Is this why there is no Indiegogo section on watch?


The Smoker
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
April 12, 2009

According to that research, Kickstarter projects raised 6 times more cash than Indiegogo ones. And we know the rules, on KS unsuccessful projects won't get a single coin while on IGG is not like that.
Now one can say on KS there are more projects as it's not just games, but still. The difference is too impressive to be ignored.
Apr 12, 2009
I will never use Indiegogo. The fear of sending my money somewhere without any guarantees is too much. At least KS gives you the guarantee that the project will start (even if you don't like the resulting product)
Sep 23, 2008
Indigogo does the same, you just have to pay attention what kind of campaign is run, flexible or fixed funding. Fixed is same as KS.
Oct 18, 2006
Indigogo gives the money regardless of them making their it is a little less responsibility for the dev to try.
Apr 17, 2007
Indigogo gives the money regardless of them making their goal…so it is a little less responsibility for the dev to try.
That's probably one of the plus sides of Indigogo. It can be both a blessing and a curse though. The amount earned might not even be enough to develop your game.

As for why developers prefer kickstarter look at Frontier for an example. It failed miserably on Indigogo, but was successful on kickstarter. The developer even blogged about it.

Oct 1, 2010
People please read? Not all indigogo campaigns are flexible funding! The reason that IGG hasn't had much success for gaming projects? Parly because people have prejudices in their head like you guys (Oh, IGG is flexible funding, oh, oh!), partly because Kickstarter is the big thing and IGG the second in command (we call it kickstarting, not indiegogoing). Partly because past success draws more success, and failure drives potential success away, perpetuating the trend. I personally regret it, some more competiton between the two (and even more others) would be good, because frankly, KS is itself lacking in several ways, and I think only real competition will change that. And I regret the US/UK centricity of the site.
Oct 18, 2006
I don't need to read as I was just responding to another post. I know they offer two different ways to get funding.:p

Everything else you wrote I agree with also. Like it or hate it Kickstarter is the dominant winner in this battle.
Oct 1, 2010
because people have prejudices in their head like you guys (Oh, IGG is flexible funding, oh, oh!)
The prejudice comes from the possibility. And what you call the prejudice, I call the logical suspicion. See, we want to help funding a game. We want to make some ppl work on something we like and those ppl get payed for it. We don't want to give that money to charity, there are other sites and ways we did that.

And ppl don't want to search which project is fixed and which one is not. I don't see how IGG could possibly come close to KS unless they switch all projects to nonflexible.
Apr 12, 2009
I agree with others, even though I know indiegogo does both I don't care to find out which it is. I just stay away from it.

Not sure how you pay indiegogo but being able to use my amazon account with kickstarter is a big plus for me.

I'm done with all crowd funding for now though, until I start to see a return on my initial investments.
Come on, you don't have to search for it or "find out" you just read what it says right under the contribute button, if there is a project that interests you (reported here, e.g.). And they use paypal (you know the option people always complain KS isn't using?). Just keep an open mind, don't ignore an interesting game just because it's on Indiegogo.
Ghan, who isn't Pibbur, and also isn't payed by Indiegogo.
Oct 18, 2006
Come on, you don't have to search for it or "find out" you just read what it says right under the contribute button, if there is a project that interests you (reported here, e.g.). And they use paypal (you know the option people always complain KS isn't using?). Just keep an open mind, don't ignore an interesting game just because it's on Indiegogo.
Ghan, who isn't Pibbur, and also isn't payed by Indiegogo.

I can confirm that the Ghan is not me. It's a passenger train in Australia (apparently and according to Wikipedia).


pibbur who quite often agrees with mr G. And who is payed by nobody, except Helse-vest-ikt.
Come on, you don't have to search for it or "find out" you just read what it says right under the contribute button, if there is a project that interests you (reported here, e.g.).
Yes I do have to search as it's not written in front of everything like this:

And they use paypal (you know the option people always complain KS isn't using?).
Now that's something that really doesn't bother me at all. Dunno why ppl find setting an amazon account problematic. But just like Deep Silver got to be Steam's new best friend, Kickstarter will probably in the near future make a friendship with Paypal.

Just keep an open mind, don't ignore an interesting game just because it's on Indiegogo.
Can't keep an open mind on gambling, sorry. If you would get a loan from a bank, would you really accept a flexible interest there bank can change it any day onesided of course, or you'd rather go for a fixed one? It's the same here. Flexible in this case means the project starter doesn't answer anything to those who gave the cash and still gets that cash. And I don't want my nose to be pulled!
Apr 12, 2009
I didn't know Indiegogo had the option to be the same as Kickstarter. But then that would probably hint you why it's not as successful. If I didn't know it, I'd bet the majority of people don't know it either. Maybe they would be more successful if they removed the flexible system altogether, as it's just getting in the way more than helping their cause.
Sep 23, 2008
Wolfing: maybe they should, Otoh I think there are campaigns on indiegogo where it makes sense.

But I don't know why people don't know, really. I've know since the very first game that campaigned on indigogo that was mentioned here, where I noticed the strange funding scheme and pm'd the developers who then changed it. And for example the watch covered Ghost of a tale extensively, and that was fixed funding.
Oct 18, 2006
I think indiegogo is a little older. I'm not sure why the ability to back out has (if it is) the reason kickstarter is more popular. in marketing there seems to be a herd mentality in people that just causes them to gravitate to what is more popular. is kickstarter really a better mousetrap? retention of that initial group is a different matter altogether. Its part of principals of corporate darwinism.

someone brought up alpha funding the other day using minecraft as an example.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Indiegogo has somewhat cheap look, Kickstarter looks lot prettier, don't underestimate how much that can have effect on people.I think that people on KS know this since they did update look several times since first time I visited.
May 21, 2012
Sto plains
There's a couple of problems I have with the indiegogo site:
  • all of the games are mixed together in one category: both video and board games
  • you have to page through the lists rather than just scrolling down
Those factors make Kickstarter both cleaner and easier to use.
Mar 22, 2012
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