Here we go again, more lies about me on the codex

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When they get bored of doing sthings with at least some level of importance, I'm sure they will start to bore us again with this stuff.
Aug 30, 2006
Sorry, I missed the thread where you guys all self-declared what countries you're from and the different languages you speak other than English. I haven't been keeping that close of a track.

BS. You are quite obviously keeping tabs on everything. It is both pathetic and really funny.

This is useless, btw. Keep fighting the good fight and banning random people like this guy from switzerland, I'm sure it will work out for you in the end.
May 19, 2013
It's all unraveling, bryce. All at once.

Maybe time for a vacation?
Feb 18, 2010
Dear Mister Internet thingy,

I am on one of those free board thingamajig, you know the ones where I can brag, boast and seem really important. At first it was working for me and everyone thought I was really cool and as important as my mother told me I was.

But it was only a dream, as now it is turn into a nightmare as no one likes me any more. It is all turning on me and I don't know what to do but call people names and curse at them.

I feel really sad now and really wish they all could see me in all my glory when I beat that game faster and better than anyone else. I really wish I just had a friend...

CHRIST....Children grow up and stop the madness. There are real world issue's out there...
Apr 2, 2011

Not to be harsh, and I know we don't really do this much here, but…could we lock this thread, ban MWJ (because he might come back if we don't), and try to get life back to normal? o_O
Dec 16, 2013

Not to be harsh, and I know we don't really do this much here, but…could we lock this thread, ban MWJ (because he might come back if we don't), and try to get life back to normal? o_O
After all this, you really think banning him stops him? It just makes him split into two new accounts like some sort of horrifying autistic starfish.
Jul 23, 2010
Myrthos and/or Jaz had the option to lock this thread, or ban people, but they didn't. Instead they transferred the entire mess over to me!! Thanks Guys!!!! :) If they didn't want to lock this thread and they're the senior Admin, then I won't either!!
Aug 31, 2006
Myrthos and/or Jaz had the option to lock this thread, or ban people, but they didn't. Instead they transferred the entire mess over to me!! Thanks Guys!!!! :) If they didn't want to lock this thread and they're the senior Admin, then I won't either!!

In the beginning I thought this thread should not only be locked but deleted completely. Now it has just become some sort of sick entertainment to read.

I feel brain cells dropping every time I click on it and read more. I now know how people that watch shows like "Keeping up with kardashians" must feel. All good inside that their lives are not this messed up and missing everything need inside to be a human.
Apr 2, 2011
Yet you just HAD to post in it.

Feb 18, 2010
Yet you just HAD to post in it.


Anything to keep it going now. I have to know what the next episode will bring.

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Apr 2, 2011
BS. You are quite obviously keeping tabs on everything. It is both pathetic and really funny.
XenForo has a rather nice "check IP tool". It brings up a nice list of all users who have ever used that IP, along with what blacklists it appears on.

This is useless, btw. Keep fighting the good fight and banning random people like this guy from switzerland, I'm sure it will work out for you in the end.
I admire your concern for other posters that you claim have nothing to do with you. It's quite touching. It's also interesting that DorkImbecile isn't here himself to protest his innocence as much as you are.

Which is quite strange given the endless barrage of PMs he sent to every moderator on the Codex before he was banned. And then the minute I accuse him of being Bryce, he stops registering new accounts and surprise!, you appear.

Quite odd that.

Is this a form of online wrestling where you have like a tag team of accounts or something? When Bryce is mentioned, you need to bring out the Master Account?
Jan 23, 2009
Adelaide, Australia
There is no conspiracy but that of your own imagining.

He knows at least Bryce, me and Fret rider are three distinct individuals. He simply loves his drama.

He heard me speak in Canadian French and write in perfectly fluent French with other Codexers. He surely saw the numerous IPs from Canadian ISPs like Cogeco in my early post history. I see he even now accuses me of being a mindless provocator and too stupid to live, and sending multiple PMs to mods in protest when I just quickly and quietly migrated here and posted normally all this time before I saw this thread was started, and while it's been ongoing.

