Gun Policy

My latest personal story with gun violence. It's not exciting. It has no moral or mic-drop moment, but it's recent.

I got divorced recently and quit my former profession of 15+ years as a P.I., so I can be a single dad. I just got back from his mom's apartment now, and she doesn't live in a bad place, but this shit can happen anywhere.

My youngest is at his mom's this weekend. She called saying she heard shots and she was on hold with 911. She was scared, someone banged on her windows several times after the shots, she didn't know what was going on, she called 911, then called me.

I roll out of bed. Yes, I grab my handgun. Neither one of us knows what is happening, and I know the cops in my town. For all their stomping about like their the baddest jarheads there ever were, they rather suck. Back when I was a green "ghetto specialist" property manager, I called the cops about a woman being chased by a dude with a butcher knife through the complex. When I was bitching about the 45 min. it took them to respond, my people just laughed at me and told me you have to say it's a man with a gun, no matter what it is, if you want them to show up.

But this was a shooting. As I'm hitting the door, the ex calls back and says the cops are already there, so I lock the wheel gun back up in my place and head out unarmed.

On the way in on foot, I stopped to talk to a cop and some guy, who turned out to be a friend of the victim. Still don't really know what happened. The victim's friend said he heard the shots and ran out of the apartment he's staying in to see his friend, Carl, on the ground with a gunshot wound to the chest. I guess there was some sort of dispute between a few people standing outside in the complex before the shooting. When I asked the friend, who said he was an Iraq vet, how Carl was doing, he said the paramedics were doing chest compressions when they first arrived, but they weren't anymore when they left with him. He wanted to hope, the friend said, but he knew better.

Judging by the bloodstains and debris directly outside the ex's apt., it looked like Carl likely was moving when he dropped outside her door. Didn't look like he was the one banging on her windows. Probably someone with Carl or who discovered him, possibly the vet I talked to.

I went inside, and the kids were all just looking at me, silent. After a dramatic pause, I say, "That's some crazy shit, huh?" Everyone seemed to appreciate the tension breaker. The kids actually seemed to take it fairly well, including the youngest, my boy, though I'll know better later.

They saw him. One, at least, the oldest, saw his chest wound, the blood on Carl's face. They had a couple friends of the family spending the night. The girl was still scared, her eyes stuck on me, big as day. After my opening one liner, I'm talking to all of them but looking directly into her eyes. I'm explaining how they're probably in the safest place in the world right now with all the cops around. I tell her a little white lie about how I tried to sneak in through the police tape but still got caught by a cop. In reality, I veered toward a cop because I wanted to talk to him and likely could've sneaked in, if i had tried. The girl has seen enough TV, and she asks about the shooter returning to the scene of the crime. I explain why, based upon the things the cop did and didn't say to me, this was likely not that kind of crime and likely happened between people, criminally engaged or not, who knew each other. I explained how, statistically speaking, with a bit of bullshit and a lot of good intention, they were good to go for years in regard to violent crime. The girl appeared to take real comfort in the numbers, asking a couple questions, including genuine relief when I told her how there was no violent crime at all in her neighborhood, which we recently moved from, according to the interactive crime map compiled by my local newspaper I had recently been looking at, and there was really little around my ex's apt., too. She clutched my vague numbers like a blanket and seemed genuinely comforted. I went home.

That turned into a long story for not knowing much. Sorry about that.
Sep 16, 2010
Just in case anyone didn't believe me:

And I wouldn't blame you. Like I was saying in some other post around here recently, just about everyone's full of shit these days.

What you can't see in that screenshot is the 2 men arguing with Carl were arrested and were cooperating with the cops. All 3 men were armed. So, these two surviving guys are almost certainly claiming self defense, given all the cooperation. Who knows what happened or who drew first in that apartment courtyard during the sweet-spot hours for intoxicated conflict? One side of that fight ain't talking anymore.

