Healthy food, natural supplements, and herbal teas

What that tends to indicate is that … wow, shocker, foods and minerals impact different people differently.
This. About a fifth of all people are salt-sensitive. It's a genetic disposition. Most people have no problems, except if they really eat ridiculous amounts, as salt will extend your blood volume, which means more work for your heart. Eating no salt at all is more dangerous than eating a bit too much.

Then again, I'm going with the advice you quoted further above. Don't eat too much, and see that you eat more plants. Additionally, mix it up. If you don't eat the same all the time, the unhealthy stuff will be diluted out.
Mar 28, 2008
Find a good butcher.
Grow your own veggies or use local farmers.
That is your best start, though I might not know much about this after 30 years in the gym and training some body builders.

Oh if it comes in any sort of packaging, it is processed and most likely not good for you.
Apr 2, 2011
I ordered some Julian Bakery bread, they actually made some very good coconut flour and almond flour bread. There are only six ingredients in their paleo bread, and all of them are good.

I wanted to eat bread again for so long. It's been so long since I stopped eating any bread due to all of them containing wheat.

I ordered it at a low-carb store and also ordered a lot of low carb sauces and mayo.
Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec

My new set of low-carb barbecue sauces, mayonnaises, ketchups, thai curry sauces, indian curry sauces, sweet and sour sauces, apple marmelades… I can now enjoy sauces again without any blood sugar spikes. Some of them have sucralose, but I'll take a bit of sucralose rather than multiple grams of sugar or high fructose corn syrup any day.

My wife is really annoyed about how all my health stuff is cluttering up our house :D
Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec
I've been taking a pinch of cayenne pepper each day and it has been lowering my blood pressure. This is great because 'proper' bp medication like I used to take has a lot of side effects, mainly lowered energy.
Apr 10, 2011
I've been taking a pinch of cayenne pepper each day and it has been lowering my blood pressure. This is great because 'proper' bp medication like I used to take has a lot of side effects, mainly lowered energy.

Yes, cayenne is great for high blood pressure and circulation. My favorite use for it however is as a digestive aid/stomach soother. It's the best remedy I know for heartburn.
Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec
hehehehhe >:O

I start every morning with a cup of grean tea sweetened NOT WITH SUGAR but honey. If you have the means to get them you can also add a few drops of lemon juice for the ultimate health deluxe pick-me-up of the morning.
Aug 28, 2010
With the coming of the fall and shorter days I started taking 10000 IU of vitamin D a day again, it definitely makes an enormous difference.
Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec
I can't believe how much better that high a dose makes me feel.

Vitamin D is dirt cheap, and if you're a northerner who spends a lot of time indoors you're almost guaranteed to be deficient.

The dose commonly agreed upon at less than 1000 IU is an absolute joke. It's no wonder the scientific consensus in this regard is starting to shift.

There's also that almost no Vitamin D supplement contains as much as is purported on the label.

You can't overdose on it unless you take crazy mega doses of 35000-40000 IU. Think of it, you can't overdose in Vitamin D by soaking up too much sunshine.

If you're feeling the blues, this and plenty of omega 3 fatty acids derived from fish should be your first stop.
Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec
The thing is, it isn't necessarily the dosage of Vitamin D that determines toxicity but your blood level - so you CAN very easily overdose at 10000 ... it is just unlikely that most people will. Also, you can't overdose vitamin D through food or sun, but CAN through chemical intake (i.e. supplements).

I am also of the opinion that supplements should be the LAST RESORT. Because they are not a natural way to ingest things, they are chemically processed materials. For vitamin D you should be looking to fish and mushrooms and eggs and milk as your key sources - and can easily get a few thousands IU daily without resorting to non-dietary sources.

But I am a very strong believer that supplements are totally unnecessary for many people ... and have the health and blood work for myself to back up that it works for me. And for my wife, I have the counter-evidence ... she eats mostly the same stuff and totally needs supplements (incl 6000 IU of Vit D!)
Oct 18, 2006
The thing is, it isn't necessarily the dosage of Vitamin D that determines toxicity but your blood level - so you CAN very easily overdose at 10000 … it is just unlikely that most people will. Also, you can't overdose vitamin D through food or sun, but CAN through chemical intake (i.e. supplements).

I am also of the opinion that supplements should be the LAST RESORT. Because they are not a natural way to ingest things, they are chemically processed materials. For vitamin D you should be looking to fish and mushrooms and eggs and milk as your key sources - and can easily get a few thousands IU daily without resorting to non-dietary sources.

