Is Imhotep the Biblical Joseph(from Genesis)?

Damian Mahadevan

Keeper of the Watch
Original Sin Donor
November 23, 2008

Joseph- and the Hebrews to Egypt

Morality lessons can be found in every episode of biblical Joseph's life: sold into slavery by brothers, angry and jealous of his braggadocio and their father's favoritism; overcomes false charges and prison by his ability to interpret dreams; rises to great personal power and authority by his administrative ability; saves Egypt, all neighboring peoples and his own family from starvation during a prolonged famine. In the process he makes Egypt extremely wealthy (during the seven lean years, when only Egypt had store-house-cities full of grain from seven prior bountiful years). The biblical story of Joseph is easily justifiable as fiction, however, there is a statue on an island in the Nile of a white-faced, non-Egyptian vizier, who saved Egypt from a devastating famine, and wall-murals depict caravans of starving desert tribesmen (from named Hebrew cities) being sold grain, both fitting perfectly with the Bible. After Joseph becomes Egypt's Vizier, with many years of famine remaining, per the Bible, he brings his father, his brothers and their entire families to Egypt. That sets the stage, centuries later, for the well-known Passover stories, with extra-biblical corroboration: Hebrew slavery; Moses (at birth) being saved from the drowning fate of male Hebrew babies; his flight from Egypt; and finally, the Exodus story, including mass deaths of Egyptians from the plagues. (Note: Other related Ezine articles: "Miracles 3500 Years Ago, Biblical Exodus - The Only Logical Explanation For 21st Century Artifacts!"; "Mystery Solved - Boy-King Tut's Magnificent Tomb - Exodus Miracles Affirmed!"; "Hebrews in Egypt - Slaves and Plagues - Extra-Biblical Proof!")

Beginning with Joseph being brought to Egypt and sold as a slave, Egyptian records correlate exactly with the Biblical episodes of Joseph's story:

* Attempted seduction of a young man by a high official's wife, his rejection of her, her false charges and his subsequent imprisonment, then release - told in an Egyptian papyrus, dated 1225 BC. (Identical to the story of Joseph and Potiphar's wife).
* Joseph, Vizier/Savior of Egypt. Archaeological digs along the Nile, provide an obvious and remarkable corroboration of the biblical story of Joseph. An unusual life-sized statue was found at Avaris, honoring the famed Vizier who - by Egyptian records - saved the Egyptian people from a terrible famine. The statue is of a white-faced, clean-shaven Asiatic man with unusually-shaped and red hair, (and since legend is frequently based on fact) adjacent Egyptian wall murals depict Asian caravans of the time with similarly-featured non-Egyptian men wearing "coats of many colors"!
* Described in Papyrus #1116A in the Leningrad Museum is a mural of starving desert tribesmen seeking food from Egypt during a period of drought, "Pharaoh giving wheat to a tribe from Ashkelon, Hazor and Megiddo" (undoubtedly Hebrews from well-known cities in Israel);
* Roman historian, Josephus, in his book, "Josephus Against Apion", quotes two Egyptian priest-scholars, Manetho and Cheremon, who, in their own histories of Egypt, specifically name Joseph and Moses as leaders of the Hebrews, that they "rejected Egypt's customs and gods .. practiced animal sacrifices (witnessed on the first Passover)" .. These historians confirm that the Jews migrated to "southern Syria" (the Egyptian name for Palestine) and that the exodus occurred during the reign of Amenophis .. during the close of the 18th dynasty, 1500 to 1400 BC.

Reading between the lines and extrapolating the text in both the Old Testament and Egyptian artifacts, there is much that can be derived.