I might be persona non grata now, and you might not believe me, but all I ever wanted was a community where I could talk about the things I like and be myself. If you take that decision, it's because you're getting rid of a real person who never wanted to cause any nuisances and who happens to be a fervent Christian, not a troll. On the council I must say of mods who never liked my opinions and views. They were saying I was getting old as far as three years ago.
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Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec
XenForo has a rather nice "check IP tool". It brings up a nice list of all users who have ever used that IP, along with what blacklists it appears on.

You are a liar. You checked mine, you saw a Swiss IP with a swiss internet provider.
You know it's not on any blacklist. You could damn well search forever on the internet you would never see it listed as any proxy whatsoever.

I know this because I know I am posting from my room and I am an actual person. Not a sockpuppet product of the imagination.

I admire your concern for other posters that you claim have nothing to do with you. It's quite touching. It's also interesting that DorkImbecile isn't here himself to protest his innocence as much as you are.

I grew tired of this. I don't have as much disposable time so apart from my mini burst that night I don't want to invest myself in this. I can browse the codex just fine right now from actual blackisted IPs since you decided to go ahead and ban my IP.

I stopped bothering you soon after you IP banned me because posting from blacklisted IPs is annoying, it doesn't always load the page entirely and most of them somehow don't even load the dialogue box.

Which is quite strange given the endless barrage of PMs he sent to every moderator on the Codex before he was banned. And then the minute I accuse him of being Bryce, he stops registering new accounts and surprise!, you appear.

I don't get your logic. If Bryce is so obsessive with the Codex then YOU creating a thread about HIM in site feedback and changing the codex tag is sure to drive him out of the woods anyway.

Notice how he or whichever alt that was, posted in your thread, getting himself banned. Why would Bryce do that if he was trying to register another account on the codex? Why would he get his new account banned, then post in the thread to get another of his alts banned?

Then you pretty much decided to ignore most of what I write anyway since you believe I'm Bryce in the first place.

Is this a form of online wrestling where you have like a tag team of accounts or something? When Bryce is mentioned, you need to bring out the Master Account?

Had I registered the account as Lucas1988 I would have posted just normal and get out of the queue in the day. None of my posts would have bothered or attracted any sort of attention. I would never have been accused of being Bryce.

It's not my post it's just my name. Which leads me to 3 options about you :

- You just wanted to ban me for the name. You felt like I would be a shitposter with that name so you just went along and called me a Bryce to make things easier.

- You do believe I am Bryce. You do believe Bryce is registering new accounts every weeks and you tirelessly hunt them like Don Quixote hunts the windmills. I could believe that there is indeed a Bryce obsessively doing that. But then being accused on no evidence and being myself just leads me to believe you are a bit crazy.

- You wanted your weekly giggle and the name DorkUnderimbecile popped as a new user so I fell prey to your drama hunger. It's like option 1 in a way.
Sep 28, 2014
There is no conspiracy
Indeed. The obviousness of bryces multiple accountability disorder is blatant even without IP checks. It's like with that saying about chicken. If it looks, smells, tastes, sounds and acts like one, it probably IS one.
They are so persistently supportive of each other and united in a righteous and vigorous hate for Codex admin/mods, while sounding like flawless polyphonic choir in the process.
And this has been going on for how many years now? Goddamn, i love internets.

Still not quite sure about you HHR. Though very similar to all the other bryces, you're like the sanest (extremely relatively speaking) head of this hydra, because apart from insane long winded sulky passive aggressive rants, your posting is suspiciously similar in everything else.
Jan 2, 2007
Oh hey, you call him and here he comes crawling out of the woodwork. Will you be responding with your Japes account next? I think it's his turn now.

You are a liar. You checked mine, you saw a Swiss IP with a swiss internet provider.
You know it's not on any blacklist. You could damn well search forever on the internet you would never see it listed as any proxy whatsoever.

I know this because I know I am posting from my room and I am an actual person. Not a sockpuppet product of the imagination.
You post from a University.

And you think your IP is not on a blacklist?

This guy. :lol:

I don't get your logic. If Bryce is so obsessive with the Codex then YOU creating a thread about HIM in site feedback and changing the codex tag is sure to drive him out of the woods anyway.
Well, you would know Bryce the best I guess.

