In a dreamworld, your perfect RPG


Magic & Loss
November 10, 2008
Florida, USA
  • The world design of Bethesda
  • Interface designed specifically for the PC (and not by Bethesda)
  • Interwoven story w/ C&C
  • The hand-placed, lore-infused itemization of yesteryear
  • A differently styled setting ! (yes, very vague)

In my opinion, Skyrim world design is incredible; you simply get lost in its expansive detail. If you were to meld that with the writing of, say, Obsidian, ambiguous C&C of The Witcher, itemization of Baldur's Gate, and quirkiness of Arcanum's steampunk or Torment's Sigil, it would become a perfect amalgamation of legendary gaming proportions.

Welp, back to the real world for me.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
Well if you got a few million bucks laying around, let me know. I'll be happy to help make it happen :)
May 3, 2008
A game like you propose would be quite enjoyable,
For me I would love a RPG that would have all you mentioned but would be with Native Americans, Tribes of the Amazonian Forest, Aborigens or … well you get the idea. A very huge game spawning on lots of chapters and DLC's starting with the happy free times and ending with the very hardcore to achieve victory against the invaders. Most of the time the tragic ending we know would apply, so the game would be highly replayable.

More Steam-punk game settings like Arcanum

And for what is not a RPG a UFO of an idea that would be

Very scientificly evolved Aliens, that are cruel and where fun is the only value, that would decide one day that all of what they invented for games is boring, and would create their own version of MMO's
Their idea would be to create intelligent species and populate plannets with them, to then launch avid players that would remotly control cyborgs avatars to enjoy them however they want
The game would have three options at start: The hapless created species, the Aliens players and the Game companies.
For the Created species you would have a hugely improved spellforce or kind of Walords Battlecry in co-op mode, where each player would manage a small tribe
For the player base, an mmorpg experience
And the game companies would require you to manage your theme park to attract players
All three modes would combine and be different aspects of the same universe happening simultenously online

Minimum Specs

CPU: Hecta Core 25.1Ghz
Memory: 24TB RAM
Video Card: 10 TB WRam
5.5TB free HDD space
Holographic connexion for activation

On the other hand there is plenty of games on my watchlist
And I am letting myself put high hopes in somes like Krater, Dragon Commander, Grim Dawn, Guil Wars 2, GrimRock and Age of Decadence
And let's not forget Grimoire that should come out next week ( I know it is weak and like shooting on ambulances to make such a pitfull joke)
Oct 15, 2009
Well, single or multiplayer? Because the main reason I don't play multiplayer games is because of lack of good players not because there aren't good games.

If it is single player, world design as ultima 7 obviously, with a rich and living world, but in amazing VR, and sensors to make you able to walk around, fence and so on just like you were really there. Of course it'd also have smells not only sound and VR. That would be amazing.

With current technology, for single player, it would be enough to just have a good turn-based RPG with good graphics and story and character development. It would be so easy to make, with just a little resources yet none does :( even if we are some who are trying :)
Oct 25, 2006
Well, single or multiplayer? Because the main reason I don't play multiplayer games is because of lack of good players not because there aren't good games.

If it is single player, world design as ultima 7 obviously, with a rich and living world, but in amazing VR, and sensors to make you able to walk around, fence and so on just like you were really there. Of course it'd also have smells not only sound and VR. That would be amazing.

With current technology, for single player, it would be enough to just have a good turn-based RPG with good graphics and story and character development. It would be so easy to make, with just a little resources yet none does :( even if we are some who are trying :)

A game like Ultima 7 with that tech would be awesome, ouuuuh yeah the sensations and images of landscapes while riding the magic flying carpet
Awwww would be so great

And for our current technology and what you describe I have really high hopes for Age of Decadence have you taken a look to it ?

And what do you mean by "even if we are some who are trying :) " are you working with a team on a game project that tries to accomplish that ??? I yes what is it pweaaase :D, even if it is secret, I wanna know, I would keep my mouth zipped and my hands in my pocket to not write about it when asked
Oct 15, 2009
A sci-fi RPG where the various worlds and their atmosphere was crafted by PB, and the overall story/characters were written by Obsidian.

Example: PB developing a Star Wars game written by Obsidian.