1. Pharaoh, whether or not normally religious, truly feared the interpretations of his dreams - seven fat sheaves and cows, followed by seven shriveled sheaves and lean cows. Probably the dreams were of a nightmarish quality - Pharaoh being unable to get relief from them, for he then instituted a remarkable fourteen year national program for survival of his country and people. The gigantic storage facility at Sakkara, with similar granary storehouse all over Egypt, indicates the scale and scope of the undertaking, storing excesses from the bountiful harvest during the first seven years.
2. Because of the importance of the program, the person selected by Pharaoh as Vizier had to be truly second to Pharaoh in administrative authority (as both the Bible, re Joseph, and Egyptian artifacts, re Imhotep, attest) . An aspect of human nature - that during many years of bounty (seven - a long time), unless one is truly fearful of a deity and the prediction of seven years of famine, there is a natural tendency to "slack off". Joseph, son of Patriarch Jacob, would have complete faith in God's prediction, however, Egyptian power resided in Pharaoh, thus he primarily, had to believe completely and fearfully in the forthcoming years of famine - to put his country through such an ordeal of self-denial and discipline during years of plenty. Such a national program had to have been the most important in the country, and for fourteen years duration: during the years of plenty, hoarding all excess grain, building storage cities, then transporting and maintaining the surplus grain; then during the years of famine, selling off the grain and safeguarding Egypt's accumulating wealth. An enormous administrative task, clearly, the designation of Joseph/Imhotep as "Vizier, second in power to Pharaoh in all of Egypt", has to be recognized as extremely meaningful.

Digging Deeper - Joseph and Imhotep

The "deeper digging" is by Dr. Lennart Moeller in his book, "The Exodus Case". Dr. Moeller, a medical doctor at Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, is also an archaeologist, explorer, marine biologist, scuba diver, and a scholar of both Egyptian history and the Bible. It was Dr. Mueller who directed the diving expedition which discovered coral-covered clumps of chariot wreckage from Egypt's 18th dynasty in the Gulf of Aqaba (see listed Ezine articles).

Moeller refers to an inscription on the island of Sihiel, near the first cataract of the Nile, which actually links Imhotep to the key biblical element of the Joseph story - telling of Pharaoh Djoser in the 18th year of his reign. The inscription states "seven meagre years and seven rich years". Commenting on the inscription, Moeller writes, "Pharaoh Djoser asks Imhotep to help him with the coming seven years of famine. All the biblical components of the story are there, and there is a similar inscription on the island of Philae in the Nile." (This is exactly as in the Bible with Joseph, except for listing the "meagre" years before the years of plenty. Note: The famine years were, of course, the event of significance, saving everyone from starvation and bringing in much wealth to Egypt - it is noted that the manuscript was written a thousand years after the occurrences.) A carving in Sakkara shows starving people (ribs prominently outlined), also shows sacks of grain being carried up steps (as in the "silo" vaults at Sakkara), also food being distributed. In summary, Moeller says, "It should be noted that there is no other period of famine of seven plus seven years in the history of Egypt - except for the one for which Imhotep was responsible." In Egyptian records, only one person is described as having the administrative authority to organize Egypt's survival during the long famine - Imhotep. The parallel to biblical Joseph is precise and compelling. Moeller cites the large number of similarities in the lives, the accomplishments, responsibilities and characteristics of Imhotep of Egypt and Joseph of the Bible. Noting the dove-tailing of their individual stories from separate Egyptian and biblical accounts, Moeller's conclusion is that the two - most probably - were the same person, the two stories told from different viewpoints. He includes 27 comparisons of Imhotep and Joseph, many are listed below.

(Imhotep - Egyptian records); {Joseph - Bible}:

* (Imhotep is appointed Administrator by Pharaoh Djoser during the periods of seven years famine and seven years of bountiful harvests); {Joseph is appointed Administrator to Pharaoh for the seven years of plenty then of famine};
* (Minister to the King of Lower Egypt); {Pharaoh .. made him ruler over all the land of Egypt};
* (Administrator of the GreatPalace); {Thou shalt be over my house};
* (Not of royal blood; attained position by ability); {From another nation and religion, not of royal blood, attained position by ability};
* (Not appointed by Pharaoh Djoser until he had reigned for some time); {Appointed well after Pharaoh ruled Egypt};
* (Given the status of "son" to Pharaoh); {Granted the status of "son" to Pharaoh};
* (High Priest in Heliopolis); {Married to Asenath, daughter of Poti-Pherah, High Priest in Heliopolis - by custom, would succeed father-in-law};
* (Builder and architect); {Builder of grain storehouses such as at Sakkara step-pyramid};
* (Exalted by Pharaoh Djoser as of godly character.); {"And Pharaoh said, 'a man in whom the spirit of God is!'"} ;
* ("I need advice from God."); {Noted as saying, "It is not in me; God shall give Pharaoh an answer."};
* (Had great medical skill - was compared to the Greek God of Healing);
* {Had doctors under his authority - worked by miracles, dreams and signs from God};
* (Decided the tax rate during the seven years of famine; also not to apply to priests); {Decided the tax rate during the seven years of famine; also not to apply to priests};
* (Realizes when he is dying - dies at age 110.); {Realizes when he is dying - dies at age 110.}.

The Roman-Jewish historian, Josephus, quotes the writings of Manetho, Egyptian historian: "During [the] reign of .. Pharaoh Djoser, 3rd Egyptian dynasty, lived Imhotep .. [with a] reputation among Egyptians like the Greek God of medicine - [Manetho even wondered] whether Imhotep could have been an actual person .. [because he had] "so many outstanding qualities and talents .. a very special person [who] appears in the history of Egypt." On the foundations of the Step Pyramid in Sakkara was carved the name of Pharaoh Djoser and ".. Imhotep, Chancellor of the King of Lower Egypt, Chief under the King, Administrator of the Great Palace, Hereditary Lord, High Priest of Heliopolis, Imhotep the Builder..".

The Bible tells of Pharaoh honoring Joseph with much the same offices as given to Imhotep "It is probable that Joseph was the only person to gain Pharaoh's confidence to this degree. Joseph received every authority apart from Pharaoh himself .. [though] not of royal blood and .. [of] another nationality." (As detailed above, the same also applies to Imhotep.) In both cases there is much reference to the pharaohic announcements - "second only to Pharaoh"; the Bible also tells of Joseph being given Pharaoh's signet ring (with the royal seal), an outstanding act and undoubtedly, a national event.

A startling point is Moeller's statement about what Joseph/Imhotep achieved for Egypt, "It was during the reign of Djoser that Egypt became a great power .. great riches were accumulated during the seven years of famine .. when grain was sold to all the countries around Egypt. The complex of buildings at Sakkara is remarkably unique, nothing like it has been seen anywhere .. built of white limestone from neighboring hills." Describing the immense storage vaults at Sakkara, Moeller writes, "40,000 cubic metres storage .. remnants of grain have been found at the bottom." Egypt built a vast nation-wide system of granary-storehouses as at Sakkara, evidence of a nationwide major program to store an enormous amount of grain for an anticipated famine.

While the Bible 's story of Joseph focuses on the greater story of the Hebrew people: his father Patriarch Jacob, the brothers, the beginning of the Hebrew sojourn in Egypt, leading to their slavery, then Moses and Aaron and the miracles of the plagues and the Exodus, it is the Egyptian artifacts that tell the details of how remarkable a man was Imhotep/Joseph. Not only an exceptional administrator who built the storage cities and maintained the discipline of storing rather than dissipating the excess grain during the seven years of bounty, Imhotep was also memorialized in Egyptian history for his medical abilities - his sarcophagus was decorated with the Ibis, Egyptian symbol of medicine, and in US medical schools today there is the Imhotep Medical Society.

Final "Clincher" - that Egyptian Imhotep was the Biblical Joseph.

Extremely noteworthy regarding Imhotep-Joseph is that the mummified bodies of neither have ever been found. The known facts regarding the burials of Imhotep and Joseph also strongly support the thesis that they were the same person:

- Both died at age 108.

- Imhotep's coffin in Sakkara - with innumeral Ibis birds mummified in the adjoining galleries (Imhotep was called "Ibis" because of his reputation for healing - a large number of Ibis birds were sacrificed to him at his funeral in Sakkara); many clay vessels bearing the seal of Pharaoh Djoser were near the coffin; and the coffin is oriented to the North, not East, and is empty.