Notice how he or whichever alt that was, posted in your thread, getting himself banned. Why would Bryce do that if he was trying to register another account on the codex? Why would he get his new account banned, then post in the thread to get another of his alts banned?
Because, as evidenced by this thread alone, Bryce is an idiot.

More pertinent question, why would FretRider, who claims he isn't Bryce, post in the thread (as Magic User) saying you (someone he's never met and presumably knows nothing about, nor cares about) aren't Bryce?

In fact, how would he even know?

And how would you know that you and Bryce aren't even in the same country? And don't speak the same languages? When you haven't even registered before on the Codex?

Your alts all seem to know an awful lot about each other.

And how do you know so much from threads in Retardo Land and GD... When lurkers and accounts registered for less than 12 months don't even have access to those forums? You even mentioned Saint Proverbius. What, have you been lurking for 12 years and never bothered registering? If so, how can you be surprised at what happened to you? Are you really that stupid?


Seems you learned nothing from your KnightRider days.

Had I registered the account as Lucas1988 I would have posted just normal and get out of the queue in the day. None of my posts would have bothered or attracted any sort of attention. I would never have been accused of being Bryce.
So you registered on rpgwatch with MythrosIsAHugeFaggot as your account name and you're surprised that it attracts attention.

Then you start PMing every moderator on the forum ramming home your own stupidity and quite effectively proving that the only reason you registered is not to post about RPGs.

You must be Bryce. Only Bryce is that dumb.

- You do believe I am Bryce. You do believe Bryce is registering new accounts every weeks and you tirelessly hunt them like Don Quixote hunts the windmills.
I don't need to. Bryce can't help himself. Whenever he registers he puts on the same dumb routine. "I'm a new user here. What rule have I broken? I'm not that guy who I know personal and intimate details about! I've just lurked for years and am surprised stupidity got me banned... on the Codex... where someone's dumb ass is banned every other week."

Like I said, did you miss Bryce getting banned in the first place? Hell, you even mentioned Saint Proverbius in your PMs to me. Did you miss Fretty getting his dumb ass banned what is it, three or four times now?

What about Bruticis and Co? Haven't you been paying attention?

You're either a clueless idiot who deserves to be banned, or you do know the forum's entire history in which case you shouldn't be this clueless.

Man, Trash must've really hurt your butt all those years ago. How does it feel to be so butthurted by an unemployed Euro faggot? You must be livid. Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Does it keep you up thinking about it? Thinking about Trash? Thinking about Trash, posting on the Codex, where every time you try, you just get your dumb ass banned?

He heard me speak in Canadian French and write in perfectly fluent French with other Codexers. He surely saw the numerous IPs from Canadian ISPs like Cogeco in my early post history. I see he even now accuses me of being a mindless provocator and too stupid to live, and sending multiple PMs to mods in protest when I just quickly and quietly migrated here and posted normally all this time before I saw this thread was started, and while it's been ongoing.
And you know Bryce doesn't speak French?

And that FretRider doesn't speak French?

And this new guy, who's also totally not Bryce, and whom you've never met before in your life, also doesn't speak French?

Think very carefully about that before you answer. Then ask yourself: How confident are you in your answer? Then you might get it.

Because me? I have no fucking clue what languages you all speak or don't speak. I don't care.

Now, again, can I have a link to where all you guys posted your personal information, including what continent you're on and the languages you speak, and don't speak? Because I just can't seem to find it. Was it on the Codex or was it here?

I might be persona non grata now, and you might not believe me, but all I ever wanted was a community where I could talk about the things I like and be myself. If you take that decision, it's because you're getting rid of a real person who never wanted to cause any nuisances and who happens to be a fervent Christian, not a troll. On the council I must say of mods who never liked my opinions and views. They were saying I was getting old as far as three years ago.
You admitted yourself in this thread, that the only reason you posted so fervently was because Codex. And that you would never post anything like the same sort of stuff here. Meaning you must have just some little eensy weensy bit of inkling that nobody likes your shit.

Don't make the mistake of thinking the Codex' tolerance never runs out. I had three separate moderators all mention that you'd gone off the deep end. Thus, action was taken.

Now here you are, defending posters you claim you don't even know. Enjoy your breath of fresh air of maturity at the watch, because you sure as hell didn't bring any to the Codex.