The ex showed me some phone video from someone in the complex picturing the cops bagging an AR-style weapon for evidence, but that doesn't necessarily mean a lot. I have a shotgun, but when shots were flying a few minutes' drive away, I reached for my handgun. If I were going to yell at my neighbor with possible malign intent, or in fear for my own safety, I'd likely want to tuck my wheel gun in my pants. When serious shit flies, they sieze your guns. The AR could've been in the closet of Carl or his 2 dance partners.
Sep 16, 2010
I have heard the AR is apparently the gun of choice especially for women. They have low recoil, accurate and easy to use. Compared to a handgun that has big recoil low accuracy.

That said the AR is a mass killing gun, which begs the question why isn't there a handgun that has a similar recoil and accuracy to the AR?
Sep 17, 2021
I have heard the AR is apparently the gun of choice especially for women. They have low recoil, accurate and easy to use. Compared to a handgun that has big recoil low accuracy.
Why would a person, let alone a woman who is more likely to be in close quarters with her assailant, going to buy a… RIFLE for self defense? In two searches for "most popular women guns", everything I got was pistols.
That said the AR is a mass killing gun, which begs the question why isn't there a handgun that has a similar recoil and accuracy to the AR?

1) accuracy barely matters unless you got some sort of 1 inch barrel… your attacker is feet away, not 100 yards.
2) I call BS on not being able to find a handgun with lower recoil than an AR.

I maintain that people who buy ARs to have around their home are nutjobs with something to prove.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
Why would a person, let alone a woman who is more likely to be in close quarters with her assailant, going to buy a… RIFLE for self defense? In two searches for "most popular women guns", everything I got was pistols.

1) accuracy barely matters unless you got some sort of 1 inch barrel… your attacker is feet away, not 100 yards.
2) I call BS on not being able to find a handgun with lower recoil than an AR.

I maintain that people who buy ARs to have around their home are nutjobs with something to prove.

AR is just a brand, it does doesn't actually stand for assault rifle. But yeah according to this article the AR 9 rifle, has the lowest recoil of them all.
Sep 17, 2021
They do have them. Yes, an AR is low recoil, a big advantage, along with its short barrel. Their devastation comes from velocity, rather than the mass of the sprayed shot from my shotgun. They have stocks and longer barrels for pistols. Someone in my town just got sentenced to 4-5 years for possessing and selling a mod, a bump stock for pistols, that converts a Glock into an automatic pistol, which is illegal.

A pistol isn't going to have as much punch or kick as an AR-style rifle, or most any rifle. (Not necessarily. It all depends upon the designed purpose of the weapon. A .22 rifle, for example, a preferred weapon for hunting small animals and for dropping one in the skull of a man that won't come out the other side, is often preferred by assassins, because it has a smaller projectile without the additional gunpowder. It's all in the designed purpose.) The mass of Its projectile and the amount of gunpowder inside the cartridge will be smaller in a handgun by necessity. Force = mass x velocity.
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Sep 16, 2010
I call BS on not being able to find a handgun with lower recoil than an AR.

Yes, you certainly can find a handgun with less kick than an AR. I could also find one with more, at least it'd feel like more. There is also the question of what that force is pushing against, its base. My shoulder can handle a blow a lot better than my wrist.

I believe I also said above, the mass of a projectile will be necessarily smaller in a handgun, but that isn't necessarily true, either. It's certainly true that is the general direction of things, given a handgun's smaller overall size, but you can design all sorts of crazy shit, most certainly including the rounds you place in a weapon. A shotgun has a crazy array of different rounds you can put in it, from rounds designed to breach a door to incendiary rounds that spray fireworks for drunken rednecks. I could load my shotgun myself with dimes or rock salt or scrap metal or anything that might fly well. The shotgun is a real workhorse.

People are clever. There are a thousand different variations out there, at the least.
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Sep 16, 2010
There are some amazing weapons available these days, for sure. H&K has a remarkable number of firearms that feature low recoil/shock designs, some of scary large calibre. There are literally weapons around for every taste.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
There is truly some frightening shit out there. At my favorite shooting spot, I see this one kind of flattened bullet of someone else's I keep picking up. You and I have probably seen your standard Talon hallow-point that expands into a claw of sorts to rip a large hole into someone. But this thing is different, though it appears to use the same concept. It expands to like 1.5-2 inches in diameter in a perfect circle. I don't know exactly what it is, but it looks wicked.