- Joseph would have been buried at Sakkara, his coffin orientated to the North - indicating he did not believe in the gods of the Egyptians (who were buried facing East, the rising sun); the coffin would also be empty as Joseph's bones would have been taken by Moses with the Hebrews during the Exodus.

Aaron Kolom qualifies as a "rocket scientist" with over 50 years aerospace engineering: Stress Analyst to Chief of Structural Sciences on numerous military aircraft, to Corp. Director Structures and Materials, Asst. Chief Engineer Space Shuttle Program through first three flights (awarded NASA Public Service Medal), Rockwell International Corp.; Program Manager Concorde SST, VP Engineering TRE Corp.; Aerospace Consultant.

Aaron L. Kolom - from Brainwashed* and Miracles**

* The Perceived Mind-Set of the Secular Elite re Darwin Evolutionism!

** To Believe in Them - Have Faith - In Science and Logic!

Visit website at [] to learn a bit about Science vs the Bible, from conflict to confirmation.
Nov 23, 2008
Another look from the negative side, written by a pastor.

The sermons and presentations in this series will be, by nature, uneven. Some weeks will have more Bible and less Egyptology. Other weeks will be vice-versa. I could solve this by speaking for two hours at a shot, thus giving us a balanced mixture, but instinct tells me that this approach would not be the most popular. So last week's presentation caught us up on some necessary Biblical information; this week we will build on that from the Egyptian perspective as we ask the question, "Was Jospeh Imhotep?"

From Wikipedia: " the first architect and physician known by name in written history. As one of the officials of the Pharaoh Djosèr, he designed the Pyramid of Djzosèr (Step Pyramid) at Saqqara in Egypt around 2630-2611 B.C., during the 3rd Dynasty. He may also have been responsible for the first known use of columns in architecture. His name means 'the one who comes in peace.'"

Imhotep also served as chancellor to the pharaoh and high priest of the sun god Ra at Heliopolis. He was said to be a son of Ptah... He was revered as a genius and showered with titles. The full list of titles is: Chancellor of the King of Lower Egypt, First after the King of Upper Egypt, Administrator of the Great Palace, Hereditary nobleman, High Priest of Heliopolis, Builder, Sculptor and Maker of Vases in Chief. Imhotep is credited as the founder of Egyptian medicine, and as author of the Edwin Smith papyrus, detailing cures, ailments and anatomical observations...

Two thousand years after his death, his status was raised to that of a god. The location for Imhotep's tomb is still unknown. One fringe theory is that Imhotep has strong similarities to the biblical Joseph. Some have suggested the biblical Joseph is a composite created by the authors of the Torah from a Hebrew individual and Imhotep, the authors confusing Imhotep for Joseph.

National Geographic, January 1995, "The annual Nile flood, which inundated surrounding fields every autumn before farmers sowed their seed, failed seven years in a row. Djoser asked Imhotep where the source of the river lay. The pharaoh intended to travel there to interrogate the river gods and beg them to show mercy on his people.

"But Imhotep replied that sacred [God] books had given him the answer.... The floods returned, and the famine was over...."

Anyone who studies Egyptology on even a superficial level knows of Imhotep. He had a mind as great or greater than Da Vinci and Einstein. Perhaps no one in all time advanced architecture as much as he: he invented the column, he invented the use of quarried stone for building, and he invented the pyramid.

The Edwin Smith papyrus is the world's earliest known medical document, written around the 17th century B.C.E., but thought to be based on material from as early as 3000 B.C.E. It is an ancient textbook on trauma surgery, and describes anatomical observations and the examination, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of numerous injuries in exquisite detail. The papyrus contains the first descriptions of the cranial sutures, the meninges, the external surface of the brain, the cerebrospinal fluid, and the intracranial pulsations. The surgical procedures in the Egyptian Edwin Smith papyrus were quite rational given the time period. As well as having magical incantations against pestilence, it also contains a prescription for a wrinkle remover using urea, which is still used in face creams today.