But I am a very strong believer that supplements are totally unnecessary for many people … and have the health and blood work for myself to back up that it works for me. And for my wife, I have the counter-evidence … she eats mostly the same stuff and totally needs supplements (incl 6000 IU of Vit D!)

Not necessarily. First off, these foodstuffs contain very small amounts of vitamin D, not enough to make a blip. Also, the use of soap within hours of exposition to the sun washes off the vitamin D.

Due to our modern and sedentary lifestyles, some needs can be very hard to fulfill. Supplements are not bad in and of themselves, and except where there are clear cases of possible harmful interactions, which is far less than we tend to think, they are benign.

Usually a natural food source offers the best bioavailability but there are many cases where it's simply not potent enough or too sparse in that front, and extracted/concentrated forms offer superior benefits.

There have been plenty of long term clinical trials done with mega doses of vitamin D, and no one ever suffered any ill effects in any of them.

Also not all of health can be assessed by health markers, health is a very complex and slow, gradual, multifaceted process. Many supplements offer unique compounds that are impossible to access anywhere else and can soothe or support the body in a variety of ways. Clinical evidence is lacking or inconclusive for many of them (even though it doesn't necessarily mean at all that these don't work), but for others there is solid, vast clinical data to support them.

It's simply another tool in your arsenal to attain optimal body health and to ward off chronic diseases.
Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec
Funny enough, even in Arizona we had to fight vitamin D deficiency. It's simply that hot that people tend to avoid the sun. Vitamin D was pretty much the only thing that was borderline or too low for me, and I had to take supplements.
Mar 28, 2008
I anyways wondered what people did in old times when pills didn't exist. It's not like there is less sun now.
Jun 5, 2009
As of late I have tried L-Arginine, and collagen.

L-Arginine in powdered form is one of the things I have tried which works the best for overall energy and blood vessel function and circulation, it makes a great difference in my body. It is great for the heart as well. I will change the formula I use though, I just noticed it has folic acid, something which I believe should be completely avoided in supplement form.

Collagen in powder is very soothing.

It is so important to make sure you get enough of all the essential amino acids, something many of us are sorely lacking. For this I drink a cup of whey protein every morning, since it's probably the best source of protein and of all the essential amino acids.
Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec

My new set of low-carb barbecue sauces, mayonnaises, ketchups, thai curry sauces, indian curry sauces, sweet and sour sauces, apple marmelades… I can now enjoy sauces again without any blood sugar spikes. Some of them have sucralose, but I'll take a bit of sucralose rather than multiple grams of sugar or high fructose corn syrup any day.

My wife is really annoyed about how all my health stuff is cluttering up our house :D

Mmmm BBQ sauce... What kind? How do they taste? I'd like to get some low-carb BBQ sauces for our grilling needs.
Feb 19, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
It's called Guy's BBQ store, you can see it in the picture.

I see you come from Canada. I ordered these sauces from the low carb grocery in case you're interested. You can go and see their selection.
Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec

So today, I went to pick up my huge delivery of grass-fed organic baby beef, raised by small farmers. This is beef the way we were supposed to eat it, with its full nutritional power and great omega 3 profile. It doesn't get any better than this, I can't think of anything else we can eat that is better.

My wife says she is thinking of all the recipes she wants to try with this. I took plenty of ground beef, but also a lot of more delicate pieces. So on supper we're having filet mignon!
Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec

And today I was at Costco. I had long wanted to buy very high quality olive oil, as I know it has numerous desirable health benefits.

Olive oil is something very delicate, as there is a lot of fraud in this sector. Most of the ones you see in store are only partly made with olive oil, and are filled with nasties such as soybean or canola oil. If you want high quality, you need to buy the expensive ones in a bottle that comes from an identifiable lot from a farmer with a very good reputation.

Costco has its own Kirkland brand, which is decent (the organic one), but doesn't come anywhere close to a genuine olive oil like the above.

As I shopped there, I noticed there was a kiosk from a Montreal olive oil reseller, who were buying olive oil from some of the finest olive oil harvesters from Spain. I was happy, since I had considered buying such oils from a specialty importer located in Toronto, but the shipping costs would have been very high, and of course it's always worrisome to have something that's in a glass bottle shipped out.

I will try all four, and before the kiosk closes on november 9th I will buy multiple more bottles of the best. It will probably be the one further to the right, which looks like it has the most reputable producer.
Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec

Water with slices of lemon, cucumber and orange. The best substitute for soft drinks and fruit juice along with teas and herbal teas.

Both juice and soft drinks are absolutely terrible and should never be consumed. It astounds me how many people still think fruit or vegetable juice is good, when it triggers a blood sugar spike that is usually higher than even Coca-Cola.
Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec
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