Grimoire - Game is Complete

I would like to see the game before passing judgment. But if it really does have all the mentioned features and a decent story - then I consider that quite an achievement.

It takes a lot of discipline to pull of a solo project on this scale, especially when you consider the tools he created the bulk of the game with.

Greatness is not something I would apply to any human being - certainly not someone I haven't personally met - but it's worthy of appreciation I think.

As for his Internet antics - I really couldn't care less about that. It says next to nothing about what he's like as a real person or what he's capable of.

Besides, I don't confuse the person with the product. The product is what matters here.
One doesn't confuse a person with a product by choosing not to do business with an individual one finds contemptible. Choosing to focus only on the product is a position one can take, but there is no confusion required to take a view on the person in question. There are quite a few people in the world with whom I would refuse to do business, regardless of what they were selling.

Although, if he's selling potable water from his bunker after the Rapture, I may reconsider.
Nov 8, 2014
One doesn't confuse a person with a product by choosing not to do business with an individual one finds contemptible. Choosing to focus only on the product is a position one can take, but there is no confusion required to take a view on the person in question. There are quite a few people in the world with whom I would refuse to do business, regardless of what they were selling.

Although, if he's selling potable water from his bunker after the Rapture, I may reconsider.

Still sounds to me like you're letting your impression of a complete stranger you know next to nothing about hold you back from greenlighting his work, so that people who're interested have a chance to get a hold of it.

Are you seriously suggesting that all that work gone into the game is unworthy of business because he's a "bad person" - based on what, exactly? Internet antics?

No one is talking about doing business with him - we're talking about enabling his business.

If the game is released and gets terrible reviews, he won't do much business anyway.

If it's a great game, then what? He doesn't "deserve" to profit from hard work like everyone else? He must be punished?
You gotta pay the bills right? And if you think making a game of this magnitude isn't a huge commitment, then… :). How many projects have we seen announced here, that then quietly fade away never to be heard of again? That is because the devs have grossly underestimated the difficulty of producing a finished game, even of much lesser ambition than Grimoire. The whole thing is manic, crazy even, but also I can't help respecting his guts and fortitude and striving for perfection. People don't have to be great in every respect - just one is more than sufficient and more than most of us usually achieve.

You've got a point - not sure if I agree, I have to think about that.

pibbur who starts thinking now
Are you seriously suggesting that all that work gone into the game is unworthy of business because he's a "bad person" - based on what, exactly? Internet antics?

I have no problem buying Cleve's game if it actually exists and it's good, but dismissing his past actions as merely "internet antics" seems a bit much. The degree of hate speech he has participated in and promoted can have very serious real world consequences.

But ultimately I don't care about that when I'm choosing a product to buy. I do care about the fact that there is no reason to believe the game is any more real this time than the last 100 times. But in the unlikely event in turns out to be real, I only care about how good it is.
Apr 14, 2011
Still sounds to me like you're letting your impression of a complete stranger you know next to nothing about hold you back from greenlighting his work, so that people who're interested have a chance to get a hold of it.

Are you seriously suggesting that all that work gone into the game is unworthy of business because he's a "bad person" - based on what, exactly? Internet antics?

No one is talking about doing business with him - we're talking about enabling his business.

If the game is released and gets terrible reviews, he won't do much business anyway.

If it's a great game, then what? He doesn't "deserve" to profit from hard work like everyone else? He must be punished?

No, I'm not trying to objectively define him as a "bad person". That would lead to an interminable debate that can't be definitively resolved, and we wouldn't want that, would we? :biggrin:

What I'm saying is quite clear - if one finds him contemptible, one does not need to confuse a person with a product to refuse to assist or deal with him on that basis.

I find him contemptible because he's strung people along for decades, took people's money and broken promises repeatedly, been extremely rude and abusive to people that criticized him, and he lives in a nuclear bunker in Australia while praying for the Lord to rain nuclear holocaust on America, because it's full of sodomites and racial mongrels. I think he's a bit of a cock, and I don't really want to assist him or give him any money.