Some party based game would be cool too, but I have a hard time seeing how anyone is going to top BG1-2. I just think we've seen the best that particular genre has to offer.
Oct 18, 2006
A sci-fi RPG where the various worlds and their atmosphere was crafted by PB, and the overall story/characters were written by Obsidian.

Example: PB developing a Star Wars game written by Obsidian.

Some party based game would be cool too, but I have a hard time seeing how anyone is going to top BG1-2. I just think we've seen the best that particular genre has to offer.

Time will tell but I really hope you are wrong and even if it is one game that I mentioned in the previous post, I would be really happy.
BG 1-2 < Planescape Torment and other classics for me , but that is personal taste
But true it was one of the awesome great games, wishing that soon a mod that will give us the ability to play BG1-2 with the ruleset of IWD2 will come now that GemRB is out and that would also means that cool games projects made thanks to it could appear and make that your prophecy is false ;P
Oct 15, 2009
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
GG is working on a game called Tactica which has it's own subforum here at the Watch. If I ever get my act back together I'm supposed to be helping with the writing......
Aug 31, 2006
To keep things short I would say a merger of Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas and Dragon Age Origins.

I love the open sandbox nature of Skyrim with the bigger emphasis on story and characters in FNV along with the deeper companions and fantasy of DAO.

I suppose Skyrim with far better companions/relationships, more C&C and a bit more depth to overall character creation.
Jun 4, 2008
Hard for me to say because I'm not sure I would ever want a "perfect" RPG anyways. I'd be afraid of it ruining everything else to me. :)

Also because my taste can vary depending on the mood I'm in, and I tend to go through different phases that seem to change every few months.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
GG is working on a game called Tactica which has it's own subforum here at the Watch. If I ever get my act back together I'm supposed to be helping with the writing……

Ty Corwin, started digging the Tactica dedicated forum :)

Argh stupid me had forgot that a major difference is that Age Of Degadence is not party based, palmface
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Oct 15, 2009
I've actually had one bouncing around in my mind for quite some time.

1. Must be historic. Fantasy/scifi is great for expanding the imagination, but it gets to be a stale rehash after awhile. A historic perspective would be relatively fresh, while offering real culture & history to the mind of the player (like Oregon Trail or Civilization).
  • Setting: Egypt, First Intermediate Period
  • Theme: true to the setting based on the power of the gods & destiny as well as survival and a "good life"
  • Player: probably family member of a nomarch to establish character freedom
  • Goal: A good life under the gods for the people (could be subverted halfway through with a rejection of such a goal)

2. Must be free world (ala Bethesda). But real world dangers of cliffs, thirst, lions, and crocodiles exist. No, you can't punch a pack of lions to death, you aren't a Hollywood action hero. It isn't a world of constant warfare with mindless mobs like Assassin's Creed, but the player isn't babied to the point of shrugging off multiple stab wounds because they have a big red bar.

3. Here is one for Corwin (or against him, I mean). There is NO magic. Not like normal fantasy at least. However, the people of Egypt believe very strongly in the powers of their gods. The player should have a "priestly" or "prophet" development path that takes advantage of this belief. Powers like pacification of human enemies or forcing humans to do your bidding would be possible with the correct gear and practice of holy rites. This would be based on their respect of your divine power, not on inter-dimensional physics bending. Priest skills would also bring extreme good luck as a result of confirmation bias and the people's expectation that her movements have extreme power. In the end, the hope is that the player could explain it away with psychology, or feel like they really might have power.

I don't want to write anymore, because if I do, it won't get read. But this is only the tip of the iceburg of what type of game I would fund if I were a big game producer.
Feb 15, 2012
I dream of a Fading Suns rpg designed with many of Baldur's Gate 2 elements and multiplayer support (4-6 players/characters). Graphics and interface ala Troika's tech demo for Fallout and Vampire Redemption. Have great characters as Vampire Bloodlines. An finally a good background story like Fallout 1/Baldur's Gate 1.
Mar 30, 2008
I'd love to see an RPG set in the "Bas-Lag" world of China Miéville's novels (Perdido Street Station, The Scar). Very imaginative steampunk setting.

As good as Skyrim is, I'm a little over fantasy worlds.
May 29, 2010
Lol, Alrik, beat me to the punch by 2 1/2 years.

Well, there are newer forum members who didn't know about "my" old thread ... So both threads hve their positive points, imho.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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