nicely!

As far as "down to earth" story types... Read what I wrote about the farmers and the bug monsters again. You can literally SEE the bug monsters that are the "nuisance" to the farmer when you talk to him. They will one-shot you and the farmer. It's absurd. I know it's just one example, but these games are full of this stuff.
Jan 26, 2010
Downtown Chicago, IL
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