The Edwin Smith papyrus shows that the heart, vessels, liver, spleen, kidneys, ureters and bladder were recognized, and that the blood-vessels were known to come from the heart. Other vessels are described, some carrying air, some mucus, while two to the right ear are said to carry the breath of life, and two to the left ear the breath of death.

Imhotep is credited as the founder of Egyptian medicine and the original author of the papyrus...

(source: Wikipedia)

Main idea: Joseph was a key figure in Egyptian history, but was he Imhotep?


The Pros and Cons of Equating Joseph with Imhotep

Striking similarities.

Both Joseph and Imhotep were Grand Viziers. Genesis 41:41-43, "So Pharaoh said to Joseph, 'I hereby put you in charge of the whole land of Egypt.' Then Pharaoh took his signet ring from his finger and put it on Joseph's finger. He dressed him in robes of fine linen and put a gold chain around his neck. He had him ride in a chariot as his second-in-command, and men shouted before him, 'Make way!' Thus he put him in charge of the whole land of Egypt."

The priestly connection between Joseph and Imhotep.

Imhotep was priest in Heliopolis. Of Joseph, we read, "Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, 'I am Pharaoh, but without your word no one will lift hand or foot in all Egypt.' Pharaoh gave Joseph the name Zaphenath-Paneah and gave him Asenath daughter of Potiphera, priest of On, to be his wife. And Joseph went throughout the land of Egypt." (Genesis 41:44ff)

Both were noted to be godlike. Imhotep was titled, "Son of the Ptah, the Creator God." Of Joseph, we read Pharaoh saying, "So Pharaoh asked them, 'Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the spirit of God?' Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, 'Since God has made all this known to you, there is no one so discerning and wise as you. You shall be in charge of my palace, and all my people are to submit to your orders. Only with respect to the throne will I be greater than you.'" Genesis 41:38ff

Imhotep was serving when there was a famine for seven years followed by seven years of plenty. With Joseph, it was the reverse. But the numbers are the same. The Joseph account makes more sense. In the Imhotep account, Imhotep saves 10% of the crops for famine (afterward), in the Joseph account, 20% beforehand.

Many famines in Egypt, but not seven years in a row. Only mentioned once in Egyptian history, and that was in connection with Imhotep.

When asked to interpret the famine, Imhotep said, "I need advice from God." When Pharaoh asked Joseph to interpret his dream, the text says, "I cannot do it," Joseph replied to Pharaoh, "but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires." (Genesis 41:16)

The building design of Imhotep's Step Pyramid was similar to the Sumerian Ziggurats, of which the tower of Babel was the first. Imhotep used stones rather than bricks. Joseph's great grandparents, Abraham and Sarah, were originally from the region where the ziggurats were built...they may have passed on the design.

Imhotep was a cutting edge physician and Joseph had doctors in his service:

"Joseph threw himself upon his father and wept over him and kissed him. Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel. So the physicians embalmed him, taking a full forty days, for that was the time required for embalming." (Genesis 50:2)

Both came to Pharaoh while he was in distress. The inscription near the Nile reads: "I was in distress on the Great Throne"

In Genesis 41:8, Pharaoh is unusually distressed because of disturbing dream.

Imhotep died at the age of 110. Joseph died at the age of 110 (Genesis 50:22-26).

(source: The Exodus Case by Dr. Lennart Moller)

Major problems.


Egyptian chronology can be floated for centuries; nonetheless, the Biblical Joseph is thought to have lived 700 years after Imhotep; it might be possible to make the chronology fit, but this is very far from mainstream dating.

and worshipped pagan deities…does not fit Joseph.


Joseph not associated with architecture.

Although Joseph was given in marriage to a priest's daughter, Imhotep was an actual priest.

Joseph's background was in shepherding, not construction.

Pastor Ed's Suggested Answer

Inaccuracies expected after 1,000 years.

A bias against the enslaved Hebrews.

An amplified bias after the exodus.

Senusret III: A better fit.

The Eleventh (all of Egypt), Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth Dynasties of ancient Egypt are often combined under the group title, Middle Kingdom.

