Graywalkers - Interview @ GameranX


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
GameranX also had the chance to interview Russell Tomas the CEO & Creative Director of Dreamlords Digital to ask a few questions about Graywalkers this week.

What was your experience the last time you ran a Kickstarter campaign? Do you feel you learned any lessons from that experience?

When we ran our Kickstarter last year, we didn’t know exactly what we were doing and what to expect. We were basically unprepared for the requirements of running a successful Kickstarter campaign. We didn’t do enough pre-campaign marketing. We only started when the campaign was already on-going and even then, it was hard to convince the press to cover us. By midway, we started to get the hang of it but by then, we have lost too much time and our target was a bit high.

We learned a lot of lessons and now we are more prepared to address the needs and requirements for a successful campaign. We’ve lowered our target to a more manageable amount. Also, we’ve done a lot more pre-marketing and we now have a demo to show that we are indeed capable of building the game.

Why did you decide to go back to Kickstarter? Why not Indiegogo, or run your own crowdfunding campaign, like many devs have successfully done?

We went back to Kickstarter to build the community. We started a community there and it only felt right to go back and hopefully succeed this time. Also, Kickstarter is a very high profile site wherein it provides an opportunity to be seen the most. Lastly, it felt like we had unfinished business to settle.
More information.
Last edited:
Oct 1, 2010
Who on earth would recommend going to indiegogo....
Apr 17, 2007
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