It's Flu Season!

According to Hollywood, you'll be dead tomorrow.
Don't worry - I'm coughing more than in any Hollywood movie for past 3 decades and am yet alive and kickin'! :D

If flu, ignore forums and any activity, your body needs energy to fight lil' monsters so get your arse to bed. Next few days ignore chemicals as those can't help. Get a chicken soup, if possible not industrial, to calm the symptoms.

I just had chicken sallad, does that count? ;)
I'm visiting forums from bed, so it's not too demanding but yeah, gonna watch another horror movie then i'm off to sleep again.

My kitten thinks i'm a total bore, yodeling from the living room right now..
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
I get a flu shot every year. With my asthma, any kind of cough slams me pretty hard. They're free at work.

Actually, video games are one of the best things for any ailment for me! It isn't that they are really doing anything directly but they distract me very nicely. TV and books work, too, but never as well as video games. If I get distracted enough, it seems to help quite a bit - coughs don't happen as much, pains aren't as painful, and so on.

P.S. Oh, we got @a pibbur; for Christmas!
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Eh? That wasn't off topic at all - I'm happy to see you!
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
If you have high fever (39C or more), paracetamole (over the counter) will lower the temperature and may make you feel better. Recommended dose for adults: 1000 mg (two 500 mg tablets)
Nov 11, 2019
The sedated feeling is getting really old lol.

Sleep 3h, awake 3h, sleep 3h etc…
Getting sick and tired of being sick and tired?

A pibbur who sometimes is a bit … Silly? Stupid? Weird? Whatever?
Nah, it's just the "no tone of voice" thing.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Yes, it is. Mine started with a cold and now I have a sore throat and clogged nose and ears.
Jan 3, 2020
I was really bad one night. Woke up and i could feel something was "wrong", really dizzy, dripping with sweat, strange psychedelic thoughts. Went up to find my paracetamol, had to make an effort to go through some drawers and i began feeling really weak and i fell to the floor. I started to drift off, thought i'd lay there and sleep for a while but then i remembered i was there to take the paracetamol to make the fever go down and that it probably wasnt good if it was going to go up.. So i made a real effort and i managed to find them, i took two, after 30 mins i was kind of back to normal again.

I read somewhere that when the fever goes up you will be cold and when it goes down you are sweating. This must be total BS because i've only been sweating and been really warm.
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
It's not bullshit. It's how fever usually works and is compliant with normal mechanisms for regulating body temperature. That doesn't mean that it's always like that. If you experience hot and cold feelings when temperature varies it's a good idea to decide using paracetamole the whole day, for instance 1000 mg every 6th hour (but no more than three times a day), and not wait until temperature rises again.

One more thing: never take more than the recommended dose, and don't combine drugs containing paracetamole. The stuff is very safe when using normal doses with very few side effects compared to other pain/fever killers. Overdosing is however more dangerous, as little as 10 g in a single dose (three times the recommended 24 hour dose) may result in severe liver damage. But used according to recommendations it is the drug of choice.

A pibbur who observes that in some, unmentionable, countries paracetamole is called acetaminophen.
Last edited:
Nov 11, 2019
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