And yes, the permutations are staggering. More come all the time. The only end seems to be the amount of money people are willing to spend to drive their production. No lack of bright ideas and people out there. It's a fetishist's dream. If they make a handgun that also gives you a blowjob, we're all screwed.
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Sep 16, 2010
Why would a person, let alone a woman who is more likely to be in close quarters with her assailant, going to buy a… RIFLE for self defense? In two searches for "most popular women guns", everything I got was pistols.

I think it's common sense to everyone but the hardcore gun nuts. Any kind of rifle is going to be inferior to a handgun in most self-defense situations.

It's like the people who try to justify owning scoped non-hunting rifles. There's not a single reason I can think of that a civilian should have a scoped rifle. Completely useless for home defense. They shouldn't be legal.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
In thinking a bit more just now about gun fetishists, they're hardly unique, especially in the U.S., where everything is available at the push of a button and we don't try to stop you from pushing that button, whatever it summons. You're not alone. It's just guns for you. America is swimming in fetishists. We give you all the tools, the money to buy more, and close the door.

I offer this plea for moderation in all things. I love my freedom as much as any man and likely more than the average one. I understand. I feel it every day. It calls me to the hills and tall prairie grass to fire my guns. I'd do it every day, if I could. I'd live there, and that would be my life. That would be enough, with a woman and dog at my sides. That would be everything I'd need. If I slept in the dirt, my cup would overflow, and I would truly know happiness for the first time. I get all that. I understand.

But I live in a society, and I have to make compromises. Some people might think I veer toward some freaky shit on the Internet when I don't have a woman at my side. Perhaps so, which is why it's better to have a woman, amongst a much longer list, but I've been shocked myself plenty of times at what others rush toward head long. We can, and should, indulge our impulses, but we dont neceaarily want to live there. The Eastern philosophers who preach balance in all things have it right. I'd love to live in the hills and would in a heartbeat. But so many wander too far down that path. You can't point your shotgun at every hiker coming down your drive looking for water.
Sep 16, 2010
in thinking a bit more just now about gun fetishists, they're hardly unique, especially in the u.s., where everything is available at the push of a button and we don't try to stop you from pushing that button, whatever it summons. You're not alone. It's just guns for you. America is swimming in fetishists. We give you all the tools, the money to buy more, and close the door.

I offer this plea for moderation in all things. I love my freedom as much as any man and likely more than the average one. I understand. I feel it every day. It calls me to the hills and tall prairie grass to fire my guns. I'd do it every day, if i could. I'd live there, and that would be my life. That would be enough, with a woman and dog at my sides. That would be everything i'd need. If i slept in the dirt, my cup would overflow, and i would truly know happiness for the first time. I get all that. I understand.

But i live in a society, and i have to make compromises. Some people might think i veer toward some freaky shit on the internet when i don't have a woman at my side. Perhaps so, which is why it's better to have a woman, amongst a much longer list, but i've been shocked myself plenty of times at what others rush toward head long. We can, and should, indulge our impulses, but we dont neceaarily want to live there. The eastern philosophers who preach balance in all things have it right. I'd love to live in the hills and would in a heartbeat. But so many wander too far down that path. You can't point your shotgun at every hiker coming down your drive looking for water.

get off my lawn, hyuck, hyuck.
Sep 17, 2021
Believe me, I'm not the most welcoming hermit in the hills by nature, but nature is balance. She has it figured out.

In American politics, the analogy between the Republicans, the men, and the Democrats, the women, has often been made. One needs the other. it's nature. One tempers and completes the other. A man without a woman is a man forever threatening to veer off course, and someone, including himself, might get hurt. He might just destroy and never build.
Sep 16, 2010
Believe me, I'm not the most welcoming hermit in the hills by nature, but nature is balance. She has it figured out.

