I love a story with a happy ending.

Makes me thing to actually own a gun so that if that ever happens to me, I'll have a happy ending and the doofus who would attack me will have a bad ending.
Feb 6, 2013
Yes,I think GBG - it's Sam.Anyhow thanks for very nice sharing.
Apr 22, 2013
You're slipping, Sammy. ;)


Perez had a rap sheet that included other burglary and narcotics charges and was on parole and staying at a halfway house not far from the Coopers' address, Amormino said.
Cooper's gun, which she has owned for about 20 years, was legally purchased and properly registered, he said.
"Even though that dog was barking, he still was desperate to get in. So who knows what may have happened if she didn't fire that round," Amormino said.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
GZ is found not guity

surprised this didn't made it here, the fuel MSM pouring over it would have some believed a "race" war is boiling

not a happy story, but I think it is just.
MSMman vs. the bro, excellent exchange...and learn about skittles other not so innocent application
Oct 25, 2006
Awesome, I just heard the good news. A happy ending indeed, and a warning to those that would think they can just openly attack another person without consequence.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

Doesn't get any simpler than that, folks. And it's pathetic how some people in this country have injected race into this whole mess. Even if considered foolhardy to push the conflict, GZ was well within his legal rights to shoot Martin when that gangster wannabe assaulted him.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
Powers that be don't want you to have guns because the worse things get the more rebellious people will become. Just google weapons hunts in ancient japan and you will see what's going on now pretty quickly. How much worse does it have to get before people do more than "occupy" wall street? That is their worst nightmare, revolution, and it always comes eventually when enough people are disposessed and powerless.
Apr 10, 2011
It will interesting to see if more states pass stand-your-ground or castle laws now that this one has withstood a hard legal test. I can only hope.

It's shameful how the slimeballs have tried so hard to make this a racial issue. Interesting that folks in Oakland were "moved" to destroy a police car over a verdict in Florida. I would think that the people that really fought for civil rights would be pissed as hell at these hooligans trying to manufacture an excuse to run amok based on "civil rights". Cheapens the whole thing, me thinks.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Interesting that folks in Oakland were "moved" to destroy a police car over a verdict in Florida. I would think that the people that really fought for civil rights would be pissed as hell at these hooligans trying to manufacture an excuse to run amok based on "civil rights". Cheapens the whole thing, me thinks.

Yep. It amazes me that young black men are killed every day in the ghettoes of some of the larger cites, and it doesn't make the news. The only difference is that they're usually being killed by other black men. I've yet to see Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton organize a march for one of those kids.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Well he may not be guilty of murder or manslaughter, but groups are pushing for a hate crime charge or civil lawsuit now.

ABC News
Zimmerman left the courthouse as a free man. The NAACP has called for the Justice Department to open a civil rights case against Zimmerman. Though the department has a history of using federal civil rights law in an effort to convict defendants who've previously been acquitted in state cases, it's not always easy. The department said in a statement Sunday afternoon that it's looking into the case to determine whether federal civil rights charges should be filed.

Supporters have suggested that Martin's parents file a wrongful-death civil lawsuit against Zimmerman. Zimmerman's lawyers have said he'll seek immunity. Florida's stand your ground law, which gives people wide latitude to use deadly force rather than retreat during a fight, may offer him that immunity if a judge concludes he acted in self-defense, said David Weinstein, a former federal prosecutor in Miami.
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Oct 1, 2010
It will interesting to see if more states pass stand-your-ground or castle laws now that this one has withstood a hard legal test. I can only hope.

It's shameful how the slimeballs have tried so hard to make this a racial issue. Interesting that folks in Oakland were "moved" to destroy a police car over a verdict in Florida. I would think that the people that really fought for civil rights would be pissed as hell at these hooligans trying to manufacture an excuse to run amok based on "civil rights". Cheapens the whole thing, me thinks.

It *IS* a racial issue, pure and simple. Race totally matters in this country - 'driving while black' IS a thing. Remember, around the same time a black woman fired warning shots and no one was hurt and she got 20 years. Black person killed ... meh.

As for attacking the police - given the rampant police atrocities in this country, it is hard NOT to see them as the enemy. And given the undeniably disproportionate focus of police on blacks ... it is exacerbated even more. Blacks do not dominate prison rolls because they are somehow genetically programmed to be criminals - it is because the culture of our country has no problem with racism, and is very happy to keep lower classes down, and the power structure is white, male, christian, and paranoid.
Oct 18, 2006
Absolutely ridiculous. He was acquitted, now they need to leave him alone.

Acquitted and innocent are very different things. He killed an unarmed teenager and is not an agent of the law. He is a murderer, just one who picked the right person to kill - like the guy in Texas who killed the prostitute and got away with it.
Oct 18, 2006
Acquitted and innocent are very different things. He killed an unarmed teenager and is not an agent of the law. He is a murderer, just one who picked the right person to kill - like the guy in Texas who killed the prostitute and got away with it.

That's your opinion then I take it? Because I know you're not stating it as a fact.

Oh, and you don't have to be an agent of the law to defend yourself.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
That's your opinion then I take it? Because I know you're not stating it as a fact.

Oh, and you don't have to be an agent of the law to defend yourself.

That he is a murderer? I consider that a fact - he admits as much, but relies on the fact that the state law in Florida allows for his particular type of murder.

Look - there is a distinct difference between having someone break into your house and corner you and then killing to preserve your own life ... and hunting down someone based solely on their appearance, continuing to pursue them when actual law enforcement told you to back off, instigating contact ... and THEN deciding you were in danger and had to kill the unarmed black kid. Unarmed. BLACK. Kid.

That he is acquitted means two things: that the law is seriously messed up, and is part of our blood-thirsty gun-nut culture ... and the prosecution screwed up. It has nothing to do with him being innocent.
Oct 18, 2006
So if Travon Martin had been armed and white, then it would have been different in your eyes? Just curious since you seem to want to place so much extra emphasis on those particular details.

The fact that Martin was unarmed means absolutely nothing if he assaulted Zimmerman. You could easily kill someone with nothing but your hands, and that possibly could have happened that night - a claim that was supported by physical evidence. Zimmerman's mistake was not pulling his gun sooner. If he had, then perhaps Martin would have thought twice about assaulting him and would still be alive.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
So if Travon Martin had been armed and white, then it would have been different in your eyes? Just curious since you seem to want to place so much extra emphasis on those particular details.
A very important question, given his clear emphasis on race. Think carefully, Mike.

I'd actually ask the question slightly differently, though. If Zimmerman was black and Martin was white and everything else was identical, would your thinking be any different? Would you be still calling that a hate crime?
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Sorry, someone starts slamming my head into the concrete, theyre at the very least getting stabbed. I'm going to try and deal them such a grievous and mortal wound, they cannot continue their attempt to murder me. If I had a gun, I would shoot the person trying to murder me.

I dont care who they are, txa, or their peoples history in the country. I'm not dying for anyones stupid political correctness bullshit
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Absolutely ridiculous. He was acquitted, now they need to leave him alone.

While I think he was guilty,I agree. These double prosecutions are a direct affront to the prohibition on double jeopardy
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
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