Now, that of course is a personal opinion, as you are so fond of pointing out. You are free to disregard anything you deem to be "internet antics", if you wish. What I'm saying though, is that while people may legitimately take different positions on Cleve and Grimoire, there is nothing confused about those that dislike and don't want to assist him.
Nov 8, 2014
My dislike of Cleve has nothing to do with how long it took him to make the game. It has 100% to do with what kind of person he is. It doesn't much of a google sleuth to find multiple threads thru the years where he is racist, a bully and just a terrible person.

I will not support people or companies like that with any purchase.
No, I'm not trying to objectively define him as a "bad person". That would lead to an interminable debate that can't be definitively resolved, and we wouldn't want that, would we? :biggrin:

What I'm saying is quite clear - if one finds him contemptible, one does not need to confuse a person with a product to refuse to assist or deal with him on that basis.

I find him contemptible because he's strung people along for decades, took people's money and broken promises repeatedly, been extremely rude and abusive to people that criticized him, and he lives in a nuclear bunker in Australia while praying for the Lord to rain nuclear holocaust on America, because it's full of sodomites and racial mongrels. I think he's a bit of a cock, and I don't really want to assist him or give him any money.

Now, that of course is a personal opinion, as you are so fond of pointing out. You are free to disregard anything you deem to be "internet antics", if you wish. What I'm saying though, is that while people may legitimately take different positions on Cleve and Grimoire, there is nothing confused about those that dislike and don't want to assist him.

I've followed the project since the 90s - but I won't claim to know anything like the whole picture. I doubt anyone here does.

Here's MY impression - but it's no more than that:

There's little doubt that Cleve has been trolling the Internet big time, but imagine what it's like for one guy to be against literally thousands of Codex-level disappointed and extra entitled abrasive dudes.

I mean, ok, he overpromised and continuously failed to realise the scope of what he was doing. He was then subject to endless ridicule and criticism - and he chose to preserve his (clearly oversized) ego by turning it into some kind of long-running joke.

Could he have shown humility and gone into hiding for 20 years until it was finished? Probably not an easy thing to do if you have a big ego.

Yeah, he has a big ego, so what? Is that really so terrible?

Sure, he's taken money through legit means. Seems he's now delivering what people paid for, doesn't it?

Seems to me he always intended to finish the game - and he always wanted it out sooner than he was able to pull off.

He just didn't handle it well - and got stuck in a bad role. He took it too far, definitely. But has he actually hurt anyone?

Not very impressive, but I can't say it's worth fretting much about.

I would certainly be quicker to call into question people who willingly support large anti-art corporations when they buy whatever AAA game that's been marketed successfully. I'm pretty sure you'll find a fair share of questionable ethics in several of the top-tier company leaders :)

Also, what if the game is a really great old-school RPG like he promised? Then he sort of had a point all along. Certainly, then, he has more tangible results on which to base the size of his ego. A LOT more than 99% of big Internet egos.

But but, yes, we all have our opinions. Thanks for sharing yours in such detail :)

Oh, and yes - I think people who actually think they can moralise and evaluate how "worthy" complete strangers are - based on Internet exchanges - are very, very confused. That doesn't mean they can't be right - but they really should know just how very wrong they can be, too.
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I would certainly be quicker to call into question people who willingly support large anti-art corporations when they buy whatever AAA game that's been marketed successfully. I'm pretty sure you'll find a fair share of questionable ethics in several of the top-tier company leaders :)

Also, what if the game is a really great old-school RPG like he promised? Then he sort of had a point all along. Certainly, then, he has more tangible results on which to base the size of his ego. A LOT more than 99% of big Internet egos.

But but, yes, we all have our opinions. Thanks for sharing yours in such detail :)

Well, the first point there is a relative privation argument - the fact that there may be worse examples out there doesn't have any bearing on the assessment of this specific case.

As to his ego, and whether the release of Grimoire might justify its dimensions :biggrin: , I don't really care about that. I care about his behavior, which, as discussed, I find contemptible. I hear your case for the defense, and fair enough, but I can't say I'm persuaded.