In American politics, the analogy between the Republicans, the men, and the Democrats, the women, has often been made. One needs the other. it's nature. One tempers and completes the other. A man without a woman is a man forever threatening to veer off course, and someone, including himself, might get hurt. He might just destroy and never build.

Well with the MGTOW and Red Pill movement there are a lot of older women available to you.

Not for me though. My brain has done some weird psychosis thing that renders me unable to work long term, rather die alone than get another person carrying my burden and i carry none of theirs.
Sep 17, 2021
Heh, I was just using myself as an example. I usually do that, as it's safer than using other people. You have to be careful to draw the lines of your analogy clearly with other people, and I screwed that up with DTE recently. I just got divorced. Don't think I'm going to go homesteading with some woman anytime soon. I just understand the impulse.
Sep 16, 2010
The new policy for visitors at my youngest's school, I suppose, represents a decent compromise for simple folk, such as myself, who don't like being penned in or out by fences:

"...we value the partnership we have with our parents and appreciate all that your partnership with us adds to the learning of our scholars. Part of keeping scholars and faculty safe is knowing who is in our building at all times and the Raptor system allows us to do that. The Raptor system allows us to track visitors, contractors, and volunteers in our school and provide us with a safer environment for everyone.

Upon entering Leman Academy, all visitors and volunteers will be asked to present a valid state-issued ID, which will be scanned into the system. It is important to note that the Raptor system only scans the visitor's name, date of birth and photo for comparison with a national database of registered sex offenders. Additional visitor data from the driver's license is not gathered nor is the system connected to any other system such as the Department of Motor Vehicles. Therefore, any other information on the ID is not scanned by the system and is not accessible to any of the users. Once entry is approved, Raptor will issue a badge that identifies the visitor, the date, and the purpose of his/her visit.

A visitor’s badge will not be necessary for those who visit our schools simply to drop off an item in the office or pick up paperwork. These visitors will remain in the outer lobby. In the event that a person does not have identification, he/she can still be given access to the building, but will need to provide another ID source and may be escorted by a school staff member.

If you are interested in learning more about the Raptor visitor management system, please visit the Raptor Technologies website (

You will also be required to show a Photo ID to pick up your scholar from the office for an early departure.

The safety of our scholars and staff is our highest priority and the Raptor visitor management system provides a consistent way to aid us in that priority. Therefore, all visitors to the school must be scanned into the system and obtain a visitor badge. Thank you, in advance, for your understanding and support of enhancing school safety protocols in our school."
Sep 16, 2010
One thing to consider is that the USA is a much more dangerous place than UK for example. UK has about 100 deaths due to knives a year while the USA has about 1500 deaths to knives a year and about 300 deaths to guns.

In that context the deaths due to guns isn't so bad comparatively. The problem is that people in USA and UK look at things differently. Like the whole reparations for black slavery thing in the UK is nonexistent. Completely different culture. There is a whole lot of anger there in everyone in the USA too.
Sep 17, 2021
I wanted to edit my previous post because it was wrong but: FBI homicides data table. Handguns kill roughly 6000 people a year while rifles kill 300. My 300 number stated before was not for guns but for rifles.
There's also 3281 gun murders in there (for 2019) where the type of gun was unspecified. Plus 840 murders where the basic type of weapon wasn't specified. So the real numbers are likely around 30-40% higher than the ones you're giving.

Just goes to show you, though, how the gun control crowd is concentrating completely on the wrong things. Almost 20X as more killings with handguns than rifles. We don't know exactly how many of those rifles are ones they'd call "assault rifles", but assault rifle murders are probably going to be something like 2-3% of all firearm murders. Plus, the number of victims who were killed in "mass shootings" is like 1-2% of all the firearm murder victims. But mass shootings and assault rifles are all those guys can talk about. If both of them went away overnight, gun violence numbers would barely register a change.
Sep 26, 2007
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