Go on, post over here like you did at the Codex and find out just how long your dumb ass lasts.
Jan 23, 2009
Adelaide, Australia
Myrthos and/or Jaz had the option to lock this thread, or ban people, but they didn't. Instead they transferred the entire mess over to me!! Thanks Guys!!!! :) If they didn't want to lock this thread and they're the senior Admin, then I won't either!!
I thought it was mildly entertaining for a while, but it lost that value. I just moved it here because it was pointed out to me that it never had that value to others who were not involved in the thread and fewer visitors come here :)
I'm not much for locking threads myself, but be my guest. I doubt this is going anywhere.
Aug 30, 2006
Your post is quite lengthy, confusing and I wouldn't be surprised if yourself didn't get confused in your own argumentation.
(Edit : I've beaten you to it)

You post from a University.

And you think your IP is not on a blacklist?

This guy. :lol:

Not sure I get it. It's possible that my wifi may seem like a university though it's weird because this department complex isn't directly affiliated to one.

Regardless, doesn't that mean that you realize I'm posting from some place legit in Switzerland?

Because, as evidenced by this thread alone, Bryce is an idiot.

More pertinent question, why would FretRider, who claims he isn't Bryce, post in the thread (as Magic User) saying you (someone he's never met and presumably knows nothing about, nor cares about) aren't Bryce?

In fact, how would he even know?

And how would you know that you and Bryce aren't even in the same country? And don't speak the same languages? When you haven't even registered before on the Codex?

You lost me a bit here. I have no idea. I am not Manwhojapped, no Bryce, not FretRyder, not Magic User. I don't know if these persons are the same.
To be honest when I really looked into the drama I believed Bryce was really a massive obsessive alter. Now seeing you accusing me, not so sure.

And how do you know so much from threads in Retardo Land and GD… When lurkers and accounts registered for less than 12 months don't even have access to those forums? You even mentioned Saint Proverbius. What, have you been lurking for 12 years and never bothered registering? If so, how can you be surprised at what happened to you? Are you really that stupid?

Does that impress you?
It's hard for you, who have been active non stop, to understand that some people have been browsing intermittently for a long time.
That doesn't happen to you?
Saint Proverbius is more recent stuff than 12 years. When I called you a watered down Saint Proverbius it was just based on my shady memories that the Codex was better back then and that you didn't have the admins banning so many members for whimsical reasons. I don't know if St. was still the big boss at that time. You could still read his posts on the codex and other communities were mentioning him and the codex sometimes so it's likely yes.
Back when I lived in France, I created an account on the Codex. It's a long time ago, I don't think I posted anything with it. I was still a teen at the time.

About Retardo and GD though, no I don't really know much. I never looked into it, it took a long time for me to notice they had disappeared from the forum list.
I think you're exaggerating, I haven't displayed a particularly deep knowledge of these 2 forums. To be honest I with I could see retardo because I know a lot of good thread gets sent here, and I'm increasingly tempted to read all the golden stickies and other legendary threads that are often mentioned in Site Feedback.

So you registered on rpgwatch with MythrosIsAHugeFaggot as your account name and you're surprised that it attracts attention.

Then you start PMing every moderator on the forum ramming home your own stupidity and quite effectively proving that the only reason you registered is not to post about RPGs.

1. No . On the watch I'm not sure, but I didn't expect to be banned for this on the Codex. Thank you for agreeing that it's essentially the main reason, not you thinking that I am Bryce.

2. FOR FUCK SAKE. This is annoying because many community mods make the same dumb assumption. BANNED MEN TELL NO TALES. At some point I knew where this was going and that I would be senselessly auto banned each time. So before that I wanted to squeeze a word with whoever was doing this, or at least get my message passed. That's why. How the hell was I supposed to know who to contact in the first place? Once I started speaking to you I stuck to do that mostly, I think I sent a bunch of message still, to 2 moderators who I thought were doing the banned on sight.

I don't need to. Bryce can't help himself. Whenever he registers he puts on the same dumb routine. "I'm a new user here. What rule have I broken? I'm not that guy who I know personal and intimate details about! I've just lurked for years and am surprised stupidity got me banned… on the Codex… where someone's dumb ass is banned every other week."

