If you could....



Play one game again as if it was the first time, which would it be?
Ugg only one game? Made harder because I like nice pretty graphics so while I have favorite games from the past I can't say how much I would enjoy them, even if it was for the first time. I did enjoy Pillars, Torment:ToN, and loved Tyranny though so some hope for the old games ... but they also look better then similar games in that style from the past.

Anyhow getting off track. If I go with my gut answer, the game that first came to mind, then it would be Dragon Age Origins. The graphics were good and the Mabari, Alistair, and Morrigan are pretty much 3 of my all time favorite companions.

I will just say, as a secondary runner up, perhaps Morrowind and Bloodmoon but only if I could upscale the graphics to modern graphics.
Jun 4, 2008
Fallout 2.
Apr 12, 2009
Skyrim for me. Bet nobody guessed that one ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Planescape Torment. The obvious choice for me - it's only game that made me sad when finishing it, because I could never play it for the first time again.

So, please?

pibbur who actually never has replayed a game.

PS. Interesting thread, btw. DS.
That's a tough one. My first thought was of PS:T, but I think I'll go with UFO:Enemy Unknown (The original). If I think about it some more I will probably change my mind loads of times though.
Dec 20, 2010
That's a tough one. My first thought was of PS:T, but I think I'll go with UFO:Enemy Unknown (The original). If I think about it some more I will probably change my mind loads of times though.

Good choice. Such an amazing game in pretty much every way.

Same here :) . My best-est ever, most memorable gaming experience in ~35 years of gaming was starting my playthrough of Gothic 1 on March 12th, 2001.
Oct 18, 2006
Same here :) . My best-est ever, most memorable gaming experience in ~35 years of gaming was starting my playthrough of Gothic 1 on March 12th, 2001.

I think I also have some of my best memories with Gothic 1. Not just the game itself, but I was also part of the WoG forums back then. Good times sharing experiences with other like-minded fans.

But, besides Gothic 1, I think the Legacy of Kain series would also be quite up there on the list.

And a more recent one, The Last of Us. God I'm excited for The Last of Us 2.

Oh, and Planescape Torment is also a favorite to be relieved.
Jul 31, 2007
Tough question. I have so many fond memories of losing myself in the worlds of games like BG 1&2, Diablo 2, Morrowind, Fallout, etc. But the one I would most like to relive might be when I found a copy of Jagged Alliance 2 on the clearance rack of An EB games. I'd never heard if it before but decided to give it a shot because it was only a couple of bucks. I knew I had stumbled over something special about 2 seconds after my custom merc slid down the rope from the chopper. Adore that game and revisit it every few years. Wish someone could make a new version that is worth a damn.
Mar 17, 2017
Planescape Torment. The obvious choice for me - it's only game that made me sad when finishing it, because I could never play it for the first time again.
Maybe Alzheimer's has one specific benefit?

As for the topic: Gothic 2. It was my very first RPG, and my first Gothic. Since then, nothing but disappointment. ;)
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For me it would be a tie between PS:T and U7 part 2. Next would be Gothic.
Aug 31, 2006
BG2 was first for me and if I could I would like to experience it again as a first game. If I really have to pick another one… I would say DA:O. While I like other games better like NWN: The Aielund Saga I think DA:O would be the one that is easier to get into for the first time.

Nice topic, DArt. Btw you didn't tell us your choice ;)
Icewind Dale. Just so I could hear the Kuldahar theme while wandering the map again for the first time......:smitten:
Sep 15, 2014
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