Hero's Song - New Kickstarter


The Elder Spy
Staff Member
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
October 18, 2006
Oct 18, 2006
The background art is ok, but what's with those characters? They don't know what they want to build so it just seems like a crazy mash up. Pass.
Jun 11, 2015
Finally! An RPG with plate tectonics! I'm in!
Oct 18, 2006
Rothfuss is a busy man. Between this, torment and some other game he's doing, I hope it doesn't push back finishing the king killer trilogy. It's been a long wait already.
Dec 16, 2013
So I can support this KS for 25$ minimum or buy the game once it is released for 20$... I guess I will support this KS if it lacks exactly 25$ to be funded or for a stretch goal :D
Oct 3, 2014
Ya I thought this project seemed a bit strange when I first found it, and that hasn't changed. The whole multiplayer aspect concerns me, I get single player games and mmo's, something that tries to be something else is just confusing.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Just noticed that they did add a fifteen dollar tier, that makes a bit more sense for those not interested in beta testing it, and getting it cheaper by supporting in advance.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Pixel art, sandbox, and roguelike? All three indie RPG / Kickstarter buzzwords in one game?

Good luck to them, but not really my cup of tea. I can tolerate pixel art and sandbox could potentially be fun (although I tend to get bored with the open / sandbox aspects of games quickly). But definitely don't like Diablo style click n' slash combat and besides, I think Darkest Dungeon will be all the roguelike I can handle for quite some time.
Apr 9, 2013
I think some of you should read a bit into this….I think it sounds really cool….things like the diety system that develops the world and how your characters can ascend to be gods that can then be used to develop new worlds….

I'm surprised so many of you brushed this off…I think it has some fascinating ideas.

These choices dramatically impact how the world is formed physically. The Gods have attributes that determine how they impact world creation specifically. For example, if you choose Nae, the Goddess of the Seas - and you decide to up her impact in the world (through UI choices during world creation) you're going to get a world with a lot more water and islands. If you choose to have Cor, The Mad Smith, God of the Roads and patron of the Dwarves you're going to get a lot more mountains. The same is true of Silea, the Goddess of the Wild. She happens to be the patron of the 3 different Elvish factions in the game (The High Elves, the Elathi and the Ashen Elves who had their home destroyed by the Dwarves when the Dwarves built the Great Forges.

The Gods each have their own attributes which determine how they impact the world, but the real effect is felt with the combination. The Gods were the children of the Lonely God who created all, and their impact cannot be understated.

Once we create the geography, we then create an entire world's worth of NPCs and Monsters. These too are greatly impacted by the Gods you've chosen and the level of influence the different Gods have. We create the population by first running a simulation starting with the Gods and then going on to the different races (which start with the Gods that are the patrons of particular races). That simulation has thousands of historical events that we're making which in the end lead to different physical things happening in game.

For example, if you decide that Silea has more influence than Cor, you could end up with Elves having destroyed the Dwarven civilization in it's infancy. What does that mean in game? Well, you'll see the ruins of a once great Dwarven empire (all the civilizations of the game have different states they can be set to by the history generator). It also means that you won't be able to even select Dwarves as an option when choosing your character.

The Gods also manifest themselves in game as incredibly powerful beings. They can be killed, but not easily to say the least. Many of them have their own planes of existence which you'll need to travel to if you want to interact with them.


I just found this today and did a lot of reading...backed it for 25 and got two copies for that.
Apr 17, 2007
I was kind of hoping this would get some more visibility...
Apr 17, 2007
Their ideas come down to Diablo like gameplay where instead of random dungeon generation they go a step further and randomly generate the whole world. That is cool.. if you are a history or geography lover. For the others random dungeon generation was not why we played these games.
Gameplay itself is what is important and none was shown while they ramble about this shit.
So game has nothing but random quests and we have no clue on how complex or fun combat will look.
Then they ask 800k for this lol.

Who is this game made for?
Oct 3, 2014
Their ideas come down to Diablo like gameplay where instead of random dungeon generation they go a step further and randomly generate the whole world. That is cool.. if you are a history or geography lover. For the others random dungeon generation was not why we played these games.
Gameplay itself is what is important and none was shown while they ramble about this shit.
So game has nothing but random quests and we have no clue on how complex or fun combat will look.
Then they ask 800k for this lol.

Who is this game made for?

I don't think you have read much into this at all.

They have gone into great detail on the races and gods in the game....how your characters can ascend to become a good to generate new worlds as well as share with other players.

They have stated that NPC's will have factions, war with one another...have detailed histories depending on how the world is generated...some worlds will not even have elves because of choices players make during creation(ie interface and god selection)

There was a crazy amount of variables involved with creating it.

They answer a lot of questions in a reddit:


This isn't a non veteran team making this.

I agree it isn't your standard RPG, probably a lot more akin with action rpg's just with a helluva a lot of interesting world and lore designs....

I get by your tone though this doesn't interest you.
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Apr 17, 2007
Nope, all you did is gave more info for people that care for history over story or gameplay.

And just proved my point. And why it is not going to get to 800 k
Oct 3, 2014
Nope, all you did is gave more info for people that care for history over story or gameplay.

And just proved my point. And why it is not going to get to 800 k

Sure, your opinion. You didn't even look.
Apr 17, 2007
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