Hoard The Spoils - A D6 RPG


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
This found a way into our mailbox:

Hoard The Spoils: a new role-playing game with a scintillating plot

This RPG gives more creative control to the players, removing the need for complex playing guides.

Perseverance Ink Entertainment has come up with a new type of open D6 role-playing game which rewards it's players' good fortune with more moves per round called a Wild Combo! Fighting game enthusiasts know what this means for them in combat and it should speed it up as well!

It's called Hoard The Spoils and the storyline is set in a mythical world where the local governments have been living off free labor and exorbitant taxes from the residents, who have been brainwashed to forget their individual rights.

The people finally realize their terrible plight and are rebelling. They are protesting at town halls and threatening to withhold their taxes.

The citizens and politicians now clash at every turn so Hoard The Spoils becomes a test of skills and combat maneuvers.

It's simply a case of walking your own path and doing what is right for yourself. When you are perceived as the villain, however, simply by wanting to keep what you earned, well a villain you will be.

Of course, the true villains of the story are those using you as a scapegoat in order to gain control over the populace. So grab a shovel to hide your coins, weapons, and all that you have earned. Stay out of sight or in the very dungeons you risked your life in so you can protect what belongs to you from those masquerading as knights in shining armor!

This world needs a new kind of hero. It could be you. Although the citizens don't know it yet, they need individuals like you.

Start off as an Apprentice rolling 3 dice and work your way up to Master with 6 dice!

Visit the Perseverance Ink website, www.perseveranceink.com; or the Perseverance Ink Facebook page, www.facebook.com/perseveranceink. For more information about the game
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
I think it was West End Games who had used D6 as their basis for that Star Wars RPG ... And with it, they did the most basic founding of all that is called "Expanded Universe" outside of the first 3 movies ...
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
There are ton of free rpg systems you can download, and a lot of them are GURPS like, they are universal rpg systems. They use a number of different mechanics. You can pick and choose. If some rpg system wants to sell their products, they need IMO a strong world. The original Vampire game, for example, had some good and less good art, but it had a wonderfully developed world and tons of character. Those are books I thought were worth my money when I still played pen and paper games, as were Shadowrun, Call of Cthulu, and Dungeons and Dragons (as well as Pathfinder). All had well developed ideas and worlds, and some of them had great artwork as well.
Jan 29, 2014
Vienna, Austria
Hoard The Spoils Apprentice Guide

First I want to thank you for posting the press release to your forums and I noticed the comments about the game that must be addressed. My apologies for not checking out the forums and would like feedback on the book since I'm writing a source book for Hoard The Spoils called the Apprentice Guide. The book will feature a few different examples of the New Republic to jump-start the game. There will also be sample quests, maps, and a bestiary added to the book. I'm also working on some modules to get people started as well for cheap on DrivethruRPG, and they will be coming soon. The game is also about the perception of evil not political hypocrisy. I could wait for 3rd party publishers to make a stronger game world, but I prefer to do it myself but I need feedback from those who have played the game. Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon :)
Mar 22, 2016
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