Interesting cannabis case in the UK

We need to get some of these stoners to put down the bong and do actual real studies with numbers behind those statements. It's a little more difficult for hard liners to dispute numbers and facts.
I'd say this is the key. I'm not a fan of mind altering substances of any sort, illegal or prescription, but this seems like a pretty easy sell to me if someone just takes the time to make the case.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Who? How?

When I stopped I didn't have the shakes. I did not crave it in any shape or form or any of the other nasty effects of being physically addicted to a substance.

Psychologically, well you can make a case for anything being used as a crutch or help out if you are having a bad day (computer/console games are included in that debate as well).
Feb 3, 2007
It isn't the physical withdrawal symptoms that causes alcohol dependency, it's it's effect on your brain. Alcohol dependent pepole have a "mental wound" in their brain (caused by alcohol use), that gets stimulated when it comes in contact with alcohol. When that happens they just can't control their use anymore. The same happens with cannabis addicts.

This might not be worth all that much in the light of gambling addicts and computer game addicts. At least if you ignore the rates at which pepole get addicted to something. The rate for Heroin is around 50 % (based on the good drug guide which claims that 50 % of all heroin users are acually able to control their use. That their base for claiming heroin is not that bad, by the way. Only half the users gets their lives ruined :D). The rate for computer games is far lower. Alcohol is around 10 % IIRC. Cannabis is probably somewhere between 1 and 10 %. What gambling and computer games is undefined, but prejudice tells me it's below 1 %.

Jul 11, 2007
At the end of the day I just feel that people have the right to ruin their lives.
Mar 5, 2009
It isn't the physical withdrawal symptoms that causes alcohol dependency, it's it's effect on your brain. Alcohol dependent pepole have a "mental wound" in their brain (caused by alcohol use), that gets stimulated when it comes in contact with alcohol. When that happens they just can't control their use anymore. The same happens with cannabis addicts.

I'm not talking about alcohol. I'm talking about marijuana and there is no way I agree with any of that.

"Can't control their use anymore?" I'm sorry, but no. People can control their use of marijuana and do all the time. If they want to get high they do. If they don't then they don't and that is the end of it. Their body isn't craving it and they go about their day.

That is not the case with someone on meth, cocain, crack, heroin or even alcohol and tobacco. They go through real physical withdrawl symptoms that makes it close to impossible to think about anything else except getting just one more fix.

It is really quite funny to think about a stoner having the same symptoms or having to just get one more toke because they can't control themselves. It just doesn't happen that way. You're lucky if they get high and then don't eat everything in your fridge.:D

Even though I don't smoke it anymore doesn't mean that I'm going to label it an evil drug that causes addicts. Nor am I going to say that it is not psychologically addicting, but it being on the same page as alcohol because it supposedly causes a mental wound in the brain? I gotta say no way, not unless there are facts to prove me wrong.
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Feb 3, 2007
I never claimed it was as addictive as Alcohol, just that it was addictive. I never claimed the effects was as bad as from Alcohol addiction either, just that they work in the same way. I agree that it's not on the same level as Meth, Heroin and the likes but it's not as harmless as aspirin either (even though aspirin can kill you).

The sole reason I'm pro-legalisation of Cannabis is in fact that it's much better than alcohol in pretty much every way. You're not as dangerous if you're on pot as if you're drunk. The long term effects on your health isn't as bad. You're less likely to get addicted, and if you get addicted it's not as bad as if you'd been addicted to alcohol. If we could replace binge drinking with pot smoking society would be a much better place to live in.

Jul 11, 2007
It is addictive, may be alcohol or pot or whatever it is.
On the whole it is not good for your health as well as to your mind..
better to stop being addictive.

Drug Rehab
Dec 7, 2009
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