Oh, and yes - I think people who actually think they can moralise and evaluate how "worthy" complete strangers are - based on Internet exchanges - are very, very confused. That doesn't mean they can't be right - but they really should know just how very wrong they can be, too.

I told you above that I was NOT trying to make a case for him being an objectively "bad person". But you've decided to argue with what I didn't say anyway. Welcome back D'Art!
Nov 8, 2014
Well, the first point there is a relative privation argument - the fact that there may be worse examples out there doesn't have any bearing on the assessment of this specific case.

I think it has quite a bearing if you - or anyone else with a similar position - have ever endorsed "worse examples".

Why? Because it tells us something about the solidity and authenticity of your position :)

As to his ego, and whether the release of Grimoire might justify its dimensions :biggrin: , I don't really care about that. I care about his behavior, which, as discussed, I find contemptible. I hear your case for the defense, and fair enough, but I can't say I'm persuaded.

You don't care about the possible reason for his behavior? You find it contemptible without even caring about its potential source?

Ok, fair enough :)

I'm not here to persuade, so it's all good.
I told you above that I was NOT trying to make a case for him being an objectively "bad person". But you've decided to argue with what I didn't say anyway. Welcome back D'Art!

I'm afraid I'm unable to discern between your version of moralising and calling someone contemptible as a human being.

Perhaps you can clarify?

Beyond that, you also took it upon yourself to speak for others in relation to the "confusion" issue - and I'm afraid there's a lot of moralising people around the Internet who share a similar contempt for Cleve and refuse to support him - whether that's just "too contemptible to deserve doing business" or "objectively bad enough to not deserve doing business".

Oh, and thanks ;)
Greatness? All I see is a loathsome and unbalanced man that's been winding up RPG communities with a clapped out bit of dreck from the 90s, for the last 20 years.

I'd be reluctant to condemn people, just on the views they support in discussions (although I will vociferously oppose those views). Many of my parent's generation, for instance, were indoctrinated in their childhood with racist and elitist views that are to me and for many of us today abhorrent... And there used to be gollywogs on jars of marmalade. But in practice, many of those same people could be incredibly compassionate towards others, because of a kindness, which transcended their superficial views. And people too can behave badly who express only the politically correct views of the current zeitgeist.

What one can judge more easily is people's actions and in the case of CB, his game. If it turns out to be full of racist, supremacist nonsense (or it is just bad), then I won't like it. But, that doesn't appear to be the case from what we have already seen and that apparent contradiction is a large part of why it is interesting. It just struck me playing the demo, that anyone capable of making it maybe was not as dark as he had been painted.
May 18, 2012
Somerset/London UK
I'm afraid I'm unable to discern between your version of moralising and calling someone contemptible as a human being.

Perhaps you can clarify?

OK, you seem to have lost the thread of this argument, or perhaps deliberately tied it in a knot. :biggrin:

My first point above, is that one (me/anyone in general) does not need to confuse the “person with the product” in order to avoid someone’s products on the basis of our response to their behavior.

If I am at the funfair, and the man selling hotdogs is shouting racial and homophobic abuse at passers by, I might not buy his hotdogs, but I have not confused the man with his product. I am not under the impression that he is a sausage. I can explain what I don’t like about his behavior, and it is not much of a stretch to describe it as contemptible.

If I see him repeating this sort of behavior on a regular basis, I might find it appropriate to tell other people about what I’ve seen, because these are rather unpleasant things for people who might be, say, gay or brown, to experience. I might feel reasonably comfortable describing the man as an arsehole, and recommending avoiding him, on account of this conduct.

Is that the same as making an absolute moral judgment about that man being a “bad human being”? No. He might spend all his wages delivering toys to the children’s hospice for all I know, and my absolute moral judgment of the whole person makes no sense. But though we are not in a position to make perfect judgments of a person’s moral character, that hardly means that we cannot form reasonable opinions about them from their observed behavior.

It’s really not that complicated, unless you’re determined to tangle it up in a reduction to the absurd.
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Nov 8, 2014
People underestimate the power of voting with their wallet.
Aug 13, 2013
They already did twice in the Indiegogo campaigns for the game.
Aug 30, 2006
OK, you seem to have lost the thread of this argument, or perhaps deliberately tied it in a knot. :biggrin:

My first point above, is that one (me/anyone in general) does not need to confuse the “person with the product” in order to avoid someone’s products on the basis of our response to their behavior.