I don't care what Bryce does or doesn't. I can't argue about that because I am not BRYCE.

Like I said, did you miss Bryce getting banned in the first place? Hell, you even mentioned Saint Proverbius in your PMs to me. Did you miss Fretty getting his dumb ass banned what is it, three or four times now?

What about Bruticis and Co? Haven't you been paying attention?

You're either a clueless idiot who deserves to be banned, or you do know the forum's entire history in which case you shouldn't be this clueless.

You aren't making any sort of point here, not to me at least maybe it takes to be Bryce to understand?

About that though. Fuck you for having banned Hiver. Fuck you. ''Ololol I didn't ban him'', no you did, what you did was the exact same thing.
Him and actually most posters you ban tend to be entertaining posters. I don't care if what they post is a shitpost for you or if they constantly insult the staff. They have an entertaining value that sycophantic noobs like Crispy or that other bore who posted here don't have.
And you ban them. You didn't always do that, not at this rate. I never saw as much banned avatars as I've seen this past year.

And you know Bryce doesn't speak French?

And that FretRider doesn't speak French?

And this new guy, who's also totally not Bryce, and whom you've never met before in your life, also doesn't speak French?

HHR is french Canadian. I know French Canadians very well. He does mention it a lot. I am 100% he is genuinely a french Canadian. There's no way someone could capture as much info and digest it so that in the end every comment he does on Canada and his life is what you can expect a Quebecker to spew.

I am myself a Frenchman. I live currently in Switzerland.

FretRider or Bryce, I've read from the big thread that was in Site Feedback in 2012. YOU SAID IT YOURSELF in this thread, that he was posting from Uruguay or South Brazil. It was the basis of one of your post, where you explained the history of people posting from this geographic area. It's mentioned to several other place, and one of the Bryce accused, I think manwhojapped mentioned it here on the watch, in the refugee thread I think.

I don't know anything else.

You admitted yourself in this thread, that the only reason you posted so fervently was because Codex. And that you would never post anything like the same sort of stuff here. Meaning you must have just some little eensy weensy bit of inkling that nobody likes your shit.

I like the idea of Bible spewers, Nazis, Democrats, Conservatives, greens, alternative medicine believers, atheist… all posting in the same place and interacting. So maybe that's just me but I liked HHR's posts as far as I could read and I thought they added something to the place.

Because me? I have no fucking clue what languages you all speak or don't speak. I don't care.

Now, again, can I have a link to where all you guys posted your personal information, including what continent you're on and the languages you speak, and don't speak? Because I just can't seem to find it. Was it on the Codex or was it here?


What could possibly prove you that I AM NOT THIS CREEPY MAN YOU ACCUSE ME OF BEING. That annoys the shit out of me that I'm believed to be some sort of American/South American/Asian/African recurrent shitposter who did all this shit including involving himself in an argument that could have very well being dragged into court (death threats…).

Do you need a picture from me? maybe the nice view I have on the mountains? With a little ''DU is a faget'' in the corner of the window.
Sep 28, 2014
Regardless, doesn't that mean that you realize I'm posting from some place legit in Switzerland?
Yes, you're posting from an IP that comes up as a Swiss proxy in at least 3 proxy blacklists. Now either it's a proxy, or you've got some malware on your PC you might want to take care of.

It's hard for you, who have been active non stop, to understand that some people have been browsing intermittently for a long time.
It's hard for me to understand that someone can be as dense as you.

When you registered, what did you think was going to happen?

No, really.

Especially when you start PMing every moderator on the site:

"Smells of shitposter. He sent me a PM:"
"I just got a PM from Mr. Subtle here too, mostly whining why I'm not approving his shit."
"Yeah I just got a PM from him as well. Is it national fucking crazy people week or something?"
"now being stalked by elicebmikrod after leaving + ignoring some conversation he started (didn't really read it, something about his username?)"​

That's what I got from 5 different mods. We have a long standing rule against shitposters. I even told you that was the reason you were banned. That you can't accept that is your problem, not mine.

And if you really want to say "I'm just having a bit of fun!", well then gosh, so are we!

