Yes, all the hate I received the last time I wrote anything about Grimoire. The beta was excellent, with only a few scripting bugs that were real game breakers. However, fixing those problems was becoming a nightmare and last I heard from Cleve he planned to try using a completely different scripting language to bypass the errors. For example:- fairly early in the game, you meet your first shopkeeper who also happens to have on him a VITAL item. Simply put, you complete a quest and get the item which is essential to open up most of the game. However, if you buy from the shopkeeper prior to getting this item, the script re-stocks the shop and in doing so, overwrites his original inventory and deletes this item forever!! Nothing Cleve could do would stop that overwriting!!
The game itself would be loved by anyone who enjoyed Wizardry, EOB, Lands of Lore1, etc. Oh, it's TOUGH as well with no hand holding to help you with the puzzles. I've actually written a walkthru for the FREE part of the game which should take 20-30 hours and is about 10% of the total game!!