Twelfth Dynasty
Name Dates

Amenemhat I

1991–1962 B.C.

Senusret I (Sesostris I)

1971–1926 B.C.

Amenemhat II

1929–1895 B.C.

Senusret II (Sesostris II)

1897–1878 B.C.

Senusret III (Sesostris III)

1878–1839 B.C.

Amenemhat III

1860–1814 B.C.

Amenemhat IV

1815–1806 B.C.


1806–1802 B.C.

The chronology of the Twelfth Dynasty is the most stable of any period before the New Kingdom.

(Source: Wikipedia)

He conquered Nubia, parts of Asia and even a small part of Europe (Thrace – part of Turkey/Bulgaria).

Imhotep was a composite figure.

Were Joseph and Imhotep the same person? No and Yes.

Joseph's life was combined with the life of Imhotep to form a "larger than life" Imhotep.

Illustration: The Legend of King Arthur and the real Governor Arturus.

So Imhotep is a combination: the real genius architect, Imhotep, who invented the column, oversaw the first building made of stone, and made medical contributions; Joseph, who may have been thought to be the reincarnation of Imhotep, saved Egypt from famine and made the Pharaoh more powerful and wealthier than anyone on earth in all history up to that time and was noted to interpret dreams.

Like Imhotep, Joseph had not come up through the royal family, and, like Imhotep, he surfaced in the midst of a Pharaoh's reign.

In addition to the legendary Imhotep being the real Imhotep and Joseph, other legends and myths grew around him, resulting in his eventual deification.

Lessons for Us

Many religions have distorted elements of truth.

All cultures have the legend of the flood.

Many cultures have a legend of the Virgin Birth.

Many religions have the promise of a returning religious leader.

Two interpretations: common source and distortion or one religion borrowing from the other.

Influence is temporary.

Nothing can permanently lock-in truth.

Joseph had great influence, no way to make it eternal.

Dead Pharaohs had their tombs plundered, names erased, history changed.

Appreciation is a short-term motivator.

Once the generation arose who knew not Pharaoh, no loyalty to Joseph's people remained.

People are uncomfortable working from a debt of gratitude.

People reinterpret the past to suit their agendas.

This is true in marriage.

It is true in the workplace.

It is true in politics.

It is true regarding how history is interpreted.

Really honest people are rare birds.

If I am right, what Joseph did was attributed to the more politically correct Imhotep.

High profile believers do not make a believing nation.

American Christians are under the delusion that if we can do things as good as the world, if we can publicize the famous personalities that are believers, people will flock to Christ.

The truth is that the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit because they are spiritually discerned.

Genuinely saved people are drawn to Christ because the Spirit of God works within them to create a hunger for being right with God.

Godly leaders can make a difference, but people remember the difference, not their godliness.

The Kingdom of God is weak or strong based upon the grass roots.


The world wants Imhoteps, not Josephs.

But God wants us to be Josephs, not Imhoteps. He wants us to fear Him, to be willing to go against the crowd, to be filled with godly wisdom.
Nov 23, 2008
This is about your hundreth thread like this. Are you really trying to establish a religious identity for yourself, or is this basically an excuse to mirror fundy arguments? Smells a bit like spam to me.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
This is about your hundreth thread like this. Are you really trying to establish a religious identity for yourself, or is this basically an excuse to mirror fundy arguments? Smells a bit like spam to me.

I just like these kinds of arguments. And i like to represent both sides of the argument so i post both. The negative side to to this particular issue was hard to find. I like my ds and pc games too but before i make threads about them there is usually one there.

EDIT: this is like my 4th thread on issues like this over a year... SO WHATCHA TALKING ABOUT WILLIS?
Nov 23, 2008
That is WAY too much to read, unless you explain why it's really, really important.
Sep 6, 2009
That is WAY too much to read, unless you explain why it's really, really important.

Basically the first is showing all the similariities between the story of Joseph and Imhotep. The second says that some parts are similar and other parts arent.

Maybe thsi chart will be simpler?

I cant compy and past chart thought it comes out goofy.
Nov 23, 2008
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