How Long Should CRPGs Be?

How Long Should CRPGs Be?

  • 5 - 10 Hours

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 10 - 20 Hours

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 20 - 30 Hours

    Votes: 6 15.8%
  • 40 - 50 Hours

    Votes: 9 23.7%
  • More than 60 Hours

    Votes: 23 60.5%

  • Total voters


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Well it's another week so it's time for another poll since our last one has stalled. So this time I was wondering what you all think of game length in RPGs.

So here is the new Poll asking how long should CRPGs be?o_O

This is one of the bigger arguments I see lately on various forums as some prefer short no-filler RPGs, and the other side prefers RPGs that are full of filler content.
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Oct 1, 2010
As always, it depends.

Games that are very linear, and that focus heavily on a narrative, generally work best if they're not too long, as it's incredibly hard to sustain interest for dozens of hours - and it takes quite a storyteller to maintain momentum throughout such an experience.

That said, I'm not sure there ever was a truly huge game of that sort.

Arguably, I think Deus Ex: HR was very big considering the narrative strength and the linear layout of missions. Of course, each individual level was open and relatively non-linear - which helped a lot. But it might be one of the longest games of this kind.

Same is true for Vampire Bloodlines, which while having some degree of non-linearity - really is a game driven by a main narrative. It's also very, very big considering the density of the story material.

But, if I think of something like Shadowrun - I don't think it would be able to keep me interested for much longer than it does. It doesn't have enough meat on its system bones. It wouldn't really matter if the story kept being "interesting" - as I would be bored to tears of the simplistic mechanics.

Skyrim, on the other hand, has a very different structure - and it essentially allows the player to finish the main story relatively quickly, and the rest is optional. That's a great way to go about it - just as long as the sidequests are interesting. Otherwise, it might as well be a bit longer and have more resources dedicated to the main narrative. Personally, I think Skyrim should reduce the ~3-400 locations to ~50-100 locations and give them that much more attention, but that's another discussion.

But I voted 60+ hours - because I absolutely adore huge RPGs. But I think there should be room for all kinds. All shapes and sizes ;)
Thanks for the post Dart as everyone else just voted, and moved on. I was thinking of adding an unlimited option due to games like Skyrim , and Oblivion. They just never end.
Oct 1, 2010
I think Gothic 1 and Fallout 1/2 lengths are best for me.

They're around 20-30 hours, which is more than enough to get immersed into a game, but still short enough to actually play through it in a week long's holiday spending around 4 hours a day on it.

Once a game reaches 40 hours, even if I like it, I tend to try out other games and forget about it.

Example being Gothic 2 + NOTR. I loved it and now I'm in chapter 4 and I just can't be bothered to continue.

I'm happy I got through the expansion as that was fun for the first time, but now it feels samey again.

I feel the same way about most RPGs.

I stopped Gothic 3 after 100 hours and I really thought it was way too long.
I still hadn't liberated any city even...
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
An RPG should be as long as the developers can make it without watering it down too much. Whether that's 20 hours or 50 hours depends on the type of game, and how good the developers are at creating strong content.

That being said, I rarely see games that go beyond 50 hours without far too much repitition. I should probably point out that I consider the likes of M&M7, BG2, D: OS, DA: O, G2 NotR and so on 50 hour games, not 100+. They've all managed to keep it interesting through the entire game, but they are bordering on too much filler. It wouldn't take much to end up in Oblivion/Gothic 3 land.

Edit: Btw, the poll is missing the 30-40 bracket.
Oct 18, 2006
An RPG should be as long as the developers can make it without watering it down too much. Whether that's 20 hours or 50 hours depends on the type of game, and how good the developers are at creating strong content.

That being said, I rarely see games that go beyond 50 hours without far too much repitition. I should probably point out that I consider the likes of M&M7, BG2, D: OS, DA: O, G2 NotR and so on 50 hour games, not 100+. They've all managed to keep it interesting through the entire game, but they are bordering on too much filler. It wouldn't take much to end up in Oblivion/Gothic 3 land.

Edit: Btw, the poll is missing the 30-40 bracket.

Of course it depends on the developers and some games are sandboxy and don't ever have to end.

But I guess the question is what do you prefer ?
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Of course it depends on the developers and some games are sandboxy and don't ever have to end.

But I guess the question is what do you prefer ?

I can name great games in most brackets, though I suppose 30-40 (KotOR1-2, ME1-3, BG1, NWN, M&M8 etc) and 40-50 (BG2, G2 NotR, M&M6-7, D: OS, DA: O and so on) is where I can name the most.
Oct 18, 2006
What if it should be 55 hours? I need that option!!! (jumped from 40-50 to over 60).
To me my interest drops radically after 50-60 hours. Just happened with Lords of Xulima, I was enjoying the game, but after like 60 hours or so I just didn't want to play anymore.
Sep 23, 2008
Voted for more than 60.
However. There is a huge difference between Drakensang's 60 hours and Dragon Age 3's 60 hours.

Hopefully one of polls in the future will contain how much filler singleplayr RPGs should have, 33% or 66%.
Apr 12, 2009
It doesn't matter to me how long it is, but I really really hate if there is lots of pointless filler content or generic content just to make the game longer.
Oct 25, 2006
I'll follow DArtagnan on this. Really depends on the type of game and its content. There are a few RPGs where after 30 hours I just wanted the game to end and others where I spend over 50 hours and just wanted more.

Voted more than 60 hours though. My favorite RPGs have all been in the 45-60+ hours range (take over 60 the first time, than it drop at 45 hours when I know everything).
Oct 13, 2007
I tend to like them long, but only when they aren't full of pointless filler content/poor quality content. When that's the case unless it has a really redeeming quality I usually just want them done and over with. Combat heavy games without interesting combat, long games lacking interesting and engaging writing (story and/or characters), or tons of MMO style fetch quests are things I can do without.
Jun 13, 2013
North Carolina, US
Again, it is hard to add much to what DArtagnan said.

I paused for a while because when I look at my favorite games in the RPG genre they are largely games that take me 60+ hours - but I am also a completist and so replaying familiar games takes me forever! But there is something to be said for a tighter and more focused 25 hour game as well.
Oct 18, 2006
I typically don't play the shorter games, so I voted 60+. Others have said it more eloquently, but even a supposed 30-40 hour game will likely take me 60+. I explore every nook and cranny, clear all the fog of war, read all notes, books, memos, road signs, etc. I'm there for the journey, not to complete a game in my library :)
Oct 18, 2006
The bigger the better when it comes to RPGs, so I voted 'more than 60 hours'.
My typical play time with an RPG is about 200 hours. But usually around the 100 hour mark I start going on line trying to figure out how much more game I got left.

I think my perfect RPG would be around 70 hours. That way any replay might be possible and if the game was any good I would be looking forward to DLCs. Typically, after I put in 200 hours with a game I am done.
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
I've chosen 40-50 hours. Like all things, my answer would be "depends". I hate it when games feel dragged on but I also hate it when game is too short, feel like I've been ripped off. I loved the sheer amount of quests/contents of BG2 but I don't think many games can hold my interest for that long, regardless of amount of content (e.g. DA:I). But I couldn't help but feel DA:O and ME series were on short side for my liking. I usually try to finish/discover every quests/areas in the game, so I thought 40-50 hours seem most reasonable answer for me.
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