If I am at the funfair, and the man selling hotdogs is shouting racial and homophobic abuse at passers by, I might not buy his hotdogs, but I have not confused the man with his product. I am not under the impression that he is a sausage. I can explain what I don’t like about his behavior, and it is not much of a stretch to describe it as contemptible.

If I see him repeating this sort of behavior on a regular basis, I might find it appropriate to tell other people about what I’ve seen, because these are rather unpleasant things for people who might be, say, gay or brown, to experience. I might feel reasonably comfortable describing the man as an arsehole, and recommending avoiding him, on account of this conduct.

Is that the same as making an absolute moral judgment about that man being a “bad human being”? No. He might spend all his wages delivering toys to the children’s hospice for all I know, and my absolute moral judgment of the whole person makes no sense. But though we are not in a position to make perfect judgments of a person’s moral character, that hardly means that we cannot form reasonable opinions about them from their observed behavior.

It’s really not that complicated, unless you’re determined to tangle it up in a reduction to the absurd.

No, I think I get it :)

But if I don't, it's not because I'm determined to tangle it up. I'm trying to communicate my point of view - and I'm trying to understand YOUR point of view.

You feel qualified to make a "non-absolute" moral judgment about Cleve based on what you have read about him - and the result is that you don't want to support his ability to do business.

That's quite fair, and we all have different ways of making decisions.

Your analogy is a bit black and white without context, but I understand.

If I heard some hotdog vendor shout racist remarks - I would look at the context before making any kind of value judgment about my support for his business.

As in, if we imagine I had the power to "vote" for his permission to have a hotdog stand in that park - I would be very, very careful before taking that away from him, or before voting "no" to his ability to make a living.

As in, was he under duress? Was he possibly drunk? Was he being assaulted by someone and lashed out with words he might not actually mean? Does him being a racist impact his ability to sell hotdogs? Does being a stupid bigot mean you don't have the right to make a living?

Thoughts like that would go through my head.

In that same way, I don't confuse a person's seeming inability to behave decently with his permission to earn a living based on his hard work.

I use the word confuse - because those two things don't belong together in my mind. Unless we're talking about some extreme, where there's actual harm or damage involved. As in, I would not consider his doing business the problem - but his behavior and his doing harm.

Obviously, I could never get behind a guy actually SHOUTING racist or any kind of derogatory remarks in public - but having those positions "privately" should be allowed. I think it's unfortunate that so many bigots and "holier-than-thou" people exist - but I can't go around passing judgments that will lead to denying them their right to think differently.

For me, saying something derogatory on Internet forums, especially at the Codex, is just the order of the day. We all do it, in one way or the other. I do NOT think that's the same as actually shouting something offensive to "innocent" bystanders in public.

After all, you can easily put people on ignore on the Internet - and you're not exactly forced to read what they're saying.

So, very different scenario - from my point of view.

I don't think not supporting Cleve will change anything about his behavior - so the only person who will suffer is Cleve - and I'm not the kind of person who would support the suffering of others - unless it's going to benefit more than harm. Simply punishing someone for being a bigot with no upside is not my style.

Punishment for the sake of it, without tangible benefit - is irrational in my opinion.

In fact, based on my postion on the human condition - and how we work as human beings, I think there's an actual chance of Cleve becoming a "better person" if he finally gets some recognition.

In that way, I'm much, much more a honey over vinegar guy.

But I now understand his behavior and his ability to do business on Steam belong together in your mind, and as such there's no confusion involved for you - and people with a similar position on human beings. You're actually serious about him not deserving your support for his ability to earn a living - based on what you feel you know about him.

Essentially, you're more of the vinegar type in this way.

Obviously, I don't agree with that position - but that's no biggie.

That's fully fair and thanks for sharing :)
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:lol: :worship: Sure missed that verbose yet solid DArtagnan logic for the last couple years.
Sep 26, 2007
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