It appears that he didn't even test the demo on an operating system which is used by over 50% of PC owners??!! For someone who claims to be some sort of programmer god, he sure doesn't know much after the software development life cycle. You need to test your shit. Don't just throw it over the wall and hope for the best. I know this is only a "pre-demo" demo, but this is pretty ridiculous.
I know that you backed the project, Roq. I certainly hope you get a decent game out of it. However, I don't see how you can be so positive when the developer keeps making one stupid mistake after another. Furthermore, given the complexity of the game, there is no way that even a demo should be packaged without a detailed pdf manual. The Wizardry manuals were huge and with good reason. I used to love reading them. Good stuff!! It takes a lot of time to write detailed documentation, and my impression is that he hasn't even started it yet. Let's not even mention the hint guide.

The documents will take months to prepare.
Finally, how does one person balance/bug fix a game with 200+ maps? Has there ever been a blobber game this large? Assuming the game is released this year (personally, I don't think it's possible), it will take a hell of a lot of additional effort to polish. Based on his actions thus far, does Cleve really seem up for the task?
This whole saga is like watching a bad train wreck. I can't stop watching…or laughing. Why am I laughing at this awful and gory train wreck? Do I need therapy?