When I called you a watered down Saint Proverbius it was just based on my shady memories that the Codex was better back then and that you didn't have the admins banning so many members for whimsical reasons.
That's more to do with the fact that we had less shitposting users to ban back then, than it is to do with us deciding to ban people for "whimsical" reasons.

Back when I lived in France, I created an account on the Codex. It's a long time ago, I don't think I posted anything with it. I was still a teen at the time.
So you were lying when you said this was your first ever attempt at registering an account. Not surprising.

I think you're exaggerating, I haven't displayed a particularly deep knowledge of these 2 forums. To be honest I with I could see retardo because I know a lot of good thread gets sent here, and I'm increasingly tempted to read all the golden stickies and other legendary threads that are often mentioned in Site Feedback.
Once again confirming that you're not on the Codex to talk about RPGs, but are more interested in stirring up drama. Hence, banned. We've got enough drama whores already thanks. We need less of them, not more.

1. No . On the watch I'm not sure, but I didn't expect to be banned for this on the Codex. Thank you for agreeing that it's essentially the main reason, not you thinking that I am Bryce.
Once again, let's go through your chosen course of action:

1. You register with a user name that's obviously designed to generate drama.

2. Not satisfied that you'd been noticed yet, you PM every moderator on the site asking why your posts haven't been approved, in what can only be a deliberate attempt to attract attention to yourself.

3. You get banned, because we make the decision quite quickly that you're only here to shitpost. IE: Stir up pointless drama, rather than debate and discuss RPGs.

4. After being banned, you go into Bryce melt-down mode. You act all so sweet and innocent, like, you didn't know you were doing something bad! (You even mentioned how your "previous name" was a play on my name, failing to mention that your existing one was the same backwards, like, duh).

5. After that doesn't work, you descend further into Bryce mode and talk about that faggot Trash, and call me whatever variation of DorkUnderload is Bryce's current favourite.

I call all of that shitposting. Here's what I would've done: Register on RPGWatch with MythrosIsAFatCunt. PM every moderator so I get their attention. Then when I get banned, realise they're on to me and my stupidity. Fun had, time to move on.

But your fun never ended there, did it Bryce? Oh no, you were never content with just leaving it at "they're on to me". You instead go into this childish "it wasn't me" dance, while you're standing there with your hand literally stuck in the cookie jar and chocolate smeared all over your face.

Did that work with your mother? Is that why you want my attention so badly? Is that why you keep coming back? How much more attention do you want from me? Because that's what this is about. I've given you this answer three times already. In PMs, in the thread that now sits in Retardo Land and here.

And yet you still desperately want my attention. Is this not enough for you? What are you, 12?

2. FOR FUCK SAKE. This is annoying because many community mods make the same dumb assumption. BANNED MEN TELL NO TALES. At some point I knew where this was going and that I would be senselessly auto banned each time. So before that I wanted to squeeze a word with whoever was doing this, or at least get my message passed. That's why. How the hell was I supposed to know who to contact in the first place? Once I started speaking to you I stuck to do that mostly, I think I sent a bunch of message still, to 2 moderators who I thought were doing the banned on sight.
You register on the Codex with the name DorkUnderimbecile, which is a play on the username of the site's Admin.

And you don't know who to contact...

And yet you've been lurking for so long you even know all about Trash. From threads which are now buried deep in GD. Which is a forum you don't have access to.

Like I said in one of my very first PMs to you, you're either a shitposter or you're an idiot. Either way, you'll never last long on the Codex.

About that though. Fuck you for having banned Hiver. Fuck you. ''Ololol I didn't ban him'', no you did, what you did was the exact same thing.
Hiver self-ejected because like many, he couldn't handle his well-deserved tag.

And once again, if those are the kinds of posters you came to the Codex for then:

a) That's why we're banning them these days. It helps to keep the other retards like yourself from coming back.

b) That's why we banned you.

FretRider or Bryce, I've read from the big thread that was in Site Feedback in 2012.
So you've an entire thread that only existed in Site Feedback for about 4 days before it was put in Retardo Land and yet you're still unclear why you'd get banned.

One day, you'll grow a brain. Until then, good luck!
Jan 23, 2009
Adelaide, Australia
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